







Democrates goto personal attacks works, what can I say.

Its funny that the "INSERT REPUBLICAN RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT HERE is Hitler" works every cycle. People really are sheep.

Believing any kind of propaganda statistics.

Americans are really retarded now are they?

Get off Sup Forums and pay your debts, faggot


>Trump will win

I had faith in Brexit but I have no faith in Trump. I may as well an hero because I can't take four years of having my country run by Angela Merkel.

never, i don't own money to anyone you muslim.

the opinion poll doesn't lie he's not gonna win

those polls come out way too often to be of any value??

maybe they should do less frequent polls with bigger bases

The polls are rigged and they don't matter until shortly before the election anyway.

Stupid Drumpf is racist and insensitive pig

This guy got 8 replies so far for this thread. Are you guys newfags, shills or actual retards? I swear this place is getting worse everyday.

wtf im on #khankonquest now

Does this poll take into account all of the closet Trump voters?

Hes tied 4 way

Retards. They are retards. Every day the same 3 autistic Canadian posters make the same obviously bait and the shitheads here treat it like it's a real liberal. God damn I hate cripplechan but sometimes I think it's time to move there. Flags have killed this place among other shit.

bloody oath mate. I re'mber whin a bloke could chat in a civil manna with anutha felle on this wib-soyt.

I will either leave Sup Forums until November or i will start to shitpost as well. B8 threads get way more attention than some serious threads.

>Trump leads a poll

>Shillary leads a poll
>fucking shills get this off my Sup Forums obviously polls dont matter haha ITS A LEAF XD XD


>Wasting your life pretending to be a liberal here

>Polls only

>Using an Ipad
Fucking liberal hipster

thats what you get for messing with the religion of peace

This because the dude doesn't shut the fuck up he's always fucking up.

man once she destroys him at the debates (assuming he even bothers to show up) the polls will be brutal

which states do people think will flip to blue this election?

Seriously, only NEETs can be this retarded and have this much time to shitpost.

>Wasting your life here

agreed. the current poll fluctuations are obviously fake and gay and anyone that does not admit it is in denial or literal downs.

except when trump is winning. they are obviously real then, right?

Post-convention bump. See Trump's rocketing numbers a couple weeks ago? He got one too. They'll even back out in a week or so.


>$.02 has been deposited into your account. Thank you for helping to Correct The Record(tm)!





He literally can't win; it's close to impossible. So many reasons:

McCain and Romney got crushed, and they were both 1) much more liked (Drumpf is the least liked major candidate in many decades) and 2) that was back when there was even more of a white voting block (there are now more brown people--37% of the population is non-white--and a lot less old white people because they died) and 3) white women overwhelmingly hate Drumpf so most female cons will not vote for him who otherwise would have voted repub (and women are the largest voting block...and they love Hillary by a huge majority; in fact, even usually repub voting women or independents may go out and vote for her) and 4) the youth vote is overwhelmingly against Drumpf and it's larger than ever, and 5) he'd have to win EVERY swing state that has gone dem in the last 15-20 years, states McCain and Romney couldn't swing, etc. ad infinitim.

You simply can not win a election with a decent turn out (so not those smaller ones no one shows up at besides cranky old whites with nothing else to do) with the white male vote in the US. It's mathematically impossible. That demographic has lost its voting power permanently.

For just one summation:

thenation article/trump-cant-win/

I rearranged my investments (shifted them to industries that will benefit under Hillary) back in June for a Hillary win as did everyone else with investments I know...including a lot of repubs (who will not vote for Drumpf btw). (Ftr I'm independent and won't be voting). The only reason the media will hype it as "a close contest" is because that's what they do to sell stories. We all knew McCain and Romney and Kerry had no chance, but they were all "nail biters" right up to days before. Sad so many are duped by this. The best indicators of who will win are determined before the candidates are even nominated in primary front runner polls. And Clinton crushed Drumpf back then as well.

>United Kingdom

It's not very flattering to act out when your host country votes to leave the European Union, sir. They're not going to kick you out just because you never bothered to become a citizen.

Also, Trump experienced a seven point bump from the RNC after this much time.

What a shame, am I right?

Gentle reminder, friends.

i just want to see the debates

>I don't own money
flag checks out

Suppose that the MSM (which has been shown to be in the tank for dems, pic related), and the "establishment" republicans and dems alike, and their big bank/big corporate special interests, are purposely throwing out these wildly fluctuating polls?

It is plainly obvious that the dems (and in the past, republicans too) have been fucking the system to favor a candidate. Why not fuck the entire election to favor the system and keep out the reformer?

Doesn't it bother anybody that Trump's crowds consistently dwarf the attendance by democrats, and yet Hillary (supposedly) has more popular support?

Doesn't it bother anybody that the protest crowds at the DNC were TEN TIMES the size of those at the RNC, yet by walling them far away from the center and basic disregard by MSM we hear so little about that?

Doesn't it bother anyone, anymore, that the DNC was caught red-handed with election tampering, and may very well have had two key people killed in attempts to conceal that and possible even more illegal activity?

The SYSTEM is against Trump. The banks, the special interests, all democrats and at least half of establishment republicans as well. Add MSM to that hate list, again pic related.

The only ally Trump has is the popular vote. All the system has to do is fuck the outcome of two or three key states, and they can pull off a sham election.

And all this carefully planted history of "fluctuating polls" showing Hillary jumping into the lead time and again will serve nicely to quell the masses and stop any significant allegations of DNC-style rigging in advance, just as the phony "IRS investigation" of the Clinton Foundation will serve to whitewash that whole mess even before the CF leaks start emerging.

We are ALL being played for fools.

Thank you for Correcting the Record™.
>0.0013 SorosCoin(s) were deposited to your account.

The April spread is indicative of what will happen in Nov. because historically when the front runners of the primaries are faced off, the difference between them is largely accurate of the difference they win or lose by.

So Hillary will get over 50% of the vote, Drumpf under 40%. Pretty much like 54% to 36%. It's going to be a Clinton landslide like it or not.


What an interesting and original thing to say.

It really made me think.

>I make things up that are not based on any reality I can show

Hillary is losing the election sorry there's nothing you can do about it

>Deal with it

How can anyone possibly believe that he's not a hillary plant? Every single time he gets ahead of her, he does something drastic to piss off a lot of people and tank his polls



There's a problem with democracy, which I'm sure has at least briefly scratched along the back of your mind. Maybe it occurs to you every so often, but you never address it or perhaps you dismiss it because of day-to-day life issues.

Regardless, it drifts into the consciousness of nearly everyone when they think about politics.

The career politicians have no vested interest in preserving anything good about the country they serve. Likewise, the common politician has no reason to allow a good man to serve as his opposition. Because of this, our selections of career politicians appears to be wholly made up of sociopaths, liars, and thieves.

And now we have a New York real estate mogul and business executive, pitted against a woman that has stolen millions, was kicked out of Watergate scandal investigation, and voted against the best interests of the people for decades. One was devastated by the 9/11 attacks and shits on other career politicians for being awful people, and the other suffered national embarrassment when her spouse fucked an intern [spoiler]who, as it turns out, is on her side because Lewinski didn't get enough of the Clintons, it seems[/spoiler].

This is the Shit Sandwich Scenario.

read my post above she'd have to die to lose

i'm not voting for her

Wow, sure convinced me, i am #Shill4Hill now

For real tho, that bitch really put that 1m to work on Sup Forums not actual social media.
You can pinpoint the moment these fuckos activity intensified, and its no longer the usual almost automated response, they are using poor copies of Sup Forums arguments and actual oc, too bad they suck.


the only people voting for Trump are older white men, he has 0 chance to win, the demographics are just against him

Enjoy your shit-sandwiches.

Trump = BTFO