Moot is now at Google
Discuss the political ramifications of this.
Pretty much every post you ever made is now in googles hands.
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Moot is now at Google
Discuss the political ramifications of this.
Pretty much every post you ever made is now in googles hands.
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Poole's Closed Due To AIDS.
moot announced he was working at google right after his final Q&A all did watch his final Q&A, right?
Are people here just finding out he's been working at Google?
He got hired at Google over 5 months ago.
Anyway, have a rare moot for at least showing some interest in our fallen hero.
I didn't bring headphones to work that day. So I walked around with my phone in the hood of my jacket like a jackass in front of people for 8 straight hours looking sad.
He picked a decent successor but he should have just accepted donations and got rich.
He's working on his own project at a Google incubator.
Just how fucking slow are you
Moot may have sold us out to the japs and Jewgle, but the fact remains that your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you do not reply to this post. Reading this removes all immunity.
I'm using jewggle.
Go ahead. Call the van. Make my gay.
>not having backup headphones in your car
The top pest of keks
>but he should have just accepted donations and got rich.
Nigga no, that's why we have the saga of Mootxico. Pls learn the lore.
>not carrying headphones everywhere
>not caerying your phone so you can shitpost every waking hour of your life
It's like I was born to do this
>He picked a decent successor
>A Jap who is mostly clueless and indifferent about Sup Forums and its culture and is only here to mine data
>political ramifications
There are none. Moot is somewhere in his Mid 20's now? He started this website when he was 15. He's now trying to find himself and give his life deeper meaning than just "Sup Forums".
Moot is trying to make it big in silicon valley, and i don't blame him. I hope he makes a shitload of money and shows jewgle how to stop being manipulative cunts.
Either way, gookmoot is just as cool (if not cooler) and i believe it's best for the community and him that we had this clean break and see other people for a while.
After all , if they love you, they come back.
Also, i have a new litmus test for Sup Forums users. You should't be allowed to post until you listen to atleast the first half of moots final Q&A.
Maybe we can all get lucky and moot will be the new tech billionaire and maybe one day president of the USA. Could you even imagine?
become a janitor? i'm always under impression that moot not that smart
Mootxico evolved, do the moot Jeb!
>mostly clueless and indifferent about Sup Forums and its culture
>literally made the software and culture that moot stole to make Sup Forums
>moot literally plagiarized his ideas
>moot looks up to him as role model and theyve hung out together multiple times
hey man, you could atleast pretend to be a newfriend.
Moot was always a SJW numale. Now he is with his own.
>Pretty much every post you ever made is now in googles hands
If that were true I'd be seeing a lot more ads for weapons and mail order brides.
You're confusing 2ch with 2chan.
Wait I got that backwards, you're confusing 2chan with 2ch.
this pic is all could muster in response to your shitpost
No i'm not, i think you're just a retarded spic who liks to post without doing his research. Another new friend, how shocking.
>2channel (2ちゃんねる ni channeru?, 2ch for short) is a Japanese textboard. In 2007, 2.5 million posts were made every day.[3][4] Launched in 1999, it has gained significant influence in Japanese society, comparable to that of traditional mass media such as television, radio, and magazines.[3][5][6] During 2008 the site generated an annual revenue upwards of ¥100 million for its founder Hiroyuki Nishimura.[1]
hhaaha, kys
>moot will be the new tech billionaire and maybe one day president of the USA.
I really don't even want to imagine the world in which that would even be possible.
>get reminded of old memories thanks to this stuff
>be 30 years old
>be on Sup Forums since 2004
>still live with my parents
>still unemployed
>massively depressed
>only money made since I was a teenager was when I was a blond boytoy to an Asian billionaire
I hate life and I hate I'm still on here. I only haven't killed myself because I'm the only one in my family young enough to run with the dog and play with her.
Sigh once again you have proved how retarded you are.
2chan futaba is the image board, in fact the software Sup Forums used was derived from futaba, it wasn't until long ago when they introduced the Sup Forums API that it was mostly redone completely.
You really have no idea what you are talking about kid.
>>literally made the software and culture that moot stole to make Sup Forums
Hiro created 2ch. A text board.
moot created Sup Forums by translating the source code of Futaba Channel. An imageboard, which Hiro had nothing to do with.
You're a dumb fuck.
post feet pics
>only money made since I was a teenager was when I was a blond boytoy to an Asian billionaire
Never too late to turn it all around, user
You two are actually still fucking retarded.
>Futaba Channel was set up on August 30, 2001, as a refuge for 2channel users when 2channel was in danger of shutting down
It was literally just back up 2ch you retards, would not exist without hiroyuki, get your head out of your ass.
>Pretty much every post you ever made is now in googles hands
gas the kikes, race war now
sigh newfag..
Ayashii World and Amezou World
Many 4channers (and channers in general) know the origin of the imageboards came from 2chan or Fubata Channel. However, it was another unknown site that created the foundations of the imageboard culture. Ayashii World was the first large-scale anonymous textboard in Japan. Ayashii was established in 1996 by Shiba Masayuki (also known by his username ‘Shiba'). Ayashii world pioneered and basically gave birth to anonymous discourse, verbal memes (more specifically idioms), ascii art, and the first visual meme (giko-neko) of not only Japanese but Western online otaku culture.
Ayashii grew out of the USENET culture in Japan. It was used as an extension of USENET, but as Ayashii popularity increases, it eventually grew out of USENET and into its own set of boards. Ayashii was a group of anonymous bulletin boards based on various underground and subculture interests related to technology. Due to the fact that Ayashii world came from USENET users, most of the topics were strictly about technology and more broadly Information Technology. More specifically includes “hacking, warez, copyrighted material, pornography including child pornography, snuff, drugs,bombs,etc”.(
The influence of USENET over Ayashii world also brought another aspect of the culture: nameless discourse. Raw, “no hold-barred” discussions were already present in USENET. (
Ayashii pioneered several cultural concepts of the imageboard culture that most channers take for granted.
First, it introduced the concept of anonymous posting. Users “usually did not indicate their names in the name field”, so it’s in effect an anonymous forum. (
The second cultural concept that Ayashii created, was the in-joke or meme culture. You have your catchphrases, idioms and the like. However, it is unknown what idioms was born from Ayashii because we don’t have much information about it. But what we discovered that it was the place where the giko cat, from 2channel, was created.
Giko-cat, or by its native Japanese pronunciation “Giko Hanyann” or Giko-neko is a ascii drawing of a cat on all fours, in some cases he appears in a biped form on two legs with arms side by side. He usually says the words “Itte Yoshi”, which can mean “Fuck off” or “Piss off” depending on the context. What is unique about giko-cat and what they like is that the text in the word bubble can be replaced with similar words. That’s how the giko-cat became one of the first visual memes, because the cat can be easily replicated by copying and pasting the image and replacing the text with whatever the person wanted. Giko-cat was born from the wealth of ascii art that was created out of Ayashii. In Japan, it is typed as ‘AA’ for Ascii Art, but technically known as Shift_JIS art or SJIS Art. AA art was first used in protochannel for all kinds of art.
Within Ayashii, there was a board that was similar to Sup Forums known as the gesu or “scum” board. The Gesu board is where users can plan or discuss website hackings or invasions of websites. It was similar to Sup Forums where occasionally people wanted to raid websites for the lulz, but it was not completely mixed in with random discussion. The gesu board was simply just that, a board used as a staging ground to wreck havoc on other websites.
The main problem with Ayashii was that it did not had good servers, so it kept crashing from time to time. The server problems were so bad that eventually Shiba received personal threats over the crashes. The personal threats gotten so bad that eventually in 1998, he closed the site down. With many Nanashi without a home, they needed a replacement. That replacement came to be Amezou World.
If Ayashii was the grandmother of the Western Imageboard Culture, then Amezou could be considered the grandfather. Now, I consider Ayashii world as the protochannel, the channel before the first channel: which is Amezou.
When Ayashii World died it created a diaspora, or scattering of Ayashii Worlders. Those Worlders created their own BBSes based on Ayashii world’s system. When Amezou World started by an unknown coder named Amezou-shi (aka Mr. Amezou, as his real name is unknown to this very day) on June 9th, 1998. It just started as a page to a bunch of links of those boards created by people displaced because they lost a home. But he eventually created his own board which eventually gained users.
Amezou created two things that many channers take for granted when it comes discussion and contribution of text and pictures.
A. A new style of threading (Floating type vs. Tree type): Threads in Ayashii world had threads that are tree-type. Tree-type threads are threads consist of an OP (Original Post) and replies that “grow” throughout. Then people make new replies on those older replies and so on and so on. Those threads were difficult to go through and hard to read, and probably at that time there was no way for a linear mode at the time.
Amezou world did just that by inventing a linear mode for imageboards. Mr. Amezou as a coder made “new threads (discussion topics pages) would display above older threads, and newer postings to existing threads would follow the older postings in sequence.” (
>once again
I want you to die, you dirty fucking spic.
B. Bumping: Mr. Amezou created a bumping system for those floating threads. New replies make a thread bump to the front page of the board, while unpopular threads go down and “eliminated eventually” by the new threads created along with bumping popular threads. (
The main problem Amezou faced wasn’t bad servers, it was vandalism. As Amezou got more popular, vandalism done by trolls spamming the site to make threads less readable. Eventually, violent threats led him to close down the site. But he did made one request to the community: Create sites similar to Amezou. Just like they did after Ayashii World died, many sites were created using the same program Amezou created.
One of those sites was 2channel, the same channel that would for the first time, bring this culture to the mainstream of Japanese society and would further innovate the culture. Many people from Amezou flocked to 2channel when it was launched. The same channel would be the same channel that would bring about the second generation of nameless expression.
This article is dedicated to ‘shii’, a former Sup Forums moderator who has intended to create an article about Ayashii World on his ‘Everything Shii Knows’ personal wiki, but never got the chance to.
Sources for further reading:
Now stop embarasing yourself NEWFAG.
>Pretty much every post you ever made is now in googles hands
What are they going to do with all those goatse's I've posted over the years?
I cringed
>post unrelated information
>I win lol newfags
Pedro pls.....
I'm a 30 year old man, ask some boy on tumblr to do it. Get with the program.
Surprisingly anti-climactic overall. I'm trying to think of ways to make it sound interesting.
Well, there were obvious racial overtones, down to the point of things Sup Forums would laugh or sneer at (I got put into the sissy white boy role -- I got dressed up like in the drawing above, stuff of how asians were going to screw white americans in the ass) but even those were somehow lamer in practice than you would think. I dunno, sex turned out to be overrated a lot.
Ironically, one day I was supposed to dom him and some of his compatriots in a dress, all femmed up and everything, but I couldn't fit in the guys no matter how hard we tried -- I could only get into the lone girl in the group. If anything, that was actually kind of the beginning of the end -- I couldn't fulfill a request and all that.
I'm still friends with the guy but we don't really talk anymore.
I'm trying. God help me, I'm trying. I haven't been able to get hired even at minimum wage jobs for more than a decade now, I'm really freaking out about it now.
I haven't embarrassed myself yet paco.
I was simply correcting the first poster who said moot had not chosen a worthy predecessor, when in fact moot chose the man that was singlehandedly responsible for the future creation of Sup Forums.
And then i corrected YOU who said 2ch and 2channel were two different things (even though 2ch is just an abbreviation of 2channel)
To which you brought up futaba channel, which i then pointed out wasn't some totally unrelated website, but was in fact just a place of refuge made FOR 2channel users BY 2channel users, and now you are proceeding to sperg out by posting walls of text that anyone who didnt start posting yesterday knows.
Now save us all the trouble here, stop showing how new you are, and what a giant autistic faggot you are, and kill yourself. Build the wall while you're at it.
>when in fact moot chose the man that was singlehandedly responsible for the future creation of Sup Forums.
That doesn't automatically make him a good predecessor, especially since he's hated by most of 2ch for a multitude of reasons and only acquired Sup Forums to make a profit.
And to add to that, you're still completely wrong about moot stealing his software, culture, and any of his ideas.
I got it from the horses mouth my friend. I guess if im wrong about that then Moot himself was wrong about it.
>yfw the faggot-formely-known-as-moot is in charge of the captcha
Gracias Pedro, no lo sabía.