Economists say free migration would double world GDP. Why do you hate free migration so much, Sup Forums?
Economists say free migration would double world GDP. Why do you hate free migration so much, Sup Forums?
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I don't care if 2 billion chinese and indian peasants can afford another dog to eat per day if the west suffers complete stagnation and decline.
And also economists say that maximization of GDP growth is achieved 25% of GDP government spending. More immigrants = more welfare = more government spending. Unless we get rid of welfare, there will be no economic growth even if you import whole fucking China here.
This. Muh world GDP means absolutely nothing to me
>More immigrants = more welfare
If you take a look at the studies, immigrants have a minimal effect in fiscal expenditure. It's a myth.
Labor mobility... But what if these migrants dont do any labor?
global warming by encouraging niggers and sandniggers to reproduce.
"I don't care" isn't an argument.
Finite resources = fuck those cunts coming here for our stuff.
fuck GDP and fuck niggers
European immigrants don't change welfare usage.
Shitskins double it.
Watch: the truth about immigration and welfare by Stefan molyneux
Resources are allocated globally nowadays anyway. Them coming over here doesn't change that.
You asked me why I hate free migration
It's because it's supposed benefits don't help me at all, while it's negatives hurt me considerably
For what reason could I possibly like it, let alone not hate it?
I don't care about your open border shilling, I wanted to know who the girl is
>Making more money doesn't help me
>Having a foreign neighbor hurts my fee-fees
I don't follow user.
Most people who support this position are educated white men. Try again, Cletus.
>immigrants have a minimal effect in fiscal expenditure
This is factually incorrect. Illegals alone cost this country over a hundred billion a year by the most spic-friendly estimates. They don't even add that amount to the economy, and pay virtually no taxes.
And the legal ones who can claim more gibmedats cost even more.
>Implying I'll be the one making the money
>Implying having a foreign neighbor doesn't literally hurt me in the form of reduced property value and community standards of living
Fuck off kike
>muh GDP
>I don't follow user.
You don't actually benefit from migration. The extra tax costs vastly exceed the economic growth.
yeah but on the girl
There are more important things in this world than bunch of shekels.
Based Romania
>muh GDP
Why the fuck should GDP come before being safe in your own fucking city?
>This is factually incorrect. Illegals alone cost this country over a hundred billion a year by the most spic-friendly estimates. They don't even add that amount to the economy, and pay virtually no taxes.
If you say so..
Good goy. Just destroy your countries, import endless waves of sub-human scum, then maybe, just maybe I will reward you with some shekels. hehe. Good goy. You want shekels, right? Just commit demographic suicide and destroy the world. That's all I want you to do.
World Gdp is a shot indicator for better condition for the people. Everything will be centralized in the hands of the few, snowballing even more .
Enjoy being moved out of your place with thousands of other workers because it'll be more profitable to work in mongolia
If you want safety, you need diversity.
Once I hear a rational and workable definition of the role of government then whatever.
I to this day have never seen a model that actually improves government.
It's a shitfest
pareto efficiency doesn't mean everyone wins.
In fact, it can produce A LOT of losers and I would probably be one of them
There are more important things than the great and invisible GDP which will improve the lives of exactly zero fucking people.
Because raw GDP values are a meaningless meme.
What you should take a look at is GDP/capita and even that isn't too great.
Well-reasoned and informative.
Nice work, Octavio.
>Enjoy being moved out of your place with thousands of other workers because it'll be more profitable to work in mongolia
Sounds amazing, have you tried Tibetan throat singing?
GDP doesn't inherently mean more money in our pockets. The rich would get richer and the poor would get more competition.
wtf i love muslims now
If you lose 2.000 but someone makes 5.000 it's a win.
>GDP is everything!
Yeah because lower wages, shitter living standards and erosion of your native culture/ethnic group are a great sacrifice for a statistic you will never ever benefit from!
No, because I lost 2000.
Yeah, but not for me so why should I support it?
I'd rather preserve the Finnish people and culture
Allow free migration
But stop all welfare and increase punishment for crimes done by those new to the area
Lets see how many migrants come when they wont get free handouts and know they will no longer get away with crime
>trickle down economics
lehmao man
Because I'd rather have "only" half of 200 trillion dollars and pic related not raped, for a start
World GDP is $74t and there are 7.4b people in the world. Even if we double world GDP to $148t, that's a mean income of $20k. US mean income is over $50k. Not only would it mean violent third worlders might come to my neighborhood, but it also means my standard of living might go down.
Double the world GDP would make your share to around $20,000 USD per year, well below the poverty line. Ready for equality now? Globalism is the collapse to the mean.
Because i dont want a bunch of spics peddling heroin around my town. My town is fucking ruined now thanks to that fucking drug. Guess who is always on the cover of all the big Dope Busts? SPICS.
Basically Germany already supports it so I have little to argue with you and
Russia has bigger problems.
So why would making another problem be good?
>free access for "Syrian" refugees
>the great experiment
>over 65% is illiterate in their own language
>out of the more than 1 million accepted refugees in Germany, around 40 people were deemed skillful enough for any job and hired by the top 10 German businesses
>billions of unskilled, uneducated workers
>bring them all here
>welfare taxes will skyrocket
>ruin GDP
I'll pass thank you.
Your livelihood isn't more important than a Chinese farmer's livelihood. If you are convinced that it is, be ready to go to war for your convictions.
Russia would benefit from this.
>Basically Germany already supports it
the tide is turning right now just like in the US
>Look mom, I posted it again!
Here, have a sage.
Our people are more valuable than the GDP
No, we would not.
This isn't an ideological struggle. This has to happen, regardless of what politicians say. If you don't do it now, you will do it after the next World War.
You would be able to work in America or EU and make $5000 instead of $500 in Russia.
Tell me which economists so I know never to believe them in anything related to my financial planning.
There idiotic prediction ignored one factor, human biology.
>world GDP
Yeah, by draining the wellfare states (aka the middle class) and all flowing even more towards the top 2%.
Fuck that.
>Been posting the same thread for 2 years
Not really because everyone will move there and the wages will drop to less than Russian levels under labour supply pressures.
>double world GDP
>tripple, quadruple monthly pays in shitholes
>half my pay
no thanks you fucking moron op
Manhattan has a huge labour supply, but still the wages are high. Russia is currently under-producing and has been for 100 years. You need money and people.
>next World War
I'd rather die fighting a bunch of Chinks than fighting mercenaries hired by plutocrats tbqh
We have plenty of people. Problem of money in Russia is the money flows out not in mostly.
Merkel is trying to save you from that fate but idiots like Orban want to stop her.
>GDP is the only viable metric for economic success
>not wage growth, consumer confidence, or manufacturing power
This economic meme needs to die
Yeah, but facts are racist and hurt my feelings.
IF Diversity and Immigration is so great
Why US productivity is going down?
Maybe when there is some equalization with the West, the people will not need to send their money abroad. Protectionism hurts the weak the most, but ultimately ir hurts everyone.
Theres more to life than gathering shekels.
You said it - printing money. Also growing welfare state. It's going to get a lot worse. Prepare for 40℅ taxes.
>loose against chinks
>chinks take over world
>average world IQ goes to 105-110
>import shitskins and muslims
>win against chinks
>average world IQ drops to 85
good thinking Hans. pleas just die out already you stupid cunts, the only thing you are good at is cause wars and loose them.
yeah but I like the aethetics of a full blown World War better than that of a revolution
If I have to pick between the two, and that seems to be the case right now seeing how every trade agreement hurts the middle class, I'd rather die in a World War
>Your livelihood isn't more important than a Chinese farmer's livelihood.
I didn't argue that it is on any absolute basis. But I am my responsibility and the Chinese farmer is the Chinese farmer's responsibility.
Free trade caused the big dip in picture related, and is why oligarchs exist. No thanks.
>be ready to go to war for your convictions
my ancestors did you fucking moron. You want us to constantly be at war with everyone?
A balance isn't always a 50/50 split.
And both your livelihoods are the Globalists responsibility to make sure that you don't kill each other. And you call them 'shills'..
Wow, OP should probably kill himself.
Because money isn't everything.
>And both your livelihoods are the Globalists responsibility
Middle class doesn't exist. You are a deluded working class.
>uneducated, sub-80 IQ third worlders from radicalized and disease-ridden countries who are illiterate in their own language, never mind English, are good for economies
Why are (((economists))) such leftist cuntbags? Reality is right-leaning and mathematics is reality... how are they being so mislead?
IQ is pretty cool but it's not everything, as evidenced by almost all of the world's technological progress having taken place in the western world, not China.
>double world GDP
>and turn all the non-nobility into slave labor
NO, reason why US Productivity is decrease
because Immigrant is unskilled labor
We’re getting tired democrat slavery
Maids and Housekeep earn less than Minimum wage
Hispanics in Low-Wage Jobs Despite Boom
Minorities exploited by Warren Buffett’s mobile-home empire
Do they describe the mechanism of it or it`s just a claim?
Doubles the GDP for fucking (((who)))? Fuck (((them))) they have enough money and we have enough non-christian shitheads around already.
OP has to be a kike
ITT people basically motivated by the urge to get as much as possible for them and theirs
The fatal flaw in that plan is, it requires 3.5 billion people moving to the US and becoming taxi drivers.
Russia is complicated, but now it's almost a normal state. I think the future is good for you. I'm mostly worried about us here. Americans don't have the Russians patience.