Indianon here

Indianon here.

Redpill me on global warming, Sup Forums. Is it real, or is it just a ruse by (((them))) to take over more and more of the world's economy?

Pic unrelated.

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Overwhelming majority of climate scientists agree that human action is causing the earth to heat up faster than it normally has been since the last ice age.
Its fucking China causing all the shit, US is probably 2nd or third.

>climate scientists
An overwhelming majority of muslims agree that gays cause earthquakes.

Pretty much this.

Is the data convincing, though?

>same Indianon here as OP


The question in other words is: how many of the (((scientists))) are paid to publish the results that they have published?

>Designated shitting lake
You wanted me to post something like that right?

actually an overwhelming amount of muslims deny human caused global warming, because oil is the only industry they have.

if you deny global warming you a literally sucking saudi arabian cock (they have no exports other than oil)

friendly reminder that le pedo warlord muhammad (piss be upon him) was from saudi arabia.

thats whose cock is deep inside your throat, denier fags

Not really. :^)

Real and caused by us, but blown way, way, way out of proportion so the merchants can get some extra shekels

>the default state of the earth is ice free
>we are currently in an ice age which we will not leave until the continents move
>we are currently in an interglacial warming period in our current ice age
>It is not now the warmest it has ever been
>it is not now the warmest it has been in recorded history
>it is not now the warmest it has been in recent recorded history
>all climate change models have been wrong thus far
>we are currently beginning a cooling phase
>human released green house gases amount to a fart in a stadium

>how many of the (((scientists))) are paid to publish the results that they have published?
compare the money that is being made with fossil fuels to the money that is being made by people who think global warming is real and human caused (I guess climate scientists and renewable energies?)

there is a SHITLOAD to be made from selling fossil fuels. How much money is in renewable energies? I suspect it's several orders of magnitudes lower.
If you arent lazy (as I am), you can check the actual numbers for yourself.

The oil industry is pushing research to support AGW. Your talking points are out of date.

I could very well do that, Germanon. Thanks.

Methane from poo. You should be experts.

So back at the beginning of the earth the atmosphere was filled with carbon dioxin, no animal species could live on earth, in fact it was very hot, like on Venus. Most of the carbon dioxin dissolved in the ocean, but a good part of it was absorbed by water plants. Since there were no living predator to dispose of those plants, they slowly decayed and got buried deep which leaded to petrol deposits.

In a century we have been releasing into the air the carbon dioxin that took hundred of million of years to get stocked.


Back to the baguette store, cuck.

>Is it real, or is it just a ruse by (((them)))
give it a few more years, punjeet, and you'll learn first-hand how much of a "ruse" it is...


>The oil industry is pushing research to support AGW
that makes zero sense. why would they be pushing research that basically says
>the product we are selling is poisening the planet on a massive scale and fucking it up for generations to come

that is a very bad business decision, you fucking retard.
it is obviously in their interest to push that global warming is not caused by that product that they are selling. any other opinion on the subject is a symptom of terminal retardation

Why did I think that was statue of someone fucking a big frog?





Climate change is real but its causes and effects are heavily exaggerated and over simplified by the (((scientists))) studying it.

The reality is, if global warming is anthropogenic, it's beyond our power to stop it, therefore Jews are simply using the crisis to make money through their Pigovian tax scheme called Carbon Tax Swaps".

Fact is, if countries were actually worried about the use of fossil fuels, they would be building nuclear power plants by the thousands.

Unfortunately the cuck is somewhat right

Golbal warming is real. After all we are in an ice age currently for a few million years already, so it is bound to get warmer. What the real question is how much humanity accelerated or started too soon the process. On that incant give you an answer, and depending on who you ask the answer will change all the time

As Far as Science is concerned, Man-made Global warming is a fact. Percentages of scientists who believe this is in the high 90 percents.

But I think I can reason you into accepting it just with a little science.

Carbon Dioxide traps heat. This comes from both cows asses, cars exhausts, and many other things. This shit gets trapped in our atmosphere and contributes to the heat problem.

To understand how real this is, our next Ice Age was due in about 10,000-20,000 years from now. Now it is very very likely that earth will not experience another Ice Age ever again in it's lifetime. There are celestial reasons for any efforts of ours not helping this happen again, but they hold no relevance to the immediate problem. (these operate over 100,000's to millions of years).

If you can accept that Carbon Dioxide traps heat, you know, real basic science, you can then do some elite googling, seeing how much pollution is produced by humans, how much sky space we have, and how much of the carbon dioxide is eaten by trees, and how many trees we have to do it.

Pigou bad?
Elaborate please.

>if global warming is anthropogenic, it's beyond our power to stop it
how can a single person be so retarded all at once?

being anthropogenic means precisely that we DO have the power to stop it, you inbred mongoloid.
of course it's not going to be stopped because there is too much money to be made from oil/coal etc

>It is not now the warmest it has ever been
>it is not now the warmest it has been in recorded history
>it is not now the warmest it has been in recent recorded history

These are the bits that I struggle to find data to attack people with. Got any accessable sources, chief?

Naw guys we just gotta recycle and /renewables/ and shit :'^)

When I say it's beyond our power to stop it, I mean no nation state has the power to stop the world's use of fossil fuels. As the 21st century progresses, it's use will only increase regardless what treaties we pass. Until an alternate fuel source is invented that can displace fossil fuel, nothing will change.

Nigger, I know what it is.


To answer that question, you first need to know how funding from scientific studies happen.

Someone doesn't say: " Hey I want a study to see if global warming is real". They say: "I want a study that proves that global warming is real, manipulate numbers if you have to. If you don't, you won't get funding again."

But, some save the whales cunt is going to say that that is bs. So, let me per-emptively say, you ever wonder why the predictions they make are always wrong and are constantly adjusted year after year?

Maybe someone has the chart I'm talking about showing the predictions and actual warming.

But there's even more money to be made in multiple revenue sources.

Its real only when you believe in it.
Look man, we live in 3rd world, global warming can't do shit in our average life span and so fuck the world. And we are already dying by it so why bother.