I don't get it. Why is "Hillary Clinton laughs like a hyena" a statement so offensive that a tv network has to apologize for it?
I don't get it...
Other urls found in this thread:
Literally who?
>Trump is a racist homophobic sexist piece of shit who should be killed
>lol u tell it like it is
>Hillary has a creepy laugh
I'm a little mad
"Land of the free", right?
Jesus christ someone put a stop to this.
>delete ____
nice bants libtards
When are you going to get your shit together, 'murica
Chick on Daily Show. Like that Aziz faggot . She was funnier than he was which says a lot.
Hillary Clinton, the lizard looking bitch that's running for President. Geez man, where have you been?
delet this
>getting cuckolded by your employees
I don't use that word often but TBS really needs to grow a pair of balls.
It's less funny when you realize sending a guy with a gun to your house in the middle of the night to make you delete your comments is something libfags would actually support
Isn't TBS the channel her show is on? Why piss of the network that runs your sinking ship of a show?
Because it's 2015.
>actual guy
>with an actual gun
>to actually delete your comments
cmon user I know all state action is based on the ultimate threat of violence but when you talk like that it's hard to listen
>mfw Samantha Bee
I see spammed commercials for this bitchs' terrible show when I watch impractical jokers (the only good show on TBS). She's so unfunny and blatantly leftist that only paid shills like her/her show. The commercials are so cringe worthy that I actually change the channel for 30 seconds to avoid cringing.
Swat team arrests man for offensive Facebook comments.png
You guys do know that """"neo-nazis"""" in Germany were arrested for facebook posts in a private facebook group, Right? 11 guys were arrested from their houses for "illegal speech".
>brash, brainy
because it hurts her reputation
You too will laugh
I take it back
guess I'm a #cowedcuck now
Delete your account will never be a thing and for that I'm truly grateful. What a unbelievably manufactured insult even down to getting bots to artificially boost the likes and retweets
Hillary is Hitler. She has the news outlets going after Trump. Once she steals the presidency she will censor anything against her including this site.
Should have closed with her barking.
The use of
>delete your account
as a polite way to say
>kill yourself
always cracks me up.
Just when people snap their fingers to applaud.
Are there good ((comedians)) anymore?
Any at all? Or at least any that don't serve as the propaganda arm of the Democratic party?
Hillary is far from hyena, she's love knife material.
She'll gut you with those mk ultra while looking you in the face the entire time whilst telling you how much she loves and adores you and is killing you with love.
Poor bill will face her wrath soon.
Who cares
Was about to post this same thing... good thing I checked the replies first.
Glad to know not everyone here is retarded.
All you faggots who think that shit is even a joke... if you want to know what once "normal" (as in standard job/education/unassuming person) are capable of doing once they drink the kool-aide and start being an ideological-enforcer once the far left goes full totalitarian...
Read up on "Iron Felix" and the Cheka. Dude was just an upper-middle class semi noble who joined their commies when they were getting started and became a fucking horror show on legs.
"Delete This" becomes "Delete (You)" very quickly.
It's the perfect PC insult, on par with ARE YOU KIDDING ME?
The whole thing was planned by her and the network to get attention for her failing show. Since they made her show about feminist empowerment, they can't cancel it so they're stuck promoting it however they can. Contrived controversies like this one is the result.
How did it come to this? How did we even get to this point?
This is meme-able.
Exactly, I've been wondering how long it will take for "delete yourself" to bleed into normal vocabulary.
What do you even mean? People apply double standards all the time.
And propaganda wasn't invented yesterday or by Clinton.
>libs are the true thought police
really makes you drink
>upon seizing power, the first thing the Bolsheviks did was execute all of the Bolshevik leaders and prominent members
I'm... a little confused
Sam Hyde and crew unironically make me belly laugh.
Advanced gender poltics/AIG Guy are top tens.
Can Sup Forums overpower Samanther Cucklord with the powers of Hyena Clinton memes?
My closest lifelong friend recommended I watch her show because "she's pretty funny, and she tells it like it is" and now we're not friends anymore
I find it hilarious that the democrats are considered '''''''''left wing'''''''''' when they're more right wing than the uk conservatives, all these american libfags are being taken for a huge ride because clinton does a little bit of virtue signalling. They're neoliberal globalists, nothing more. Clinton supports the death penalty ffs
But "Donald Trump is literally a nazi dictator from WW2" is not offensive, makes you think..
She is a next level shill. Her show should be named VOTE HILLARY OR YOU'RE STUPID!
I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary's campaign isn't subsidizing it and paying tbs to air it.
>including this site.
does Sup Forums have a rendezvous point for this?
Bill is the reason why she even has a chance at the presidency.
That's just how Stalin rolled.
>You suck at your job, I'm having you shot
>You're mediocre at your job, I'm having to shot
>You're good at your job. Maybe a little TOO good. I'm having you shot before you get any crazy ideas
>I've got a job opening. Accept it or I'll have you shot.
Repeat until half a million of the most loyal Party members are dead.
>When the Progressive SJW's came to power, the first thing they did was purge their ranks of those who weren't "progressive enough."
Useful idiots are ALWAYS the first ones lined up in front of a ditch.
Look at it this way... if "Black Lives Matter" SOMEHOW (purely hypothetical, btw) came to seize the reigns of power... what do you think would happen to all the nu-male whites who stood by their side chanting slogans when the most violent and dominant New Black Panther Party types take the helm???
That's what happens every time the Left takes control. they purge each other until your left with the most ruthless ones left.
It's my only consolation knowing that even if they win... almost none of them will get to see it, but they will have a moment of clarity when they're staring at a ditch full of corpses and think... Sup Forums was right. Before the lights go out.
I know, right? I caught Larry Wilmore trashing Fox correspondents for commenting on Hillary's mannerisms. I was thinking "well isn't that the pot burning a cross on the kettle's goddamn lawn. When's the last time The Nightly Show went a week mentioning Trump without taking a cheap shot at his appearance or speaking style? Two consecutive days, even? What makes Hillary immune to it?"
>What makes Hillary immune to it?"
She's a woman.
Because women are 100% equal to us, you must treat them better and never comment on their appearance or dismiss them as old or fat because #feminismisstillathingpeople.
If you don't understand this, you're old and fat and a fucking white male.
Holy shit look how fast they cucked themselves and apologized. Embarrassing!
Since when does Samantha Bee have her own show?
We really don't need a show for every single Daily Show correspondent, since they're all going to say the same thing every show. Instead of having one show saying "Trump is Hitler", we now have 4 or 5.