Julian Assange: Hacked Emails Include Info On Hillary’s Arming of Jihadists, Including ISIS, in Syria

>Julian Assange: So, those Hillary Clinton emails, they connect together with the cables that we have published of Hillary Clinton, creating a rich picture of how Hillary Clinton performs in office, but, more broadly, how the U.S. Department of State operates. So, for example, the disastrous, absolutely disastrous intervention in Libya, the destruction of the Gaddafi government, which led to the occupation of ISIS of large segments of that country, weapons flows going over to Syria, being pushed by Hillary Clinton, into jihadists within Syria, including ISIS, that’s there in those emails. There’s more than 1,700 emails in Hillary Clinton’s collection, that we have released, just about Libya alone.

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US arms 'moderates' then they chimp out and join ISIS


newfags pls

Old news, not happening yet.
Nothing is released yet

weaky leak

I thought this was all well-known and established to everyone but the people who don't even scratch the surface on current events

Now that I think about it that's probably a shitload of people though

Here is the DIA pdf if anyone is interested that states exactly how many weapons went to SYria from Libya.

Might I add this information has been around for about 3 to 4 years and congress did nothing. Not one of those republican faggots except for RAND PAUL brought this up during hearings with clinton.

Not really a happening considering literally everyone already knows this happened. Nobody ever tried to hide it. Back in 2012 the State Department held press conferences where they publicly announced they were arming Syrian rebel groups fighting the Assad regime. There was never a conspiracy.

yeah right, when someone provides evidence e.g. 911 was an inside job, your reply will be everybody already know that, but until it is nice to call it conteo and tinfoil

The only rebel groups consisted of 10-12 fighters who are now long dead. al-nusra and ISIS were the only groups known to have the organization to fight Assad. So they used the rebel groups as cover and as intermediaries to get the guns to ISIS specifically.

Everyone who isn't retarded knew this years ago.

Any new ones?


Is the gateway pundit a reliable source?

It has a bunch of those clickbait ads and a few pop ups, which usually points to the article being trash.

officially it was """non-lethal""" aid. the weapons were being """intercepted""" by al-nusra then as well. it wasn't until earlier this year that we officially said we were providing arms and ammunition to the 'fsa'

bump this shit

Nothing is happening this faggot has nothing left to release

Cia supplying terrorists with weapons is old news

Arming muslims should be a war crime

They were never moderates to begin with.


mdw ausfags controls the future course of the U.S.


please let me subscribe to your blog RSS

my dog when?

But it's not like they've something to hide...right?

Makes me wonder what is still to come.

>Next leak will lead to arrest of Hillary Clinton – Assange

>Assange is a shitpost supremacist
It all makes sense now.


fucking roach remove yourself.



>Syrian rebels
Those nice moderate gentlemen, right?

Not old, shill

Read my post again you fucking retard. I said they were NOT moderates.

all talk no action go and release it you fucking faggot

I think Hanz is saying what you're saying: there were no moderates.

With the way our media works, it's better to drag it out so that it always seems like Hillary is in trouble.

If he lumps it all together, it would be bad, but the media could brush it aside all at once and be done with it.

How will anyone remotely connected to this die? Suicide by repeated rifle shots to the back of the head? Road accident whilst delivering propane tanks and thermite on a mountain road?

I'm all for taking down Hillary, but this is really more about total government incompetence and bad decision making than one actual person being corrupt or doing something illegal.

It's not like she was sitting on a throne making these decisions.

it's only like 95% of the population on this planet.
We, as a species, are fucking doomed to kill ourselves in 30 years because of our (((their))) ignorance and ignorant decisions.

True, I got so used to reading german roaches defend these subhuman beasts that I automatically assumed the reply said:
>They were moderates to begin with.

Sorry Hanz.


>i'm a smart


This. This shit was known back when Bill was in office. Fuck, may as well say "BREAKING NEWS: CIA arms rebels"

It's equally annoying when people try to skew the truth to push whatever agenda they have or whatever side they're on.

pretty smart move to drag it out, making it hurt a lot more for Team Hilldog and keeping it relevant, but god damn it's infuriating having to wait

cunt better not be a flop, i want to see some haymakers being thrown here

if anybody had real ammo against Hillary, they would have released it before she won the DNC nomination and pushed out the only hope for the USA

If she was quietly indicted and put into a luxury suite prison, that wouldn't make as many people assmad. But today she's touted as the last, best hope for the democrats. After Trump successfully imploded the republican party, all that's left is to do the same to dems.

And you guys would become free from establishent bullshit for a decade or so.

>It's not like she was sitting on a throne making these decisions.

royalty are exempt from law, they own the courts

Fellow Leafbro, do you think Americans give a shit about any of this? I don't even know why Assange is bothering. Nobody heading to the polls this November has a fucking clue what they're doing.

They probably don't even know the vote is in November.

All memes aside. Is this a big think or will the normies still not wake up?

>"moderates" use serin nerve gas on Syrian citizens and MSM spins it as Assa's fault
>this gives Clinton and Obongo an excuse to arm the rebels as to destabilize the country and overthrow the regime

Clinton doesn't give a shit if it's the FSA or ISIS that she gives weapons to. All that matters is that Syria is in chaos.

>ignore the literal warmonger and candidate who was smuggling arms to purposely destabilize a country to Israel's and the Saudi's benefit

you guys do realize if Hillary is arrested then Bernie will take her place, and Bernie is much more likely to win against trump.

It's funny how they're proving now what Ron Paul was talking about 3 years ago.

No this is nothing. US has been arming and training terrorists since the 1950's Pretty much all middle east and most asian terrorist groups were armed and trained by US at some point in their history

ahh yes because she didn't know how this would end up

I'm not a socialist or have any love for Sanders, but I still respect him for believing in something and not attempting to appeal to everyone. Though attempting to appeal to BLM blew up in his face.

Plus he won't get anything passed and these young liberal arts educated socialists can feel let down by a weak ideology.

youre fuckin high

>page 8

What in the fuck is going on what type of bullshit shill shit is this?

