Why is Alternative fur Deutschland considered "nazi" by almost every German that I talk to? I'm sure they would be considered just "conservative" here in Poland.
Why is Alternative fur Deutschland considered "nazi" by almost every German that I talk to...
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Because of the (((media)))'s influence.
I sure hope the Germans can find a solution to that problem.
Because everything right from the CDU is considered nazi.
Gimme any examples of that.
Because they are threatening to do away with all those sweet, sweet tax funded positions the established left has come to depend on.
I don't know, but that looks like a penis and a nazi solute and it triggers me. Very fascist!
Because Germs are fucking hopeless, that's all you need to know.
I asked for their views dude
Yup, all worthy Germans died by the end of 1950s
fucking nazi
the fact that there are barely any.
Just the NPD (National Democrats, basically a program of the german secret police to root out leftover nazis) and the newly formed AfD.
Because polish people are evil racist nazis who hate all members of the religion of peace.
Because the system puts a right wing swing to the parties image and thus becomes a general narrative to portray the party as a potential danger for the democratic system. From left to "right" there is a disconnect and unwillingness to engage in debating problems and solutions with the AfD. It's exclusion by the people who appreciate a democracy without a real opposition.
the germans on /pol are cucks, I cant even imagine how the ones who dont frequent such sites are.
I don't think there are any different from CDU when it comes to socio-economic views, but in their party manifesto they demand the ban of the full-face veil or the muezzin chanting his sandnigger chant from their towers for example. Also a healthy patriotism.
Because no one read their program but instead just believed what the media told them.
They are essentially just what the CDU was a few decades ago.
Because conservative parties in poolan are nazi.
they beeing classified by media with "adjektiven" or comments from the journalists as nazis and most germans are sheeps that hear and follow it.
I saw Frauke Petry's interview with Sophie Shevardnadze and she was incredibly nervous. It was cute.
>Why is Alternative fur Deutschland considered "nazi" by almost every German that I talk to? I'm sure they would be considered just "conservative" here in Poland.
Because they're a bunch of fuckups with a single-issue platform, meaning it's terribly hard for them to even have enough significance to disabuse anyone of the notion.
Make no mistake, I appreciate what they do, but I also consider them little more than useful idiots at present.
They're not like FN or FPÖ in that they really have anything else going for them, nor are they intelligent enough to push their single-issue thing with style like UKIP or even be hilarious nuisances like SD.
Basically the absolutely outright fucking worst of both worlds.
perhaps a final solution...
It's an unwritten law of the BRD. Adenauer or Erhardt once said something along the lines of right of the CDU/CSU is a no-go.
they aren't (all) nazis ... they are just retards
i'm still going to vote for them though
>I also consider them little more than useful idiots at present.
They don't need to be anything more. We are past the point where Germany's problems could be solved in a political way anyway. Just take pensions for example, that ponzi scheme has reached the end of its life time but no one would ever vote for a party which admits that.
So all we really need is a party that disrupts the establishment enough to bring it all tumbling down.
Indentitäre Bewegung.
Painted as if they are some right extremist vigilante group. In every major news outlet.
its so stupid it hurts.
From the very left perspective even the center looks right.
Because Germany is a liberal-run fascist state and having opposing opinions from the government is borderline illegal (in some cases it is illegal).
10 years ago stuff they are saying now was seen as normal, now everyone is brainwashed believing Islam is a religion of peace.
because our propaganda machine is still going strong
everything anybody says that the current government doesnt agree with is being reduced to negative buzzwords. fun-sized bits of oversimplified information wrapped in a package that says shit like racist, sexist, homophobe, xenophobe, islamophobe, nazi, hitler, drittes reich, ...
example: afd demands border control, theyre nazis. government pays turkey to do it for us with turkey-brand love and affection, thats fine. shouldve seen the amount of news reports confirming that the deal with turkey is "not dirty"
ask anybody and theyll say afd hates foreigners, gays and women but they wont be able to tell you what makes them think that
>calling a bunch of autistic larpfags nazi
Gotta love the Lügenpresse.
Fair enough. I'm just annoyed because there seem to be too many that completely drink the coolaid just because the party seems to agree with them.
Just because Australia's new prime (?) has good ideas regarding immigration and Islam doesn't mean she's not a tard.
Because the Nike swoosh is an erect penis.
Based AfD
Because of the taint of WWII. My best friend has a German gf and it took like two years before she could even stomach jokes about ovens, gas chambers, etc. Germans in general are really ashamed of the Reich, even though they have no reason to.
"Alternative für Deutschland" lol.
Germany does not need an alternative. Germany is a great country.
It's making good progress on LGBT rights, it has good and healthy immigration and is becoming more cosmopolitan and diverse and has good abortion rights for women. It's still backwards in a lot of ways but it is certainly coming along.
Unemployment / rising crime doesn't matter as long as you have a strong welfare state, which Germany has.
It's also an important part of the Eurozone, setting the path for a Europe without borders.
My vote goes to Merkel, as should yours!
I wish AfD won your next election guys. I really do.
Weak bait.
My heart is broken for Germany. What became of the most fearsome Hun?
>even though they have no reason to.
They kind of lost.
read that pasta already yesterday/10
stale pasta
>example: afd demands border control, theyre nazis. government pays turkey to do it for us with turkey-brand love and affection, thats fine. shouldve seen the amount of news reports confirming that the deal with turkey is "not dirty"
Which is funny, because doge is literally islamo Hitler right now.
Guess what, German media vilifies your government.
>Unemployment / rising crime doesn't matter as long as you have a strong welfare state, which Germany has.
whoever wrote that pasta is retarded.
Who pay for the welfare state is everyone is unemployed?
Normal Germans are all left-wing ultra-cucks. I live in Germany and the only right-wingers i know are a serb and a croatian and I am one of this two
I love that DS9 scene
Because political parties in Germany are closely controled to "defend democracy and the constitution".
And it's not something just about the far right. Every party at the left of Die Linke (think of the RAF or the KDPml) is either banned or infiltrated by the BfV, the german secret police.
Germany is basically controled by big industrialists and bankers who own the media and buy the politicians.
Cuz dude that shit just sounds like a bunch of fuckin nazis.
Yeah, yeah, we all remember what happened last time a political party had an Alternatiive fur Deutschland...
ahem, don't you forgot someone?
t. Polish-Ukrainian Slav
Die Linke also is.
They have too many incompetent people who clearly fit the right Wing demagogue descriptor. They Ruin it for everyone else.
their political ideas are basically grotesque amalgamations of nationalistic and xenophobic sentiments and the common place liberal political conceptions that represent the context for all political debate in most western states, and which they cannot call into question, both for political and intellectual reasons(most importantly the concept of JUSTICE as based on equality and everything that follows from it -- gender equality, redistribution of wealth, right of asylum etc. ). as a result of that they are in a weird position where they kind of want to be "tough" and break taboos, but they dont know how to do so without going completely overboard. so on the serious political stage they end up proposing mostly ineffective, nonsensical, or purely symbolic changes ( not unlike trump and the other right wing populists ), whereas on their party gatherings and such they routinely show their more "radical" side. really they should decide one way or the other. disband or go full nazi. this weird middle ground seems like a rather goofy charade.
also it doesnt help that they are comprised of 100% social outcasts, weirdos and losers.
And another "german" cuck.
Please do a pleasure to this universe and hang yourself.
They want to get rid of țe minimal wage
True National-Socialism hasn't been tried before.
Last time doesn't count it, it was wartime
Ehh because everything that the current regime doesnt like is nazi.
nope they don't. have you even read their programm?
Because the establishment was loosing votes so they simply said That the AfD is a party of nazis. There are speeches of merkel against immigration some 12 years ago, but now it is all good apparently.
The AfD is not yet sophisticated enough to govern, but their mere existence is shifting politics towards the right.
They are anti immigration and their solutions to the demographic problem is pro family and pro children.
They for example want to give every German family 10k per child.
Which would be absolutely doable.
But no,no.
That is a nazi way of thinking. Better fill the gap with immigrants.
R/de told me otherwise.
Really rare unbutthurted respecting pol who cares for krauts.
the AFD is that what CDU (party of Merkel) was 20 years ago
Its the media who lie that they are nazis
>it has good and healthy immigration
not if you are including refugees in that assertion.
Majority of business leaders surveyed don't want more refugee flow
to June 2016 only 54 refugees (out of 1.5 - 2 million, who knows?) employed in top 30 DAX companies
flow of refugees hasn't been halted, slightly increased again for 2nd month in a row
and today it was revealed 25% of Hartz IV recipients are foreigners with a take up rate double that of Germans
try harder faggot
shitty bait, shitty shill pasta
on the note, has anyone got tl;dr of the party's new manifesto? Curious immigrant asking.
Isn't FPÖ basically the same as Österreiche SPD, but just a nationalist version?
>Isn't FPÖ basically the same as Österreiche SPD, but just a nationalist version?
Kinda sorta. The thing holding them back is basically the exoteric leadership. The inner echelons are competent but too hands-off.
Shouldnt you prefer the grune party?
Our nation once invented something called "Gleichschaltung". Our government used it again.
They built their narrative of lies and propaganda just like Hitler did before and anything going against it is the eternal enemy that gets branded with the nazi seal of disapproval.
AfD makes it even easier for them because they make so damn many pr mistakes ( like the whole Boateng affair, you have thousands of assaulting and raping foreigners in the country you can criticise, yet you choose a damn football national player who a) did nothing and b) is actually well liked by most germans?).
They should change their message in a way that common people understand it and cut the whole foreigner shit back, because rapefugees are a symptom and not the disease itself.
The state has two duties: Military and civil security for the people and protecting the rights of its citizens.
It has NOT the duty to:
>in any way promote, encourage, shield or defend a religion of any kind, only to protect the right to practice a religion
>fill up the country with useless foreigners, I'm the last person to decline actually qualified immigrants, but letting every useless fuck in just to look charitable is insane. Refugees could be taken care of closer to their home with financial aide if the people decide so, no reason for them to be here
>decide to "diversify" the nation. If lgbt stuff and islam would be wanted from the people, thats one thing. But funding their promotion with tax money and writing Breivik-esque manifestos how to breed out ethnic germans is wrong on so many levels, I sometimes wonder if I'm in the fucking Truman show and this is all a crude joke, because its so surreal.
>like the whole Boateng affair
Gauland never said anything wrong about him, though.
the lying will intensify. the intention is to hide the attacks and all details from public view.
Also: "Inzwischen wissen wir, dass das die Strategie des Islamischen Staates ist: Die Organisation setzt gezielt auf psychisch instabile Menschen, die es überall in der Gesellschaft gibt und die aktiviert werden können durch das Versprechen von Ruhm und Zugehörigkeit."
Merkels criminal stupidity has been to invite those most susceptible to this strategy right into the heart of Europe in their millions.
>Uses picture of arabic actor, who plays arabic Star Fleet doctor on Sup Forums unironically.
We're working on a more concentrated approach to reign in the problem
His analogy was shit man, admit it. I can see where hes coming from, but imagine some random german normie hearing that apparently, he wouldn't want to be boatengs neighbor. While boateng is full hipster now and nearly everyone would want to have that guy as a neighbor since hes a chill dude with mad money.
Why not say nobody would want one of the raping, allahu akbaring fickifickis as a neighbor? That would've worked for way more people, since unlike boa, whos born here and knows and respects german culture, these fucks actually don't belong here and do their middle ages shit all day.
yeah thats the new shill tactic. Somehow, every islamic terrorist is a depressed poor soul with mental diseases who got instrumentalized by the bad IS. We need to be even more inclusive and let them fuck our mothers to give them a welcoming feeling bla bla bla etc etc, I know how this shit goes.
Because Germans have a massive fucking Nazi guilt complex
They're slowly waking up though, look at AfD's poll numbers, they're growing by the day.
AfD came third in two recent state elections, and came 2nd in Saxony-Anhalt. The revolution is unstoppable.
because the media says so
Is it true they want to remove the Gewerbe- und Erbschaftssteuer and keep the Einkommensteuer as it is?
no idea about einkommenssteuer but I heard petry saying in an interview that they want to remove the erbschaftssteuer.
Why would you call the one chance Germany has at saving itself retards?
Just watched it again for the laughs
They aren't as media savy as trump which is why they act like retards sometimes.
The whole antisemitism thing with geodon completely blew up and then the vize of the afd revolted against petry and now they are fighting for the power of leading the party. Useless squabble, instead they should try to make germany great again.
I always assumed he was indian. He also speaks in something like a british accent
You're probably thinking of Franz Josef Strauß ("Rechts von der CSU darf es keine demokratisch legitimierte Partei geben"). He died 1961, so this was said in a much much different political climate, where CDU/CSU actually were rightist parties. They moved way left since then, especially under Merkel, but politcians and (((media))) are still embracing this statement anyway.
Get out your tents, cause it looks like we are opening dem camps.
where would you put the CDU / CSU today? It feels like they are almost between the greens and spd
Slightly left of the middle
The AfD is by the definition of the word indeed to be considered "national socialist".
The only rightwing part in their programm is their economical one in which they propose less taxes. The rest of it is pretty much in favour of the already existing socialism we have in our country. The component wich makes them kind of nationalistic is that they realize a social welfare system will collapse with too many people sucking on its tits and therefore is againt mass immigration per se.
So they are indeed national socialists, but LESS authoritarian, as they stand up for more democracy by implementing components you have in switzerland.
AfD leader on Trump:
>I find it very problematic to think that one can respond to complex problems–and the migration question is a very complex problem–with simple solutions
>There are already far too many oversimplifications in this discussion–we don’t need Trump on top of all that
Even Germany's right-wing party is cucked pussies.
Erbschaftsteuer stays, it was decided on the last party convention.
Gewerbesteuer will be reformed,mbut there are no concrete plans as of yet.
Einkommenssteuer will be reduced by increasing the minimum taxable income and making a new taxation plan, but there are no concrete numbers as of yet. Plan is to reduce taxes for the middle class.
95% of Germans wouldnt vote Trump.
The whole scandal was a pretty much manufactured.
AfD was declared 'nazi' by the government, established parties, mass media and state television.
Associating yourself with AfD in public will cost you your school career, your job, your government job and then you end up in the welfare system which is centrally managed by Merkel's government. And the german welfare system is designed to CRUSH political dissidents.
bunch of other ultra small right-wing parties that existed at some point
nigga, what the fuck do you think would happen if they started rooting for Trump.
Germans have been cucked into thinking anything remotely right-wing is "Nazi".
The jokes' on them though, because the leftist parties in Germany just shill for big EU banking cartels and globalist capitalism anyway.
If only.....
>Every party at the left of Die Linke (think of the RAF or the KDPml) is either banned or infiltrated by the BfV
not just those to the left of Die Linke. Die Linke itself is targeted by the BfV, too.
to be fair, that party should have never allowed to continue its existence after 1991. SED should have been dismantled and all members banned from political activity for life.
They kinda have to this to stand a chance in elections.
(((German))) (((media))) would absolutely ravage them for approving of Trump.
Cause the German Media is run by Jews, good goys and monkey people from across the world.
They would never allow a party to grow that is in the interests of Germany.
Unlike the US people here are still too stupid to realize that the media is lying all day every day. Which after all the Rapefugee Lies and Cover ups just shows how retarded a large part of Germany is.
You Burgers literally destroyed the entire west by fighting for the Jews and now we have Dildos in preschool, Trannies everywhere, Kebabs raping our women, Banks robbing us left and right.
If this chart continues that way till our next election then the AfD is said to get 25%. Last election showed that these predictions are 5-10% to low for the AfD. There might be hope.
Please ISIS, next big happenings in Berlin or so.