>when the joke takes over your life
Coppercab is a tranny now
Damn, she's gorgeous.
literally who
probably just desperate for a bit more attention
"gingers have souls" guy
who the fuck is this
just another faggot, we have a lot of them nowadays
The Sun actually did an article on this, lmao
Would bang
Holy shit, my id
>lesbian gay trans coppercab
Well, I mean he already had people fucking with him all the time it's not like he could make it worse. Also he is satire now so I doubt he is actually trans he is probably just clickbaiting
You literally cannot make this shit up
Well, that's a meme I would have rather forgotten. Is this just a desperate grasp for relevancy when you're the most dried out pile of shit on the internet? Or is he actually going to chop his cock off?
Who is that?
Can I get a picture of him. Not "her"
>it's a troll, guys!
>he's not ACTUALLY a mentally ill retard!
He's still a ginger in my opinion
hello newfriend
They even made a south park episode about him
doesn't this prove he has no soul?
White males have frankly had enough, and they're turning into Daemonettes for the upcoming war against the globalist Imperium.
>CWC is a tranny now
>Coppercab is a tranny now
Why are the all the lol-cows turning into tannies.
What the fug
oregeno bideo
they started MKUltra up again
Thinking back to the comics earlier, where the lesbian was a "bad person" for not wanting to date transwomen.
Its just kinda sad.
Lesbian doesn't like dick.
Lesbian doesn't like that sad axe wound surgery.
Lesbian is filled with existential sadness by your poor existence.
How many shillbux do you get for being tranny??
From the Sun article:
>The abuse Claire received reached its peak when she appeared on an online television show run by Gavin McInnes, co-founder of Vice Media.
>In a brutal and sometimes harrowing confrontation, McInnes labelled Kitrell a "sub-fag" and made shocking digs about her dead mother.
top fucking kek
>"Gavin turned out to be a real a****** like I predicted and he slightly triggered me," Claire added.
>She vowed to continue her mission to bring feminism to the internet and told us her zeal for social justice was the thing which brought her out of retirement.
>"I was honestly frustrated with how women were being treated on the internet: it's like the entire f******* gender is being turned into some sort of meme and I wasn't happy with that.
>triggered me
>gender is a meme
Zhe can't be serious, r-right?
I don't watch south park. Never have. Always hated it.
I've been on Sup Forums since 2006. I just ignore most memes
Remember when Gavin told him to grow a pair and get a job to hang out with guys to increase his testosterone?
This is the result lmao.
This guy is still alive? The last time i saw him, he argued with Gavin McInnes.
Copperfag, is truly a living meme
I bet Onision is next.
Literally who?
How is he gonna do the angry ginger shtick now?
Probably him trolling
40 million views of his ginger meltdown. Wow, those are sneezing panda numbers.
I bet all my goodboy points and 50 chicken tendies on this.
I think he's taken the joke a little too far now
>he don't know about sonichu
Lurk more newfag
Christian Weston Chandler
>Life as a woman = ezmode
>Gee I guess I should call myself a woman since my life so far has sucked.
And that my friend, is how a MtF is formed.
For real?
Oh shit so the white knight song wasn't satirical then?
Sorry, but i didnt know hes called CWC too.
fuck.. i look dumb now
Is this the fate of all YouTube celebrities?
>implying they stopped
y tho
>Jessi Slaughter is a tranny
I guess it's just how retarded pieces of shit cope with being made fun of.
Das alright mane
>>CWC is a tranny now
and he is growing a vagina via meditation.
[spoiler]actually it is just a wound that appear and the idiot thinks it is a real vagina. Since it is near his ass it will probably get infected and he will hopefully die[/spoiler]
Isn't this all a joke? The McGinnis interview was a joke too, but idiots here and on YouTube thought it was real. Get your shit together.
Of course he is trolling
His whole schtick is bad words and anger
You guys falling for this?!
I worry for Mema
He's not a tranny like CWC. CC is just a dedicated troll and plays whatever character is the flavor of the month.
He's just so deep in the ruse he doesn't know how to get out
the kiwi farms, (Forum for CWC and other lolcows)
is cucked as fuck tbqh family
>refers to CWC as female
>gives shekels to him
>basically worships him now instead of trolling him
What is he learning from CWC now?
Shitty contacts
I don't know anymore. Probably this:
He's still just trolling, r-right?
it's like i can't even get mad at this shit
this dude was a fucking trainwreck, now he's flipping over to a whole new side of downwards spiralling
this little ginger faggot is the embodiment of the JUST meme
I know.
Jesus christ maybe his death will prove a point about trannyism being a mental illness
Just like how pol is satire right?
Fuck off
>Paying attention to YouTubers not named Manlybadasshero
Literally who cares.
>Paying attention to YouTubers not named Manlybadasshero.
Literally who cares?
You are literally and unironically a retard if you think he's not doing it for attention/comedy.
>CWC is a tranny now
He's been riding the "transsexual lesbian of female soul" train for at least a few years now hasn't he?
You would almost think transgenderism is a mental illness that should be treated as one.
Guys, chill out. He's just taking the trolling to a whole new level.
He already was a living meme, and he's using it to ascend even further.
We must support our brethren in his infiltration of the enemy by insulting him repeatedly on Twitter and YouTube, so as to not blow his cover.
I'm sure he has something planned down the line.
>running an unfunny joke until it's more than 10ft under for 10 years
>he isn't a retard
>implying I don't think it is
The most disturbing part is that he is obsessed with having a little daughter. Guy is a pedo for sure.
"I'm a Christian!"
"I go to church, alright?!"
sure thing you fucking faggot
>Gets so continually BTFO by Gavin Mcinnes that he becomes a woman
Can't wait for Gavin to comment on this
passable for a monochrome pic, but likely more sissy faggot that genuine trap... for now
>damn, xie's gorgeous
Wait until you see an actual pic of it without the fat girl angle and the filters
Bet it doesn't do vocal training either
What happend to his granny?
Didn't she have a youtube to?
>He's not a tranny like CWC.
Wait, are you implying CWC is a tranny? He only identifies as trans to escape the trolls (he said it himself "he doesn't get along male population at all" so in his head if he thinks if he identifies as a woman and ignore the male population everything will get better) plus identifies as a "trans-lesbian" because he's a heterosexual male who is desperate for the pussy. He is disgusted by dicks but refuses to change his sex despite saying he is disgusted by his own dick as well, because he is hasn't transitioned because he was born as a transexual but because it suits him.
>literally who
no one fucking cares about whoever this faggot is. I hope they fall into the suicide rate statistics.
I thought this faggot was getting married?
Saw a vid about it like a year ago
Well, this 'retard's unfunny' online persona has earned him 111 million views in total, largely thanks to easily baited kids and imbeciles like yourself. Google how much money over 100 mil views will get ya.
Still not the same, tho. CWC is doing the whole thing because he's genuinely mentally ill, CC is doing it for attention and comedic effect.
This. I can't believe people still can't recognise a troll when they see one. Admittedly he is more subtle than most. This guy has been a troll from the start, he's actually pretty clever in how he gets people to believe he's being serious.
why does every lolcow become a tranny?
oi less of that shitlord she is a beautiful woman
That's a good question actually? You think that our trolling is so effective that it is literally making people mentally ill?
Here's another weird coincidence. Trannies are all emotionally unstable attention whores. Kind of like infamous youtube personalities.
this is a final red pill?
Most lolcows are men and want an out
You cant be a woman and be a lolcow, because that's sexist. It's an out for them
case in point: jessi slaughter calling herself damien
wasn't he a troll
So sexy.
Fucks sake lad
Just blew my beans now I gotta clean this mess up
>lives with his grandmother (no strong father figure)
>explosive temper and liberal
>lol he's a troll guys
am I missing something here? I don't follow this retard so if you have some information that exposes him as a troll lemme know, because he appears to be a genuine fag
the fuck is the deal with this? when it was still the cwckiforums they used to talk shit about ahuviya's disgusting genderbending nonsense, did one of the admins become a tranny or something?
wow i guess he wasn't trolling for views
i thought she killed herself already