I work for the company. But don't let that fool you, I'm really an okay guy.
I work for the company. But don't let that fool you, I'm really an okay guy
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let's trust him. I mean they wouldn't have hired him if he was a bad person
I don't get why Weyland Yutani doesn't just do something intelligent when it comes to these "Xenomorphs". Send a squadron of strategists to have a basecamp far away from the area of the alien. Then, send in a team of 100 synthetics, under complete control of the humans which are far away. Gas the aliens and incapacitate them. idk. Anything is more intelligent than sending in a couple marines who have no idea what they're dealing with each time and thinking that it'll work. Fuck, the marines in this movie went with absolutely NO plan for capturing the creature alive - they only came with weapons. To top it all off, this movie has Jimmy C's signature boring, dull filmmaking style... and he also forgot about the derelict's warning transmission somehow so the entire idea of the colonists not knowing about the ship on LV426 makes no sense to begin with...
Synthetics are expensive. Marines are cheap.
If I never saw Paul Reiser in anything ever again, I'd be okay with that.
This is Weyland Yutani we're talking about here. They had enough money to sacrifice an entire commercial freighter, plus cargo, for even just a chance at locating the alien. I'm pretty sure money would be no object to them for acquiring the xenomorph.
i say we grease the ratfuck sonofabitch right now
They didn't know for sure if it was there. There was a whole scene with Ripley trying to convince company execs and getting rebuffed. They sent a small team on the off chance that something might be there after colonists started disappearing
Yes they did know it was there... because Weyland Yutani knew about the derelict's warning transmission in Alien, 57 years ago.
It wasn't WY. Burke was operating on his own initiative. He was the one who told them to go the coordinates in hopes of finding an alien so he could impress his bosses.
>Burke was operating on his own initiative
No. He tried to have the two girls infected by eggs on his own initiative, though.
Also that WY board meeting where they refused to believe her story is nonsense since WY has always known about the aliens on LV426 and the warning transmission.
such a shame we never got more movies like Alien and Aliens.
3 isn't bad, but it's a piss poor continuation of the story, just a sequel.
Aliens is a piss poor continuation of the story.
>The xenomorph was changed into nothing more than a rabid cockroach infestation
>They only got beaten in the movie because the auto-turrets in the basement, which were slaughtering the xenos, ran out of ammo.
>le tryhard contrarian
Fuck off already, retard
No, by the time period of Aliens, within the context of the Aliens film itself, I do not think WY knows anything about it derelict. Think about it. It has been 57 years. Everyone who was involved in the old conspiracy is likely dead by now. When the Nostromo disappeared they probably decided to bury the whole thing and forget about it. Remember, a lot was being risked by trying to smuggle an alien.
The fact that they've had a colony there for over a decade and haven't used them to investigate the derelict us proof that the current WY leadership has no knowledge of the old conspiracy.
Ironically, they actually did that in one of the Aliens vs Predator games. They have this base that doubles as a penal colony and armed with an army of synthetics and lots of human security. They have a lab and manage the alien colony there successfully for a while before an accident causes part of their complex to be overrun.
Dude they already did know about the derelict because they purposely sent them off course to intercept the warning transmission, knowing the fucking alien was there. Ash's orders were to keep the creature alive and on the ship by any means necessary. WY knew fucking everything the whole time.
The fact that they've had a colony there for over a decade and haven't used them to investigate the derelict us proof that the current WY leadership has no knowledge of the old conspiracy.
Then why was Burke interested in it?
And also this is a mistake, because the warning transmission was ignored in Aliens for no reason.
Ironically, they actually did that in one of the Aliens vs Predator games. They have this base that doubles as a penal colony and armed with an army of synthetics and lots of human security. They have a lab and manage the alien colony there successfully for a while before an accident causes part of their complex to be overrun.
See? exactly. it can't/won't infect synthetics, and there are only benefits to using fearless, ruthlessly accurate machines to capture these creatures.
it's not like they don't eventually manage to capture aliens. We're just witnessing their first attempts. They only knew there was some crazy alien thing killing colonists better than most crazy alien things they run into.
Thought the Company's head director purposely let them out of containment because they finished their research?
No - they knew exactly what was on there. And there had not been any other known life they had found in the Alien universe - the crew of the Nostromo finding the xenomxrphs was the first official non-human life ever found.
They have no clue what it is other than what Ripley tells them and what the shitty readings on the Nostromo escape ship said.
Also, what are arcturians?
>No - they knew exactly what was on there.
they knew they was a super deadly alien. Perhaps they also knew it had an strange parasitic life-cycle. If they knew EXACTLY what Xenos were they wouldn't need a to study them.
>And there had not been any other known life they had found in the Alien universe - the crew of the Nostromo finding the xenomxrphs was the first official non-human life ever found.
thats just plain wrong, humans had not only run into shit loads of alien life they were trading with other intelligent species. Thats movie canon too not AvP.
>this is okay but people walking without suits in AC is "dumbest crew ever"
Top lel.
you are dumb
the fuck?
Human colony on a planet orbiting Arcturus.
You do realise when we colonise Mars, "Martians" won't be alien?
whenever someone says that to me I know I'm right not that that was ever in question in the first place
You faggot retards completely forget the Ash's directive in ALIEN.
Read that first line again faggots
at this point you are just trolling
>the fuck?
Read my fucking post again nigger. People think all the dumb shit in Aliens is acceptable but talk shit about AC.
for all the things people accuse of being anti-semitic, i never understood why resier's character in this movie was not one of them.
he pretty much embodied every negative stereotype of all time.
How is anything I've said incorrect? Why do people automatically assume Arcturians are aliens? It was no different to soldiers in Vietnam discussing zipperhead poontang. Arcturus' orbiting colony must be a popular vacation planet with hot chicks and perfect weather all year round.
At no point did I ever think the colonial marines were fucking EBEs with conveniently compatible genitalia. This isn't Star Trek, this is a universe in which a horrific parasitic organism lays dormant in the uncharted blackness.
Maybe the orders were generally about any aliens they might meet, and not specifically about LV426.
Is there any proof they knew beforehand about the derelict?
Ok. If you're honestly asking I'll tell you. There is a table top game called Aliens Adventure Game. It goes into detail about the Arcturians, leaving no doubt they are a separate species from Humans. That's about as much proof as I can humanly offer you.
The Alien game uses alot of old Alien canon though. Cameron made some of the AAG canon obsolete so if you still want to argue Arcturians are human there is a good argument for you to start with.
The people Ripley was answering to for blowing up the Nostromo probably had no idea about how the Company wanted the alien back for its bioweapons projects, they were middle management in charge of the space trucking division, I'm sure whoever gave orders to Ash and Mother to bring the alien back was probably much higher up on the corporate ladder.
Considering Aliens takes place 60 years later it's possible the people who gave that order were long dead
Was Burke in line to receive a bonus if he succeeded?
The fuck does /tg/ have to do with Sup Forums dude. None of that shit matters.
it has as much to do with Sup Forums as being purposely obtuse
they probably would of killed him afterwards
“This particular corporation didn’t have a preconceived notion that an alien would be found on this mission, much less the particular alien that is brought onto the ship. The idea of bringing it back alive would not have been on the minds of the corporate executives when they first received the alien transmission. They just had high expectations when they ordered the Nostromo to investigate – it was purely out of curiosity.” - Ridley Scott
>they knew because of Ash/the directive
Correct, they knew in Alien. But this user is arguing that they knew in Alien, but NOT in Aliens. I for one agree.
>why was Burke interested
He only became interested AFTER hearing Ripley's story about LV426 and the whole 'crew expendable' thing during the board meeting. Then he thought he'd try to impress his bosses and/or get rich. He even offers Ripley money, saying "If you're smart, we can both come out of this heroes, and we will be set up for life."
>This isn't Star Trek, this is a universe in which a horrific parasitic organism lays dormant in the uncharted blackness.
if it makes you feel any better, some of the guys who fucked the Arcs literally contracted space aids
>thats just plain wrong, humans had not only run into shit loads of alien life they were trading with other intelligent species. Thats movie canon too not AvP.
pretty certain this isn't, at least in Alien/Aliens. I don't think Aliens are ever brought up, and the life form is treated as really unusual
I want to see Burke fucking Ripley from behind while she has a facehugger on her face
Why did Parker and Ripley leave Brett alone for so long? And why didn't Brett leave after discovering what was obviously shed skin? Did he secretly have a death wish?
No I'm wrong, looking at quotes from Aliens seems to imply that they are non-human
Just another reason to think Aliens is shit.
Ash KNEW there was an alien there and was sent to study it. He knew a shit load about alien biology and knowingly broke quarantine protocals that were predumebly in place because they've had experience with ET life before. Humans had been flying the Galaxy for 300~ years some Alien.
And in Aliens the guys were literal ET exterminators. They talk about how they've run into problems before but host of the time the colonies are pretty clean.
>le fedoratip
Alien '79 originally had more in common with what Prometheus would become. The derelict was supposed to be a pyramid and more time would have been spent speculating about it. This is the deleted mural scene from Alien.
Ridley is retarded. Ash's orders were literally to retrieve a specimen. You don't give a fucking android a mission that's impossible to do.
Don't Ripley and the captain talk about how he was a mysterious replacement for another crew member right before they left also?
Aw shit boy that was one of my favorite movies growing up.
Pretty much. And ironically, the only film that subverts this behaviour and has Weyland Yutani send competent and trained people is the one everyone here shits on the most: Alien 3.
57 years is a long time, the humans don't seem particularly long lived in Aliens, the people responsible for the events of Alien were probably mostly dead or retired by the time of Aliens, and I doubt they documented their failed conspiracies well enough for their successors.
>No I'm wrong, looking at quotes from Aliens seems to imply that they are non-human
Where? Their only mention is "Hey, I wouldn't mind getting me some more a that Arcturan poontang. Remember that time?" I always got the impression they meant Arcturan Colonists seeing as they were talking about having sex with Acheron colonists.
Predators are an alien species
But he was told something like "the one you got was a male" implying that their sex isn't readily apparent.
by the time of alien isolation they're already cheap as fuck
Not human-level intelligence ones
Anyone know if WY was already illegally manufacturing combat synthetics at the time of aliens?
Thats avp2 right? Used to be in Imageless and Guard Unit back in the day
>Fuck, the marines in this movie went with absolutely NO plan for capturing the creature alive - they only came with weapons.
because it's supposed to represent the vietnam war ya dingy
Ok, I trust you, just because your name is Burke and not Berg.
Humans are not the only life in the galaxy in the aliens universe, however it's made clear that intelligent life is extraordinarily rare and the space jockey is their first encounter with one.
Reisers an alright guy, trust me.
Why didn't WY just send a mission directly to the derelict ship to gather a xenomorph specimen during the 57 years between Alien and Aliens?
Can't they sleep in one of those beds Ripley stayed in for 57 years? I mean, sleeping in one of those every night effectively doubles your lifespan.
Probably the weapons division needing to keep their activities private: had to wait for another freighter to be near the area which could take a while or never happen again.
That's a tranny joke, not saying they're aliens.
You know, Burke, I don't know which species is worse. You don't see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage.
I watched this for the first time last week. God was it awful when the Alien wasnt on screen.
Between this awful series, and how boring Jurassic Park was, I totally get why Superhero movies took over blockbuster summer
Uh... the film contradicts that. In Alien it is pretty clear that Ash is only on the ship, being secretly a synthetic, to recover the organism from the derelict. They already know about it and put him there to facilitate this. Remember that Ash was a last-minute replacement that none of the crew had worked with before.
It makes sense. The company's plan was pretty sound and cost-effective. Getting rid of the crew would eliminate witnesses and there was no reason to think they'd lose the ship itself. The Nostromo had valuable cargo.
In fact, it is likely the disappearance of the Nostromo that prompted WY to abandon their conspiracy. As at this point they had lost a billion dollar star ship, and all of its valuable ore cargo, and all just to get an alien organism that while interesting, was not guaranteed to produce much of a profit.
So they just bury the whole thing and decades later new leadership in the company coincidentally builds a colony on LV-426.
We KNOW that in Aliens, 57 years later, that the WT Corporation did not know about its own past conspiracy because if any knowledge of the derelict remained in the Company by this time then they'd have already sent people to investigate the derelict considering they have a colony right there within driving distance of the damn thing.
Yet they did nothing, because they didn't know. Only Burke had the idea to investigate after Ripley told him her story. He was acting on his own.
To be fair though, Alien 3 retcons this, but I'm speaking about Aliens only taken by itself as a sequel to Alien.
Yes. I miss that game
>no more [Alpha] Evac server
One of the more recent books mentions that the only forms of life that humanity had discovered was bacterial
but then why would the retard division be called bug stompers then
and why would they say it was a bug hunt
are they like nbc cunts that go around finding alien viruses or something what the fuck
The M4A1 is standard for any and all missions, the smartguns have smart bullets which target individual bacterium.
Marlow's crew turned off the signal.
Some people here need to go back and fucking watch the movies. WY knew about the aliens when Ash told them about it in Alien. They wanted it then, and they wanted it in Aliens. No doubt they would have done anything to get it, since both crews were expendable each time.
>Uh... the film contradicts that. In Alien it is pretty clear that Ash is only on the ship, being secretly a synthetic, to recover the organism from the derelict.
It's a stretch to think WY knew about the ship beforehand. Nostromo was on its way to earth and the crew was only woken up by the signal, and it wasn't until later in the movie that Ripley finds out from Mother that Ash was ordered to bring it back once he had told the corp about it.
Whether WY remembers sending the Nostromo, or the messages received by Ash, is irrelevant, since they don't hear back from the Nostromo for 57 years. They don't know the ship was destroyed because of the signal, whatever it was they found, and most likely just assume it was lost in transit somewhere.
One can assume the colony may have been secretly established to investigate this over time, but considering the hostile environment of the planet, it would have been difficult without knowing specifics of where to look, and it was a relatively new venture. Alien takes place in 2122, the colony was established late 2150's, and Aliens takes place in 2179 - considering it takes a long ass time to get anywhere, the colony wasn't even that old at the start of the movie. Only when Ripley gave them the coordinates for the derelict did Burke tell the colonists to investigate.
What is interesting is that you don't actually get a timeframe of how long it takes Ripley and team to make it back to the moon, and where exactly she was found when floating in space.
>Remember that Ash was a last-minute replacement that none of the crew had worked with before.
They were on that mission for 8 years. Realistically, it wouldn't have mattered, and was likely only mentioned to increase tension.
Also, a really good question is if WY knew about the derelict before Alien, why the fuck would they send a mining crew with zero experience in this type of thing to retrieve what could be the most important find in human history?
It was implied that there was a government in charge of space stuff and they kept a very rigorous quarantine protocol, which leads you to believe Wayland Yutani was not as omnipotent and powerful as we'd like to think.
So they had to keep our on the low, other mega corporations would take notice/govermint would catch them dealing in illegal ayylium shit.
They also had no idea how dangerous the aliens could become, or how it could multiply.
About the transmission, it was turned off when the Alien crew set foot on the ship.
>So they had to keep our on the low, other mega corporations would take notice/govermint would catch them dealing in illegal ayylium shit.
this is a big part of the books / comics. Why The Company basically has to kill off everyone involved who isn't a top level researcher. IF they don't either the Government will find out and take their research, or another company will find out then take their personnel and research.