Are you happy Sup Forums? You finally broke him. This Comey shit was the last straw. He needed this one. Now he's literally flailing around on stage acting like a dinosaur. Does it bring you happiness to see a man completely destroyed? Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.
Are you happy Sup Forums? You finally broke him. This Comey shit was the last straw. He needed this one...
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link me senpai
Colbert can't even be funny because he's so assblasted. Sad!
He already did that ages ago. Same exact bit. T rex tiny hand=trump
Just look at that twinkle in his eyes, he's definitely a kid fucker.
>its the most hallowed night
>the eve of comeys testimony
Has any meme died as quick as Colbertposting?
Rick and Morty posting died out way faster than Colbert posting.
Might come back when S3 starts for real though.
he honestly looks deranged
libtards must really be desperate
Man I genuinely do not like colbert at fucking all anymore. His conservative show was alright but offset he's a real piece of shit, even back then.
Pickle Rick is a prime penny meme dammit. Slow and steady, like my rare Jeb memes.
I don't get this Comey meme. He wasn't going to change his testimony since the last time he was under oath and say "trump was obstructing justice" He would be committing perjury
also he released an opening statement the day before where he goes over what he was going to say.
literally why did people get worked up over this?? WE KNEW IT WAS GOING TO BE NOTHING!?!?!?
>Im excited
>Its the most magical night of the year cuz its comey testimony eve
>I hung my socks over cnn
>can you feel the anticipation
>I can feel it comey in the air tonight ohhh lord
>I'm not the only one ready to partaayyyy
>bars are opening early tomorrow with drink specials
>orange russian is sitting right there
>people are calling this washingtons superbowl
>comeys testimony could be explosive
>and todays the presplosion
this is all 100% stuff he said
no wonder only old people watch his show
>He would be committing perjury
Which he did when Rubio got him
He's trying to make Jim Carrey's Tyrannosaurus?
His trump impersonation is cringey desu. Amerifats are dumb
for the same reason that jill steins recount was hyped up, and the faithless electors too
libs have gotten high on their own supply and genuinely believe that trump = hitler 2.0
they are the heroes of history by trying to impeach him and thus save the world
this is sad
Seriously what is wrong with you people? Your shit threads get pruned all day long yet you can't stop reposting them. Why are you obsessed with offtopic posting?
That man is literally insane
>I can feel it comey in the air tonight
Autism. Just like that pedoposter.
Sup Forums needs more range bans
I've literally never seen colbert angry in his life. This meme reeks of pol damage control
>I hung my socks over cnn
Jesus Christ
He's just unhinged at this point.
it's a late night television show on CBS