I hear Nebraska's nice.
I hear Nebraska's nice
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Reminder that despite all the shit it gets for the awful first half the second half of season 2 is legitmately fucking kino
Charlie Day should have been Neegan.
Best scene in the entire show. Perfect music too
Fucking great episode in a great season. S8 better deliver the same amounts of kino.
What a fucking dick. These guys were legitimately trying to show some kindness towards Rick and he literally just murders them in cold blood. Seriously, he had no reason to kill them. What was gis justification, "I had a bad feelin bout them"? Yeah, I'm sure that would hold up in a court of law. TL;DR: Rick is a scumbag piece of shit.
They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out......
Maybe when the guy tried to draw a gun on him kek
>What happened, Rick? I thought you weren't the good guy anymore. Ain't that what you said? Even right here, right now, ya ain't gonna fight for 'em?
Season 2 had some genuine kino scenes and Shane's character arc is still some of the best writing of the show.
Rick pulled his gun first (you just can't see it because he's out of the shot), the other guy was just defending himself.
>Yeah i get it...shit happens.
Based Rick with the one liners preceding kills
Find out what?
>Season 2 had some genuine kino scenes and Shane's character arc is still some of the best writing of the show.
I totally agree. Not sure why so many people hate season 2 so much. It certainly had some absolutely retarded parts, but the tension between Rick and Shane was the best part of the show. The Governor was good, but Rick/Shane was pure kino. I'd even put Negan behind the Gov desu. Negan is very underwhelming to me.
It is the Boss' best album.
They're screwin with the wrong people
Are you shitting me? It's blatantly obvious that those 2 guys were marauders who were scoping for their next target. Remember all those people they mentioned meeting? Those were their past victims who weren't as savvy as Rick.
Season 2 had problems, but this episode was amazing because it highlighted about the real danger that people are. Walkers are akin to a plague or natural disaster. They don't hate or lie or scheme like people did.
The fat dude asking about "cooze" was the definitive red flag. He hadn't had a piece of ass in weeks; his own words. He was NOT the sort of guy you would want around Lori, Maggie, Andrea, Beth, and the other women. He oozed rapist vibe.
If you didn't pick up on the fact that these two yankees were pushing the "you're going to take us to your camp whether you like it or not" option then you deserve to remain ignorant.
>Not sure why so many people hate season 2 so much
I think it's because of how slow it felt when it first aired(the first half, at least). Plus, memes have continued to enforce the "season 2 is bad" meme
Season 1-3 is pure kino. The structure is basically like this.
Season 1 (kino) - Season 2 (pleb filter) - Season 3 (kino)
It's because of the farm and the search for Sophia. It kinda bogged down the story with pointless drama and bickering. But yeah, fleshing out Shane in Season 2 and how he clashed heads with Rick was amazing.
And The Governor is god-tier. He may not be as well-organized as Negan's army, but I loved the actor who played him. My favorite episode is the one where he encountered Tara and her family. I was actually rooting for a murderous bastard like The Governor to reform and have a happy ending with his new wife and daughter.
I agree. I even enjoy parts of Season 4 like the Governor's return and everyone splitting off.
I do wonder what would've happened if Rick and his group never went to Virginia? Or just settled in the Carolinas? Negan has no reach there.
Then he killed the mexican for no reason at all
>Mexican: We could share the throne you know
>Governor: *golfs clubs mexican's head* I don't want it! I don't want it! I don't want it!
>*Proceeds to take the throne*
A Negan vs Governor arc is interesting to watch as long as the writers wouldn't fuck it up. Current Rick is such a fag.
season 3 is like the anti-season 2 because the first half is great and the second half is trash culminating in one of the worst season finales of all time. Merle's last episode was great though
the funniest thing about the whole Rick/Shane head butting is that now Rick has turned into what Shane thought the group should have been all along.
The gov meeting Tara's group was for sure a great episode. But I honestly thought it was pretty unbelievable that they just followed him so blindly and showed up to a group of people they'd never met with a fucking tank. I still liked that episode, but it was pretty fucking retarded.
Fuck I forgot Merle got killed off so early. There are so few characters I actually care about on this show anymore. This show would have been greatly improved if they didn't kill Merle off. Just his presence alone would have increased the relevance of Daryl like 10X. Why did they do it?
He killed Martinez because The Governor persona was returning. Up until that point, "Brian Harriet" was a seemingly good guy who knew how to handle himself, but was haunted by his past to Lily, Tara, Meghan, and Martinez's camp.
Blake killed Martinez because he was frustrated how everyone was fucking up compared to how he handled things. Martinez admitting weakness sparked The Governor rage within Blake and he reverted back to his psycho self.
>A Negan vs Governor arc is interesting to watch as long as the writers wouldn't fuck it up
Remember how their truck broke down and that's why the Governor ran into Martinez's group? Imagine if the truck hadn't broken down and they somehow drove all the way to Alexandria for some reason. The Governor is far from Woodbury and the Prison; Alexandria is perfect to start over again.
If the Governor actually learns his lessons from Woodbury and the prison, he might actually rally Alexandria and the other settlements more effectively than Rick. The Governor is very charismatic and a born politician. He can lead troops effectively and I'd kill to see him in a fight against Negan.
There's no reason why Tara and everyone else wouldn't trust the Governor. So far he's shown himself to be a courageous and kindly guy whose suffered a lot. His half-assed story about Rick's group mutilating his eye and killing his daughter is actually true in an oblique way. He riled up the group by reminding Tara that the reason why he acted like he wanted to die when they first met was because he lost his camp and people to Rick's people.
Only Lily showed some doubt about Brian's justification, but besides that, there really isn't any reason for them to not rally behind him. Remember, he's the guy who effectively lead the group after Martinez died.
Why don't you just shut up?
Wow. So basically your argument is just assuming random shit with little to no evidence? Picking up on "cues" is reason to fucking murder someone? Retard. Stop pretending like Rick is actually smart. He didnt realize his wife fucked Shane until S2, he's a fucking retard.
Honestly this show is great for the first 4 and a half seasons.
I loved Merle. I really wished he hadn't died along with Shane. If those 2 guys were with Rick right now, Negan might've been assassinated effectively.
>Why did they do it?
Because Mazarra was a shit showrunner who at one point or another wanted to kill of almost the entire cast
Here's a quick list:
>Almost killed Hershel in Better Angels. Randall was going to gun him down and run away.
>Almost had Andrea get eaten in Beside the Dying Fire. Michonne's intro was a last minute decision.
>Almost killed Carol in Killer Within. Several cast members argued against it because of how pointless the idea was, so he killed T-Dog instead, even though that's just as pointless.
>Almost killed Carl in Home instead of Axel.
>Almost had an episode where Andrea blows up the Governor's apartment in Woodbury, but then re-wrote it where Merle dies at the last minute.
>Wrote Andrea getting ripped apart by Milton after he tried to strangle her to death. Tyreese and Sasha then find what's left of her and put her down. Gimple re-wrote the episode and gave us the almost-as-bad pliers sequence.
>Before getting the idea to kill her off, Andrea was meant to save Woodbury at the end on a horse and unite Woodbury and the prison (according to Laurie Holden).
>Daryl was meant to take Merle's drugs after Sophia's death, but Norman Reedus thought that would make Daryl "look bad" and it got scrapped...
They totally dropped the ball on Merle and Shane. They could have easily had terrific story arcs if they stretched them out for at least a few more seasons. I'm not joking at all when I say that either of those characters in this modern season would have been leaps and bounds above every single character still alive on this show. They are just all so bland and boring to me at this point. Rick included.
Nah, Shane lasted as long as he needed to. Any longer and it would've felt weird.
The show did better than the comics by having their conflict last longer and come to a head.
Merle I agree though was a missed opportunity. He'd be amazing if he was still on the show and they were really developing him.
We're done. Come talk to the rest of the thread when you don't have time for memery, trolling, or general time wasting. You'd be caught up in the worst group or killed off by the time we met up with these guys in season 2. Toodles!
the entire show is basically just rick murdering all the people who haven't become zombies yet
If they downplayed shanes resentment towards Rick a bit more they could have easily stretched it out. I do think you are correct though. Given the trajectory of the show they probably did end the rick/Shane arc at the right time
forgot pick related to your tomfoolery. Please praise KEK and try to contribute to the discussion in a meaningful way. Thanks!
Did you watch season 2 while it was airing? It was probably the most poorly paced season of a TV show I've ever seen for week-to-week viewing.
I have no clue if any of this is true, but the writers of this show are so godawful it's very believable.
I know it's a normie thing to like Daryl at this point, but he was one of my favorite characters from day one. He's a horribly bland character at this point, but he used to be a pretty cool rural survivalist type guy. Which I liked, and was actually believable as one of the few survivors of this catastrophe. It almost seems like the writers are afraid to give him a personality at this point for fear of alienating his cult following. So instead they just make him a do nothing side piece?
>Did you watch season 2 while it was airing? It was probably the most poorly paced season of a TV show I've ever seen for week-to-week viewing.
I actually did, and I liked it a lot. It had many horribly stupid plot points, but it was still better than probably 90% of the shit they've spewed out of their ass the past few seasons
Season 1, Episode 3 was the only episode throughout the general early portion of this series that made me question things. Season 2 was slower in pace, but at least we saw our main group grow and root themselves in some sort of character development. S1, E3 was super corny, at least to me. Season 2, compared to later seasons, wasn't that bad. It set the stage for the "safe space turns bad" formula, but we were still learning who the main cast really were. Some characters were still developing throughout the ending. I can't defend it, but season 2 isn't as bad as some later seasons turned out to be once the formula was established.
They're talking the piss out of the wrong lads.
Is this autism?
The first one you linked is just a troll. I'm the user that said "toodles" and shrugged off the originator of this particular discussion. The second user you linked is just kind enough not to give the typical Sup Forums response. You need to catch up on what autism really is. Otherwise, good day fellow shitposter!