What are some films about an unconventional hero who goes against all odds and wins at the last minute?
What are some films about an unconventional hero who goes against all odds and wins at the last minute?
cheeky thread
but i like it
Not a film but 2016 election
lol Britain got kek'd. Does that mean no Brexit happening?
one scene from Home Alone 2
Can this actually happen? Pls
this is a lefty echochamber
let us have our moment please lad, you had yours in 2016
brexit will happen but it wont be a "hard brexit" so much as a "feathersoft Brexit"
very possible we might leave the EU but replace all the existing agreements so everything is exactly the same except in name
Hail Comrade Corbyn
Old Hag Theresa BTFO
>London (CNN)Exit polls are predicting that British Prime Minister Theresa May is set to lose her parliamentary majority, while the opposition Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn is set to outperform expectations.
>Trump wins
>every other nation on earth starts rejecting right-wing populism, now that they've seen what it looks like
give them hell jezz
is that any good
i wrote it off as a poor mans Assault on Precint 13 myself
Cons lost seats, but Labour won't be able to form government as Cons will still have nearly half of the seats.
They skipped the conservative part, May is absolutely insane when it comes to economics and all she was good for was parroting UKIP.
It was great if you have tolerance for wonky Londoner hood slang (I'm American). Get used to YE GOIN MAD SENPAI.
It has very little to do with Assault on Precinct 13. It's more like an 80's creature movie crossed with Edgar Wright crossed with The Wire Season 4.
Trump will have done more of the liberal than Hillary could ever hope to accomplish.
who the hell wants a woman leader anyway
i am a wonky londoner who speaks in "hood" slang
sounds good
No question. There's no fucking way Hillary could have flipped Congress in 2018 and the possibility of that happening is growing every day.
The Tories didn't deserve Dave
I found it a lot more enjoyable than I expected, just wouldn't go far enough and say it's anywhere near "good"
The UK conservatives, if you can call them out, are not populist in the slightest. Theresa may is far and away one of the worst politicians of all time, far worse than Hillary who actually turned up to her debates.
hes a marxist but he knows the UK isnt ready for communism so he ran on a quite mild socialist platform
his party is socialist (not communist) too
>want to raise tax on Jewish billionaires
>become literal commie
Good goy.
Absolutely top tier thread, proper cunts/ total legends only
Better than expected, not as light-hearted/ spoofy as assumed. Solid low-budget AoP13 as a monster movie, decent cast, good script, some shocks and laughs. Avoid leaning into the whole "Hard out here for a yoof, innit" bit well. All told, fun, lean sci fi thriller
Do you talk like Skepta? Everyone in that movie talks like Skepta.
>brexit will happen
Enjoy your roaming in EU countries then lol
You mean
>yuropoors decide to double down on refugees and shitty policies because they want to be as contrarian against America as possible
Just listen to her rhetoric, it's all empty platitudes a la Brexit means Brexit.
She didn't turn to the debates because she knows that she has no fucking charisma nor a platform to stand on, if she did, she would get slaughtered harder than Le Pen meme.
Yea Sup Forums I'm sure that's it
>US goes left
>everyone starts going right
>US goes right
>everyone starts going left
how pathetic is every country other than the USA?
its very possible freedom of movement will be preserved if labour keep winning like this actually
Honest answer only please. Why do you want communism? What is attractive about it? Trying to underatand why you would vote for an actual communist.
Bump for the question. Really curious.
t. yuropoor
Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million votes and entered the White House as one of the most unpopular new presidents in history and he's number have continued plummeting since.
US isn't going right, the political system is just broken, Clinton was shit and Trump is a born exploiter.
they got stuck voting for Hillary or Bernie
If he's a communist, May is incompetent neo-feudalist, making it all a no brainer no matter how you want to look at it.
>an actual communist
You sound like your parents did when they called Eminem a "gang-banger" and Marilyn Manson a "Satanist"
he has a fairly centrist socialist platform you daft nonce
Great post
>frigid, uninspiring female politician attempts to use the fact that her opponent is a fringe nutjob as an excuse not to even make the slightest attempt to moderate her policies or attempt to actually appeal to people
>voters see through it and go vote for the loon
I've seen this somewhere before
My fucking hero
>brits had to chose between 1984 or Camp of the Saints
Fucking hell
what wacky shenanigans will labour get us into this time
Social Democrat =/= Communism
Wait what the fuck? Is the patriarchy actually real?
There is literally no common thread other than they all have cocks and their opponents have pussies.
Literally this.
>popular vote
still think america has ever been a true democracy huh?
>popular vote only matters to Sup Forums when they say so
yet only one nation was accused of sexism, really gets those neurons firing
Who are you quoting?
Had policies while their opponents were complete idiots and proved it over and over again.
Had 3 million votes less and only got in due meming rednecks.
Only one nation had a candidate insulted due her sex. Nobody called May a witch despite looking like one.
can people who didn't bother voting still cast a popular vote in america?
We talking about how Sup Forums isn't old enough to vote?
It's the same vote
Can leaking emails be the same thing as deliberately working with the Russians if McCain wants it to be?
So, let me get this straight: the leaking emails wouldn't be evidence of incompetence but with Hillary's emails, that is catastrophic and she should be thrown in prison for life?
Why don't the Tories just run Margaret Thatcher again?
It's not gonna happen it looks like
Fucking drunk Scots can't do anything right
Aw'ight lads!
you asking me a question or trying to make a new statement about something else
you are being deliberately stupid
Not so fast my friend!
JK Rowling is a cunt, spent months rallying against Corbyn saying he was unelectable, then didn't even tell people to vote him in this general election.
Man, did not expect to find those Chapo boys on Sup Forums on election night of all places
Enduring Destiny
Maybe we're actually on the same side here and just miscommunicated.
I'm implying that McCain tried to create a false equivalence between Hillary's unsecured email server and the fact that senior officials in the Trump campaign met with Russian officials, most likely to coordinate political activity with hacks, leaks, and gaslighting, but that he ended up sounding like he was having a "senior moment".
I was asking what you were talking about?
What do you expect from someone who made elf slavery a key part of her books
Most of the "left" media was shitting on him. Blairite cunts BTFO.
Do you think Harry's parents dodged an estate tax when they bequeathed his Gringotts account?
The papers this morning were a fucking joke. The Mail and Sun did like 13 pages of Anti-Corbyn shit. I'm not sure anybody takes them seriously now
The weird thing is in Ye Olde Englande "liberal" doesn't mean lefty snowflakes or Bernouts, it means free market.
Harry also never fucking helped his broke ass friend and his family that treated him great.
>Taking the Daily Mail seriously ever
With Mail and Sun it's expected at least but even if Graunidad bitching about him until the last moment, shit is seriously going wrong.
The Weasleys would have refused, it says that in the book. They aren't welfare centaurs
mommy may could have waited until 2020 to have an election, right?
>Harry also never fucking helped his broke ass friend and his family that treated him great.
It's been years since I read the book but didn't he force money on Ron at least once?
corbyn won't do shit and will just act smug in parliament when he fucks up
can't wait for tories to call another retarded referendum or election about some random thing
maybe scotland
They might've refused money but he could've give them amazing gifts at every holiday and it's hard to refuse gifts. It's not like he even tried.
I think it was for some really small stuff where Harry was too in your face about it.
You morons deserve your European Venezuela.
Yes apparently May really didn't want Cameron to be a bigger laughing stock than her
>Corbyn will never run
>Corbyn will never get elected by the Labour members
>Corbyn will never find any frontbenchers
>Corbyn will never hold on to power
>Corbyn will never win re-election with an increased majority
>Corbyn will never bring the party out of debt
>Corbyn will never sing the national anthem
>Corbyn will never come back from 25%
>Corbyn will never prevent the LibDems from becoming the new opposition
>Corbyn will never support labours postion on Trident
>Corbyn will never support hard Brexit
>Corbyn will never abolish tuition fees
>Corbyn will never fully cost his manifesto
>Corbyn will never breach 30%
>Corbyn will never win over the working class
>Corbyn will never win over Liberals
>Corbyn will never win over Conservatives
>Corbyn will never win over lost UKIP voters
>Corbyn will never bring his party ahead in approval ratings
>Corbyn will never gain after Manchester
>Corbyn will never rally the North
>Corbyn will never close the gap to 5%
>Corbyn will never breach 40%
>Corbyn will never be PM
>Corbyn will never reverse tax and spending cuts
>Corbyn will never establish a National Education Service
>Corbyn will never renationalise the rails without compensation
>Corbyn will never federalise the UK
>Corbyn will never get a good Brexit deal
>Corbyn will never dismantle the EU
>Corbyn will never abolish the monarchy
>Corbyn will never declare himself Chairman
>Corbyn will never send the Tory press to the gulags
i thought this was the hottest take of the thread
What a tweest
I dunno man the Sun front page was such a terrible piece of thrown together clip it was genuinely amusing to me.
I want Jez to win now just so they can continue to desperately push their luck. It genuinely is so bad its good.
Ouch. This almost made me feel bad for her.