Lock him up

Lock him up.




can't even spell his name correctly, fucking spaz


haha ebin russia are our friends lets end the sanctions and leave nato amirite guys?

Damn hes gonna grow up to be handsome huh?

It gets worse — someone on his team had an IP that was traced back to Russia, and played in a manner consistent with known Russian military intelligence officers!

I believe it. Trump has no morals or shame; he's definitely the type of scumbag to use his child as tool in his Russian takeover of America.

Well his mom is a trophy wife

Don't fuck with Barron.

What happens when he finally plugs in to the internet

kids life is already setting up to be a wild ride

Kids are streaming themselves nude twerking on periscope by the time they're 7. Barron is already plugged into the internet.

Hos older kids were bred with models too and came out ugly as sin.

Well I wish the best to him.

>Kids are streaming themselves nude twerking on periscope by the time they're 7
what do you mean

>Kids are streaming themselves nude twerking on periscope by the time they're 7
Wow, fucking disgusting. Do you have any links to accounts that do this, so I can report them?

BURR: Do you have any doubt that Russia attempted to interfere in the 2016 elections?

COMEY: None.

BURR: Do you have any doubt that the Russian government was behind the intrusions in the DNC and the DCCC systems, and the subsequent leaks of that information?

COMEY: No, no doubt.

BURR: Do you have any doubt that the Russian government was behind the cyber intrusion in the state voter files?


COMEY: Correct. There was a massive effort to target government and nongovernmental — near-governmental agencies like nonprofits.

BURR: What would be the estimate of how many entities out there the Russians specifically targeted in that timeframe?

COMEY: It’s hundreds. I suppose it could be more than 1,000, but it’s at least hundreds.


Mr. Comey, a broad question. Was the Russian activity in the 2016 election a one-off proposition? Or is this part of a long-term strategy? Will they be back?

COMEY: Oh, it’s a long-term practice of theirs. It — it stepped up a notch in a significant way in ’16. They’ll be back.

>tfw pol is not only okay and supportive of this, they will literally defend trump firing comey to prevent him for investigating it and claim it's a conspiracy

Does pol realize they're literally become traitors simply because they blame the world for their perpetual virginity?

I for one was shocked to hear of the IQ of this small boy


Sup Forums does not care about nationality. They are contrarians of the worst sort. They don't care about anything except their stupid memes.
see These cucks have nothing else to fall back on.

I bet he plays overwatch

I believe you Satan.

The kid's way too autistic to have given any important info. He probably just rambled on about Sanic.

You're not even trying to blend in

Nice triple six.
>Friendly reminder that this cunt shit posts on Sup Forums for fun. He's one of the many contrarians on that board.

Third worlder here, your country ruling class deserve a lot worse then russian lobbies

American citizen here. I agree with you.


Rate Barrons waifu


Le pol le virgin le neckbeard fedoras le cringe ima right?
Lets take back our board for the win, fuck those nazis fuck republicans lol

ZOG must be destroyed and the anti white kike controlled government of the US must collapse, if Russia fosters this for their own geopolitical benefit, well let's just say we welcome all fellow travelers

>I'm responsible for shit russia does (according to 17 million intelligence agencies without any evidence)




If this kid ever starts playing CS:GO then none of out secrets will be safe from the Russians

>become traitors simply because they blame the world for their perpetual virginity
Sup Forums are traitors because they the blame the world for their virginity? That's just silly, user.

me on the left


hello roastie

We must reconquer videogames from the toxic white male and their power fantasies

>boobs, nice and big

>11 year old talking to Russian spies on an xbox

>without any evidence
Educate yourself retard.

Don't be harsh, he just can't get his head over the most basic shame tactics.

Facebook-tier fakenews. Go back there, retard.

He seems like a TF2 pyro

Kid is way ahead of his time. I could never imagine drawing my own waifu when I was his age.

>the media is bullying the President's children

not sure how sympathetic that will make people to their cause

>he's a tits guy

Russians play minecraft?

What the fuck why isn't he a PS4 man. Seriously disappointing if he plays xbox.

>le bloodbornestation

they haven't released any evidence, just declassified reports, dumbass

the only one releasing real evidence is wikileaks, which includes CIA tools to plant false fingerprints of foreign hacks

>that image
r o a s t i e



>how do i into reading comprehension
read it again, retard


Normies play PS4, autists play xbone. He's autistic af bro


tattoo's are retarded imo

So Counter Strike?

>J U S T



I hoped he had some taste. But he's an Amerifat afterall.

Looks like the son of Ivanka and Donald. Any manga based on this theory?

Are liberals really this obsessed with Russia and Trump?

>still doesn't educate himself

>da, don't worry about it capitalist goy

Illiteracy is common among polfats. There's a direct correlation between social conservatism and low IQs, look it up user

>i dun geddid? ?

is this from something? or is he creating his own animu?

fucking based baron

barron's art from melania's insta

haha ebin russia are our enemies lets increase sanctions and give more money to nato amirite guys?

yes, but whom is the character? from a anime or is it oc?

>give more money to nato
That's not even something anyone is advocating, but even if it was, what's the problem?
>constant cyber attacks on government systems
>b-b-but they're our friends

oh not sure sorry. considering he keeps drawing the same character, probably a made-up waifu


It looks vaguely inspired by early 90's anime, but who the fuck knows

Barron's a cutie,

Is he going to star in the Hollywood adaptation of Boku No Pico?

Produced and directed by Brian Singer of course.

>me during night shift

Why do you want him to get molested?

Hello shitskin and/or kike.

Please don't type stuff like that about Barron k?
