Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
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the guy with the hat and glasses. what a fag! she should have rejected in front of everyone
Western society collectively.
>j-just be urself
>him going for a kiss at first before turning his head
I've never been able to watch the entire thing
That berry company that made the ad and encouraged this kid to do this. Put his beta-ness on display to the world just to have their faux-heartwarming ad to push berries.
delete thsi thread
For making this nerd believe that he actually had a shot.
The cringe palpable. Although it took guts and got him further with a girl than most people on this board.
>the absolute state of White """"""""""men"""""""""""
Garrett for being a huge autistic fugly shallow faggot and embarrassing both the girl and himself with this beta mating ritual.
What do you mean user? He had the super cool normie hip hop music playing and his stylish fedora, what could've gone wrong?
The decline of mankind.
Who /birdman/ here?
Nahh, couldn't do it.
Usually, I'd have sympathy for the awkward guy, but picking the hottest girl in class to fawn over is pretty entitled if you're the ugliest reject in the same class yourself. I mean, it'd be ok if she was an average looking girl, but damn kid, don't fly so close to the sun. If anything, I feel bad for the girl being put on the spot like that, and handling it as diplomatically as she could have.
Anyway, she probably acted like none of this happened the next day, and everything was the same as it was before this cringefest.
Imagine being Alexa in that moment and having to be all like "damn, Garrett, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your pubescent body and horrific androgynous baby face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all she really wants to do is fuck another football player in her bedroom. Like seriously imagine having to be Alexa and not only sit in that chair while Garret flaunts his disgusting body in front of you, the favorable fedora barely concealing his beady eyes and dumbo ears, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while he perfected that dance. Not only having to tolerate his weedy fucking visage but his dorky attitude as everyone in dance class tells him he's GOT IT and DAMN, GARRET DANCES LIKE *THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his dweeby fucking acne ridden face contort into types of goofy smiles you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of Chads and Tyrone's and later alleged Football stars for your ENTIRE LIFE coming straight out of the middle class in America. You've never even seen anything this fucking pathetic before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his hairless upper lip as he finger points suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to sit there and revel in his "very very very nervous (for that is what he calls himself)" dance, the dance he worked so hard for by himself in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could kill every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Alexa. You're not going to lose your future Instagram followers over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Can someone please explain to me how betas haven't been eliminated by natural selection? My dad was alpha as fuck, which instilled alphaness onto me. Is it because most women are just fucking the alphas but breeding with betas, creating new generations of betas? Do any of you kissless virgins actually have alpha fathers?
Her abdominal area is fucked up so she is kind of a monster.
Christianity made being a beta acceptable.
Because That alpha beta shit doesnt apply to humans
>inb4 massive /r9k/ shitstorm
kv here
my dad was 100% Chad, probably got it from my mom's side idk
Not true.
This. Even more, you would think that people who believe to be "alpha" would be obsessed about this concept, but it's people from Sup Forums lmao.
Because when a huge ton of betas dont have partners they chimp out and kill all the alphas and cause wars. You can be alpha as fuck and still die to a slit throat in the night.
That is why most societies settled on a largely monogamous model, outside of some societies which had concubines and such for the royal classes.
We can't all be alphas. We need betas and even omegas, too. If it was all alphas it would be competition all the time, fighting, etc. Betas are necessary for civiliazation.
>my dad was 100% Chad, probably got it from my mom's side idk
same here desu
you're making it sound like all women are "alphas" too. There are a lot of horrid looking, deformed, morbidly obese women that an alpha male wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole, yet they need lovin' too.
And guess who gets to fuck them?
I always hated these threds
>I feel bad for the girl being put on the spot like that
t. salty kissless virgin
I am always disgusted by her thick arms.
>her bf is not even good looking
Dancing dude must be a superb manlet beta.
Wait til you see her cancer stomach.
>Can someone please explain to me how betas haven't been eliminated by natural selection
Because these days your ability to survive and produce offspring and to "make a living" is dependent on making money, not being a good hunter. There are lots of nerdy low testosterone ways of making money. And these womens who've been fucked by chad reach their 30s, want stability and find a beta male to breed with.
accurate analysis
He plays football and he wears Nautica. He's a chad and that's what's important
I would never do this. I know what I am and I've accepted it a long time ago.
Garret ended up becoming a Chad with a qt girlfriend so I don't understand what is so bad about his stupid dance other than it reinforces how much of a pathetic loser I am and will probably blow my brains out in 2 years when I turn 30.
What ever happened to the fedora guy anyways?
just waiting when he shoots up the entire school
>I mean, it'd be ok if she was an average looking girl, but damn kid, don't fly so close to the sun.
saved your entire post
Women are inherently soulless when it comes to rejection to a guy. The thing is is that they'll never know what it's like to be in that guy's position.
They have no idea that for some guys, even talking to a girl is hard for them. I guess that's what it's like to have everything handed to you.
You don't become a Chad. You're either one or not. He might be a wannabe Chad but he's still a beta "nice guy" and always will be.
normie get the fuck out
She was very nice though, you kissless permavirgin. In her place I'd fucking laugh in his face and call him a faggot loser that just craves the attention of the hot girl.
>these womens who've been fucked by chad reach their 30s, want stability and find a beta male to breed with
That's more or less what I thought.
A fucking scar? Disgusting, who could ever love this abomination?
>Garret ended up becoming a Chad with a qt girlfriend
You know, this place really does have a skewed view of reality.
I have never once ever heard a woman or man talk about "alpha" or "beta." I'm a god damned bartender and even the drunkest whores have never uttered those words.
People legit do not give a fuck about that shit and people are way more nuanced than what you fags think.
I swear Sup Forums is obsessed with the weirdest shit like height, interracial sex, and "alpha and betas." This place is literally the only place I ever heard these topics discussed.
>weirdest shit like height,
this is a legitimate thing
>do you want to know how I got these scars?
>that look on his face
damn i wish i knew what it felt like to be chad
>Dad was a certified chad
>Mom was a shy introvert
Guess which side I take from more
Not really. I'm 5'9" and have never had any problem getting women, including 4 or 5 taller than me. People are nowhere near as fixated on this shit as you think they are.
see here
Just because they don't know the terminology, doesn't mean they don't know the phenomenon.
This has nothing to do with Sup Forums, anti-Sup Forums cancer from Sup Forums
The height obsessed women are usually insufferable type A personality, who walk around with a mental checklist of things they need in their life to be content.
For the rest of the women - as long as you're not shorter than the woman by a big margin, it doesn't really matter.
Except she enjoyed it moron
me too user. Just for a moment, I want to experience what it is not to be a disgusting misshapen creature. I want to know what it feels like to be wanted
>anti-Sup Forums cancer from Sup Forums
Prove it.
protip: just because a girl is polite enough to pretend that she likes your pathetic gesture, doesn't mean she does.
jfc why doesn't she just wear a one-piece
People don't say the words in the real world, but the alpha/beta dynamic is always present regardless, and it is very much a factor in your ability to attract the opposite sex. Even the most insufferable femininsts are attracted to raw masculinity because women are hard wired to be subservient to men. That's why so many women have rape fantasies. They WANT to be dominated. When they come at you with shit that suggests the contrary it's just a facade. They want you to shut that shit right down and put them in their place. Trust me, nothing drenches a woman's panties more than being scolded by a man.
this literally has everything to do with Sup Forums you retard Sup Forumsedditor
I tried to do you justice, user
That laugh in the middle ruined it. Also way too dramatic.