Does it ever piss you off that the USA chose to ally with the fucking Saudis over Iran?

Does it ever piss you off that the USA chose to ally with the fucking Saudis over Iran?

Iran has plenty of oil and they were much cooler back in the 70's than the fundamentalists in SA were

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I'm conflicted, nobody in western countries likes me for being a Christian but every iranian I've talked to is really happy for me and tells me how good it is I'm religious and believe in God.
Are they just pulling my leg? I thought Muslims hate Christians is this teqiya?


>chose to ally with the fucking Saudis over Iran?

The fuck you talking about? It's not like you a choice after the Ayatollah took over.

No. Fuck iran and saudis both. I can't wait to get my boots on Iranian soil.

Iranians were pretty based before the Islamic Revolution fucked everything up.

>Not only did we pick SA over Iran, we also had a hand in its downfall

Plus we were playing both sides of the war by selling them weapons and shit.

t. Chaim Zilberstein

the US only needs Saud for oil

as for Iran, fuck those mountain niggers

We WERE allied with Iran you slut, the IRIAF is the only export customer for the F-14. We sold them so many weapons and gave them way more aid than any other SWA country.

Iranians I meet here seem to either be traditional and nice, or rude guidos who are very slutty and alcoholics who smoke weed.

Alliances aren't set in stone. And there's a lot going on between USA and Iran that we can't see.
Don't believe everything the media says

Iranians are wonderful in my experience. Have a lot of really good Iranian friends that I really value.

Arabs - I'm not closed to them, per se, it's just that they never seem to bother to get to know you, and there are a lot of them where I live. Definitely stick to themselves.

> be a britbong
> spend lots of time and money developing oil resources in Iran
> everyone getting rich
> Iran elects a damn socialist
> Socialist says "let's le nationalize le oil and kick out le British"
> UK calls USA
> USA says "fuck communists!"
> USA gets rid of shitty socialist govt
> USA installs pro-US government
> USA and Iran are friends
> damn shitty kids in Iran decide to pick fight with western world again
> Overthrow USA-friendly govt
> Install crazy religious autocratic regime
> Kidnap American soldiers
> President Jimmy Carter BTFO
> USAIRAN relationships have been stupid like this literally your whole life

Fucking communists ruin everything.

Worked at a Persian restaurant in my teens. Not just Persians, but Arabs and Indians ate there. Arabs are prob the worst. Persians were always cool, talked to you, we're very polite, and tipped. Arabs never made eye contact, demanded things, etc.

Plus, Persian women are beautiful. Too bad they usually only go for Persian men

My CCNA tutor was Iranian, dead now. Nicest pooskin I've ever met, smart as well. Not fake smart like Indian durka durka mohammed jihads. I mean really smart, didn't boast about it either, helped the stupid people in the class even with basics like binary conversion to decimal (fucking basic) but some idiots managed to get in on the course, he had patience with them. Every Arab I've met has been a disgusting piece of fucking shit that I would happily slice up with a blade made of bacon and pig fat.

All Arab nigger skinned pieces of scum Allah worshiping dirt should burn alive.

All of them, they stink, they lie, they are rude and they just all need to be wiped out.

Israel and the Ayatollah don't get on and never will get on. America is Israel's bitch so what Israel says, America does.

Too bad, but unfortunately a handful of kikes yet again get to control everything. We really should have killed them all during the Jewish insurgency, I mean nuked the fuckers, cobalt bomb em, napalm, every fucking thing. But America begged us to leave them alone.


fuck off persio-nigger

Huh? I'm not persian or black, my parents are from Europe

Okay Mahmud, I bet you here and now, that Saudi Arabia would be invaded by the USA before/instead of Iran. If that happens, promise me you'll stop babbling "muh joos" like a retard and start paying attention to detail.

The Islamic Republic is in many ways a proto-socialist state with a healthy dose of islamic quirks. Of course the US couldn't support them, especially after the revolution overthrew the authoritarian, despotic Shah. Nothing quite like a friendly dictator to provide you access to the natural resources in Iran eh?

Funny story, the US went on to heavily support Saddam in the Iraq-Iran war, inclusive by providing him with ample stocks of chemical weapons, which he gladly used against Iran. Where do you think the supposed chemical weapons Saddam was claimed to have in 2003 came from?

>were much cooler back in the 70's
still are, you cunt

Yeah, many Iranian women really don't give much of a fuck about traditional islamic dress. I mean, arab dress.

most don't, plus, 70% of Iranian population is 30 years and younger.

>Saudi Arabia will be invaded while Killary is on their payroll

Maybe you should start taking notice of the details yourself. How bizarre that sandpeople travel halfway around the world to murder Europeans while the real, mutual, enemy of sandpeople are Jews who live in the country right next to them, yet they don't seem to suffer ISIS attacks almost daily. It's kind of like people that trade with each other won't attack each other because it would be in their worst interest. I mean it can't be that because that would mean Jews are dealing with ISIS, I guess it must just be pure coincidence.

Islam is actually the most accepting religion towards the other Abrahamic religions, Christianity and Judaism, in theory.

>Too bad they usually only go for Persian men
I been with two Persian women (still with the 2.) and didn't have any problems with her family.

saudi has far more oil than iran.

oil isn't a resource that you evetually have "enough" of or "plenty".
Saudi has way more so is more valuable.

plus it has better influence with surrounding sunni states.

they look like plastic whores.

>says the britbong

found the 20%

That's what they told me but I just wasn't sure, of course you see all the Allahu Akbars but it was a shock that Muslims from Iran were the most supportive of me being a Christian and even asked me about the bible.

It could also be because of Israel's extremely powerful military and security apparatus especially trained to fight Islamist terror, aside from the fact that both ISIS and Israel have common enemies in the region (Asad/Hezbollah), but hey, maybe this forum is right and common sense blinds people from reality...

In Islam, there are two types of religions: the correct (Islam), and incorrect (all others).