Pretty solid until the chick starts going full sjw and wants to stick around saving everybody on whatever space station they land on and getting mad when somebody gets hurt. Her voice grates my ears.
Watchable, but most of the cast is 90s tv trash tier. You have to regularly cringe and bear it, but the production values are high enough to be worth it.
Season 1 is pretty great. Season 2 is absolute shit and should fuck off and die.
>muh space noir :'C *snif*
Post surgery Amos takes up the slack.
Absolutely the best space sci-fi in the last decade or two, if you are not too bothered by ugly people everywhere.
I'm not an autistic virgin like most 4chinners, but the way the girl went sjw was really annoying and forced. I hated it.
pretty much the best sci fi on tv, very much worth watching. i got very into the story and ended up reading the books, and that pretty much never happens to me
>Has to interject his polpinions into everything
Naomi just wanted to save BELTA LOADAS
i'm an anti-pol-fag and naomi's progression felt REALLY forced
Did you even watch the show? It was extremely obvious.
wow you're telling me it was obvious that a belter wanted to help other belters? Fuckin crazy man
and i'm a dead woman.
So, you didn't watch it.
it's HOW it was done. it FELT forced. it's not WHAT it was.
No, I watched it. You just had your pol goggles on
I really don't think you watched it. Also, why are you so defensive?
I'm not defensive. I just don't understand why you have to view everything through pol goggles. If you think Naomi was being a sjw by trying to save other Belters, you have a problem
Martians >Earth scum > Belters
>Ywn be a part of the MCRN
Why bother living
S1 was kino
S2 was a let down.