I almost feel bad for him

I almost feel bad for him

Other urls found in this thread:


no sympathy for nigger lovers


"why is his comment in quotations like that?"

fuck that globalist cuck

what a fuckin faggot

Hope he gets cancer.

all actors are such fucking attention whores. fade out like every other human

How the mighty have fallen

Damn, this is the same guy that was in tons of great films. He was a great actor. RIP his dignity.

Most overrated actor on the planet. Name one movie where his character wasn't a perpetually grouchy middle aged- old man.

every scorsese movie he was in?

Those still fit the bill.

w-why are you guys hating on DeNiro now?

He want middle-aged then.

Even Taxi Driver? The King of Comedy?


Believing this is real

Come on

>implying 35-50 isn't middle aged

I'm your new intern!

He wouldn't have to make all those shitty movies if someone wasn't spending all his money.

Why are women like this?

>well known Hollywood actor
>spend life playing street smart wise guy/hard ass
>blubber like an insecure high school girl on social media trying to stay relevant and looking for (You)s

What a colossal faggot.

Acting is purely that, acting.

Kek, is this real?

time waits for no man

Because he's a retard that hasn't made a good movie in almost 20 years.

Spoiled cunt.

Fake account

Mean Streets
The Rocky and Bullwinkle Movie



I feel really bad for whoever makes this thread every fucking day.

so you feel bad for Robert DeNiro?

Raging bull
The Score
Men of honor
Way the dog
Jackie brown
A Bronx tale
The untouchables
Deer hunter
Taxi driver

But you've never seen any of those because you're a Meet the Parents watching pleb.

Gene Hackman was better.

Have you even seen his movies?.

He has been a hack for decades now.

Filthy deigo wop.

Raging Bull where he was a grouchy young man.

They all hate him because he doesn't like Trump.

That's literally the reason.

Sup Forums is basically Sup Forums 2.0

Gene isn't better?

Lol thats so fucking sad l

Yes, he is.

I voted for Trump, but name one thing since Meet the Parents he's done that you'd want to watch again

>"why is YOUR comment in quotations like that" (sic)?

Take a look at this webm and tell me that you still respect this man

Heh, DeNiro has no dinero.