Why do women always interfere in male activities?

Why do women always interfere in male activities?

You mean projecting yourself onto an idealized version of your gender?

watching capeshit is not a "male activity", go hunting you faglord

>women being shitty versions of men is what women want to be
Made me think

Lucky thing men invented all those franchises and let the girls in.

Is he just not aware that Wonder Woman as a character is almost 80 years old and that there have been canon female Jedi since 1999?

ghostbusters is a bunch of ball busting lesbians who ruined the movie with their grrrl power? Leslie jones? a sewer lurking she-boon that fat ass mccarthy bitch and that spastic blonde lesbo thx but no thx wat a shitfest

>refers to women as women
>refers to men as males

because pic

Yup, im sure all women share the perspective as you

Whoah, wonder woman was just invented?

Except almost everyone forgot about the Ghostbusters remake a month after it came out

What's there to hmm about??

That and girls didn't give a shit about Ghostbusters. Fat landwhales in their late 20's did

OP the faggot nigger is dehumanising men

And those girls will definitely not have sex with men below 6'5" and 9/10 in looks.

Seemed like he was defending them

Star Wars, Ghostbusters and the superhero genre were never exclusively male.

Not even. Just people who had an axe to grind with one side or the other.

My god, women are going to be horrendous in a couple decades.

Get to work on those sex bots, we need them now.

Who cares, just fuck the shallow whores that try to take an interest in your """nerd""" hobby

believe it or not they do, most women want to dominate their husbands or men

eat shit, roastie lel

I'm sure you have significant experience with such things.

meanwhile make kids are learning that they suck and are worthless and should always rely on women

me personally? yeah i do but from my general experience with women this is almost always the case

>what is mainstream exposure

Iron Man has been a comic book character for years, but everybody was goo goo over seeing the live action version. Now he's A list and at the top of people's favorites lists.

And are you going to cite EU shit only die hards read for female Jedi? You'd been better off citing Leia as a role model for girls because people actually know who she is.

>in a couple decades

And there's a generation of young men growing up with nothing so the subhuman hordes coming to take over our nations will be unopposed.

Well I'm not going to stand for it. Do YOUR part and show Spider-Man 1, 2 and 3 (directed by Sam Raimi) to every young man you can. And don't skip through the 10-minute lectures about racial purity, those are the most important parts.

Phantom Menace came out in 1999
there were female Jedi in the prequels you dumb fuck

and the President grabs 'em by the pusy

in all honesty its really sad how it is now, it wasnt even this bad when i was in school a decade or two ago

boys are being taught to be passive and complacent while girls are taught to be assertive and dominate?

havent we learned yet that placing women in positions of authority and power political power will lead to radical egalitarianism?

how many more millions have to die before we make women submit to mens authority forever?

>There are girls growing up with more catering to them than ever before

Wow, what a world!

Finally women will feel entitled

if they can't get involved in male activities and then engineer things to get all the attention, they will never get a chance to attract males to help them attain their principal life objective which is to reproduce