Ghostbusters dev Fireforge files for Bankruptcy
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racist!!!! government should subsidize sjw propag- TOLERANCE!!!
*tents fingers*
Shame for the other cast members. At least we can still play leslie Jones in king kong.
Ayy lmao how long till this game is free on ps plus
How's the game?
so i guess women earn pennies to the mans dollar after all
garbage in garbage out
Will this save us from the sequel?
Oh god, that SJW/tumblr style concept art.
Probably absolute shit, but i made the mistake of buying star ocean so i cant act elitist
>Licensed game
>For Fembusters
>By new studio bragging about >muh vagina
>Going bankrupt
Breddy gud
Fembusters BTFO
Shitty cash grab tie-in games BTFO
Not 1 attractive girl in that entire picture.
>star ocean
Is star Ocean bad? I really liked 2 and Last Hope
Took them long enough to give up the ghost
>All those job descriptions
>Not a single programmer or dev
Wow women sure can into tech
Do you not see Leslie Jones senpai?
Seems so, but never rule out what the (((Holywood))) execs are will to spend to push a narrative / agenda.
I'm fairly certain this is for the movie.
I really liked Till the End of Time's plot twist.
Uh those people aren't from the dev company in the OP, they're obviously workers on the movie set.
Do you think a video game Dev needs a hair stylist or costume manager?
>/pol in charge of critical thinking
>mfw they gave that poor child cancer
>At least we can still play leslie Jones in king kong.
I believe you meant "Kang Kong"
Oh no!
Anyway, do you know if (and maybe when) they are planning to release new Dacia Sandero?
I thought it was hair modeling.
>tfw they're so bad at comedy they managed to give Adam Sandler cancer
Dont they all have the same plot twist? Isn't it always something about there being something else bigger.
>theres aliens more advanced!!
>theres a bigger reality, your just a game
and so on.
Oh, Sony!
Don't you just love it when SJW meet reality?
Wait isn't that kinda quick? How long does it take a company to know they'll never recoup investment?
>Our ideals worked but reality set in
Daily reminder that the director of the movie said they needed $500 million in the box office in order to break even and secure a sequel
>Don't you just love it when SJW meet reality?
It's too satisfying, it's a guilty pleasure, webm related
>"Sometimes the hard headed have to feel it to believe it"
>Happy Stem Cell Day Jayden!
New one is not put together well,very rushed and disjointed 4 types of moves possible, but they do not string together in combos. The story is mediocre and the characters lack depth. The fighting is not dynamic, also very easy . if its a tough boss you switch to your healer and spam heal all game.
Skits are crap as well, cutscenes require you to direct the camera making you miss characters expressions. The game was a chore, the quests were all fetch quests
Really, makes you think...
jesus, what is that thing standing with those girls
>Fireforge's Ghostbusters game released just days before the initial bankruptcy filing, meeting almost universal critical disdain. It should be noted that FireForge Games, a successful tabletop miniatures company, is in no way associated with the case.
Isnt Wiig good looking?
Maybe muslims are the good guys after all.
>implying they're not both scum of the west and need to be eradicated
One is subversion that slowly erodes your society, the other walks to your door and blows up.
>Surely nothing bad will happen to me because men cant hit women
> Flat Lining
> Spawn Camping
Tip top kek.
>They're only recourse is to beat women, the only people smaller and more pathetic than them
>They must be based
t. achmed
I think the security should have just kicked them out, which is what people in the US should do
Damn it leave. Take em out. Take em all out.
Ahahahaha, where was this?
I love how the muslims were controlling themselves, but in the end they still started to act like dumb fucking animals they always are.
>*tents fingers*
What the fuck is that what that's called?
video games off of movies are always shit, maybe this will be the exception senpaitachi?
France, the writing on their bodies is en francais
>using a sick, unconscious infant to publicize your shitty movie
This is low, even by sjw standards.
Dats racist men
He dindu nuffin
Hillary help
>having a womyn PR manager
It explains the gross incompetence in lacking the foresight to see how bad an idea it was to send a squad of "ghost busters" into a ward with very sick kids
You should know already the left doesn't care who's dead if it's a white person.
They're useful idiots. Let them terrorise and redpill the lefties, then kick them out.
Another reboot in about 20 years.
god damn it, that pic
>dying wish is to meet ghostbusters
>get phone call
>little billy we are sending the ghostbusters right over
>these four idiots show up
>dying words: you're not bill murray
it a preemptive strike, all those kids are about to be ghosts
wtf i hate internalized systemic institutionalized sexism now
are the people redpilled about the gender nazis?
would be good to hear.
Next time, look at reviews for you buy games.
Fuck you man you made me laugh but I shouldn't
They are meaningless, profit driven, agenda driven, witcher got high reviews and so did until dawn and both are shit.
I don't for one second believe it was gross incompetence; It's a shameless and tasteless PR stunt
>Nier 0/10
>Last of Us 11/10
That only works if they're positive reviews. If you enjoyed a game that critics disliked for legitimate reasons, you have even lower standards than they do.
No matter how much you hate critics, if can't be said that if somebody probably listened to them before they bought, they would probably make better choices than those who buy blindly.
Even the Nips said the game sucked, so you have no excuse.
I think so. She did get a nose job a while back but I'm fine with it.
Nier isn't really for everyone. Also, I said to check reviews before you buy, not to by games just because it get a high review.
Preorder is my excuse, its only 60 bucks anyway.
I looked at the reviews and didnt want to believe them, they gave ff type 0 horrible reviews but I loved how dynamic it was.
poor kid, why would they expose him to more carcinogens?
Are you kidding me?!
Game magazines/major media outlets have been corporately compromised since the mid eighties.
I'm not fucking around, if you trust reviews from sites like IGN/Polygon/Even message boards like NeoGAF, you deserve the piles of shit they're plugging for their extra "advertising" bucks.
It must be absolutely soul crushing to work on a game like that.
With all due respect for your honestly, you are a double retard.
>I looked at the reviews and didnt want to believe them, they gave ff type 0
Unless $60 is nothing to you, when a game gets poor reviews, wait a week or so to see how the community receives it.
>Game magazines/major media outlets have been corporately compromised since the mid eighties.
I spent almost all my time on Sup Forums before coming her, so I know about the game reviewing jew.
Still, why it makes sense that they might overrate popular games, it's rare that they underrate them. There are few exceptions to them, and when that is, it's because most people probably wouldn't enjoy the game.
>Preorder is my excuse, its only 60 bucks anyway.
>I looked at the reviews and didnt want to believe them, they gave ff type 0 horrible reviews but I loved how dynamic it was.
user, don't be a sucker with this "pre-ordering" bullshit they advertise everywhere.
Wait a few weeks and if the reviews are good, buy it then. Or better yet, wait 6 months for it to drop to $40 or less.
60$ is nothing to me i wage slave 50 hours a week and video games are my favorite escape from it all. I was excited waiting for the game since the announcement trailer, it just sounded better on paper and that broke my heart. Still beat it though, good mindless activity.
Fair enough, on the grounds that they never anti-shill, though they still miss out on gems due to pleb tier taste
Jesus, how can normies not see the paid shilling/virtue signaling?
I just don't understand, how did an ugly baboon of doom like her reach a star actress position, she was supposed to spend her life eating bamboos and fighting other gorillas for scraps
Leslie Jones' face is so dark in this picture that I had to tilt my screen to even see her features.
doesn't surprise me
the game was terrible and the max concurrent players steam was like 16
>check fireforge website