Looks fake to me

>Looks fake to me

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has eddie been on since the flat earth episode?

>I don't know man
>I told you I'm crazy
>ha ha


Just the fight companion where he had another long rant about the shadow government or something.

i agree

Eddie made me a flat earther.

I don't know what to believe anymore.

>I don't know what to believe anymore.
You just said you're a flat earther. Believe in that turbo nerd.

it's a shame joe is taking this moral high ground stance towards eddie's insanity when it's truly entertainment gold.

it's a wasted opportunity not having eddie on and arguing with the likes of jamie and whoever else and pissing off all the curmudgeons who listen.

joe probably thinks it's "problematic" for eddie to be sharing his bizarre beliefs to such a wide audience, but he's missing out on some great materiel here.

Believe that suicide is the only honourable way forward.

>joe probably thinks it's "problematic" for eddie to be sharing his bizarre beliefs to such a wide audience, but he's missing out on some great materiel here.
It's funny, because Joe used to thrive on that. He must have big backing from advertisers and who knows else. He's become a party pooper. Back when his main sponsor was Fleshlight, he gave zero fucks.

Plz explain to me how time zones work on a fucking flat earth. Why is it light here when in the middle of the night in china.

The universe goes around the world while we stay flat.

Is there a cut of this? Or could you give a timestamp?

It's clear you guys have never had a friend that got in too deep with bullshit conspiracy theories. It's hard watching someone you care about sperg out over flat earth of all things. Joe is just genuinely concerned for Eddie's well being.

Maybe. Flat Earth is ridiculous.

Name (1) time Eddie Bravo has been wrong

>please spoonfeed me
No. Go fucking look it up yourself. Literally every question you have has a flat earth answer. No, you haven't thought of something that "easily disproves" FE theory.


>No, you haven't thought of something that "easily disproves" FE theory.
Besides satellites taking pictures of our planet being round.

he's been busy learning the ropes at Jone's secret base. We all need good men like bravo in the fight against the globalists. It's like XCOM, dude.

>nukes aren't real

Eddie is more redpilled than jones

You are so fucking retarded. Go look into fe theory before thinking you are so super smart

>no argument
Giving up a little early, aren't you flatcuck?

Look into it, retard

Present an argument retard. You can't, because you have none.

he is, not even Jones believes in flat earth

It's probably less about advertisers and more about how much his show has grown in the last year or so. They've always been big but I swear I've seen them all over the place lately

>it's a guy who got convinced that the earth is flat by a stoned martial artist who thinks nukes don't exist calls other people retards episode

For fuck's sake, you are so immature. This stupid back-and-forth is probably your fucking fantasy.
>hurr I'll keep replying in a way that makes him keep replying!! ahahaha i love Sup Forums!!!
I don't give a fucking shit.You just sound retarded and uninformed. You are asking the equivalent of "if they were never on the moob, how did they fake the lower gravity? huhh???" "they say oswald didnt kill jfk, but then why was there a gun in depository?? huh???" You sound fucking stupid.

Look into it or not. Nobody gives a shit. All of your questions have been asked and answered a hundred times already. The fact that you think they are anything new is embarrassing and shows you have no self-awareness. You're a fucking faggot no matter what.

>implying there's gravity on the flat earth

The burden of proof falls on you. You don't just get to make outrageous claims like that and tell us just to trust you and that's it. You have to back up your claims.

>still no argument

>Can't trust books
>Can't trust the internet
>Can't trust television
>CAN trust random YouTube video from BrettKeaneGodTVRadio0076

How is a person this stupid?

>How is a person this stupid?
Chem trails altered his brain composition.

I dunno man, Joe doesn't seem to really care too much about that. He's got other stuff going on for him, he doesn't even really need the podcast. Although he probably enjoys the podcast the most out of stand up and commentating, but I'm just guessing.


don't even bother with this shit. they'll just tell you they're not real.

this. i have lost 2 friends because they have literally driven themselves insane with bullshit

I remember my old roommate calling his mom freaking out about the illuminati in music and shit.



the next EBI should be Jaime vs Eddie

Not listening to Bravo's 3-hour interview with Ryan Dawson, infinity more based than Rogan's Alex Jones podcast:

But truly, it's great. A lot of Bravo's non-flat-Earth skepticism originated here in real time. And Dawson doesn't shy from sources. Save for the weekend.

my favorite was on fight companion

his argument was

>you search Nikolai Tesla you cant find any conspiracy theories
>you search Einstein you find tons of conspiracy theories

his conclusion was "i trust tesla's shit i dont trust einstein's" ... based on search result volume

>20 minute

try 38-45

This. Rogan put Eddie onto the fake moon landing theories, now he's clowning Eddie as a Flat Earther. As a weekly watcher, Rogan does seem to have reeled it in. I thought he was tired, but perhaps after

>Jordan Peterson
>Alex Jones

He got a yuge offer from god knows who. I've noticed that Guy Ritchie and Walker (((Benjamin Hoffman))) Wheeler have been plugging in a crass way, and even Ari is pushing his next "all about Judaism" comedy tour in an insincere way.

Bravo has the cocksure innocence Rogan used to. The diff bt Rogan's first pod with Neil Degrasse Tyson and his last one

Eddie is a comedy gold he needs to be on every episode

Is Sup Forums the most appropriate board for Podcast discussion? Assuming topic specific podcasts are discussed on the most relevant board (tech podcasts on Sup Forums, automotive podcasts on /o/ etc.).

>"Reality is a computer simulation, they call it Simulation Theory, even Elkon Musk believes in it, Jamie pull that up" - Rogaine

>"The moon is a simulation, probably computer generated." - Bravo

Why are these theories mutually exclusive? No one brings up this hypocrisy on JRE

>I swear I've seen them all over the place lately
Sup Forums and Sup Forums is not "all over thr place", bro

Your claim is that the Earth is round, the burden of proof is on you.