>I should have stayed home and watched my bull rail my wife


It's like election night all over again.

imagine if he actually won

>it's a Sup Forums still pushes the "nothing happened" narrative while actively giving attention to the topic at hand episode

what is this about?
been at work all day

This isnt actually funny, no matter how often you post it.

>liberals at a bar at 10am on a weekday

Haha wow

desu he is a retarded cuckold who has accomplished nothing in his life. he wouldn't accomplish anything as president either. his presidency would just be a waste of time. also he was never close to securing the demonrat nomination. boiney cucks are pretty delusional about that. clinton had almost double his votes


How many more times can Libcucks be BTFO before they collective mass suicide? I never knew their embarrassment would go this far after Trump's election. rip

Is that what passes for a bar in Brooklyn?
I'd rather get drunk off Listerine in the alley behind this place.

Take your low effort thread back to

>I'd rather get drunk off Listerine in the alley behind this place.
me too, fellow native american

Sounds like a fun night of pub hopping. These silly fucks.

>BTFO by Paris Accord
>BTFO by Comey's testimony
>going to be BTFO when the travel ban is re-instated

We will see a spike in liberal suicides

That's where they work, user! They're artists! Thinkers! Intellectuals! They don't have 9-5s, they work on Commission!

>its a "democrats lose" episode

I love it because each episode starts out with them having so much hope just for it to be crushed

Go back to your social media thread that you're fine with anti Sup Forums cancer

and nothing of value would be lost

>there are pics of libs crying

Colbert was right when he compared coney hearing to Christmas

must've been pretty fucking boring. especially since i'd imagine all of those retards are viewing their daily life through the "i hate trump" glasses. not even any room for drunk debating...

>le Sup Forums boogieman
Fuck off, newcunt.

Interestently, legal euthanasia for anyone over 18 would literally kill most of the left's taskjob

James comeys testimony

liberals thought he was going to spill the beans on Trump being Putins puppet, but he just said "nah, Trumps just an ass" and their entire narrative fell apart. Its like someone putting ALL their life savings on red and it going black

>nothing happened
We both know that isn't accurate or intellectually honest to pretend.


Oh, le nice meme gentlesir xddd you fucking spastic. Pull your fucking head in. Cunt.