Why is it so hard to commit to a series like Twin Peaks or Westworld, but it's so easy watching shows like Deadliest Catch or River Monsters?
Why is it so hard to commit to a series like Twin Peaks or Westworld...
Maybe it's hard for a brainlet like you
You actually have to pay attention
Because you're an idiot
Twin peaks and Westworld are shit
>it's an arapaima episode
Are you a baby boomer OP? Who taught you how to use the internet?
>why is it harder to commit to a 10+ hour serialized season than easily digestible 1 hour, self-contained, braindead episodes?
Because River Monsters is a show for real men. Fiction shows with lore and overarching plots are for nu-male cucks.
>catches fish that kills or seriously maims the local villagers
>holds it out of the water for a couple minutes then releases it to go fuck up some more beaners or niggers or rice niggers, depending on what area of the world this episode is located
Makes me laugh every time
Because those shows are actually about real things and you learn about the real world. Those other two are nosense for losers that want to think themselves as smart.
There are too many "premium" shows popping up, each year more and more of them each with an entire universe of their own that you want to autistically immerse yourself in and research all of the inns and outs, after a while it gets exhausting and you just want to watch old soprano episodes.
Because River Monsters is based
its really not that difficult when you realize 99% of them are shit.
>ywn be a deckhand on the Northwestern and secretly have sex with Mandy every night in the engine room
I was trying to think of an ironic way to put that, but I couldn't get anything to gel. Thanks.
is no one gonna check these
Jeremy Wade is sexy and his fingers already smell like fish
no, numbers are only relevant on Sup Forums
Look at Jeremy's smile
There's your answer
Because those shows are actually good.