Is Sup Forums at war with us?
Is Sup Forums at war with us?
Yes. They constantly spam off-topic threads and then cry when Sup Forums does the same thing
No, it's always Sup Forums
Remember this fact
Sup Forums here. we don't give a shit about your irrelevant board
>Sup Forums here
Yes, that's the problem
Stop making threads about garbage like John Wick please.
>Sup Forums
>warring with anyone
KEK. they're too busy sucking Sup Forumsmblr cock
Right. Because brapposting and cunny threads are great content
No they're not. I never implied they were.
Some user awhile back posted all this stuff that showed that these one "/r/neoliberal" redditors are actively raiding us.
I don't think Sup Forums is the issue here, honestly
The issue is 90% of the board being more interested in shitposting about fucking Stephen Colbert and political happenings than actually talking about film or television. This board just needs to be nuked.
>constant capeshit threads that aren't even ironic anymore
>>I don't think Sup Forums is the issue here, honestly
Does Sup Forums even care about capeshit?
I thought they just jerk off to ponys or girls from Avatar.
I sometimes wonder why /k/ isn't trying to claim all boards, they have all guns
Don't give them ideas user
They have to get those guns out of their asses first.
Threads about John wick are the very least of this boards problems, honestly it isn't even a problem
>not wanting threads where we judge weapons from kino
I wouldn't worry about it.
I'm from Sup Forums and I'm only here to talk about Aliens Covenant, sometimes I post in starwars threads too. But once people stop making Aliens threads Im fuckign out of this shit hole.
Are you one of those autistic prequel apologists?
who gives a shit
Sup Forums whines more than us they can't do anything
prove me wrong