movies where the good guys lose?
Movies where the good guys lose?
>Cameron is the most embarrassing incompetent PM in modern history
Who gives a shit? Europe is dead.
There is still Iceland
It barely exists though.
I've given up hope on Europe. I'm curious how long it will take until Sharia Law becomes the official law of the land.
Fuck May. The only people who like her a sociopathic burgers trying to turn the UK into an even bigger vassal state.
>Implying she isn't the baddie
Stay mad libtard.
I unironically expect to see a white genocide in Europe in my lifetime
Still better off than the US. American ethnic demographics have been fucked since the 1990s.
What a fucking IDIOT
>Thinks she is a hero.
Western Europe is better than the US by literally every measure: education, wealth, employment, crime rate, air quality etc etc
How disappointed will you be when the Syrian shit ends and nothing more happens? All your doomsday talk is going to make you look like autists. You realize that, right? Influxes settle and so will the violence. This shit happens all the time on earth.
She should be an hero.
Thats because youre functionally illiterate
You do know you're basically defending British Hillary Clinton and she isn't connected to UKIP in any way?
>In December 2007, 33,678 people (13.5% of the total population) living in Iceland had been born abroad,
Iceland is lost
There would need to be about 10 Manchester bombings per day to get Englands murder rate close to the US'
Can't absorb the corb!
t. Amerifat who has never even left his 54% white country in his life
Learn 2 read.
>I think every single Muslim and every denomination is a violent cartoon