What are Sup Forums's thoughts on pic related? I liked it quite a bit.
It Comes at Night
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I thought that it was enjoyable. Good atmosphere. I'm cool with ambiguity but they really didn't tell us much of anything
how tf did stanley get back in the house?
Looks pretty good. Might see it tomorrow
Damn guys be careful with spoilers, I haven't seen this yet and neither have many others. But it looks fucking amazing.
Well made, but it felt like there was 30-45 minutes of movie missing.
>Who the fuck opened the door?
>What was the point of the kid's attraction to the man's wife?
>What comes at night? Title makes no sense, other than sounding cool.
>What was the dog freaking out about?
I live in a pleb flyover city so its not in theatres where I'm at
im excited to see it. i've ignored all news and trailers
>Who the fuck opened the door?
Could have been Paul trying to frame Will after the convo, could have been the kid hearing the dog trying to get in, could have been Travis sleepwalking, misremembering - he barely slept after all, didn't have a good handle on things. It's just ambiguous, judge the film as you will.
>What was the point of the kid's attraction to the man's wife?
Makes it more poignant, he's developing into a while the world is ending. Also highlights his isolation, she's the first woman other than his mom he's seen in years.
>What comes at night? Title makes no sense, other than sounding cool.
Director literally said he picked that name because it sounded cool. "It" could refer to Travis' dreams but basically it's A24 trying to sell this as a creature feature.
>What was the dog freaking out about?
Could be an animal, dogs can sense things that humans can't. Or could have been another infected person somewhere on the property.
ITT: films where the villain wins
sorry guys I thought this was a discussion thread
Just saw it. It is the first true kino of 2017. Beautiful movie, best movie I've seen in the theater since The Witch.
Not sure what trailers you guys got, but A24's Good Time looks fucking great too.
Another cancerous overrated modern horror that tries to sells you on its fucking nothing.
In other words, chemo kino.
>wah not enough superheroes
kys retard
I hate superhero movies.
Travis was sleepwalking. The dream where he saw Stanley in the woods wasnt a dream, he went out to look for him in a half awake haze without taking precaution and then dragged him back in after he got attacked.
I also think that Travis was infected the whole time and the hallucinations and sleepwalking were a side effect, he just had a stronger immune system than the kid and the old man because he's in the prime of his life.
attacked by what?
An underrated game, desu
You can hear Stanley being attacked by another animal in Travis's dream/sleepwalk.
It's off screen but you hear him barking and then you hear a yelp
Probably just a rabid dog or wolf
Great atmosphere, great cinematography, decent acting, shit story.
here seconding this.
>shot story
You are either an enormous pleb or you're not happy with a story unless it's full of tropes and strict boring structure. Embarrassing.
It was amazing up until the last five minutes, I have never seen a more anticlimactic ending in my life. I guess it was great on a technical level but honestly I hated it.
Who opened the door?
What killed the dog?
Who were the people in the woods that attacked the dad? And if they were just nobodies who only existed to emphasize the fact that people get dangerous when they get hungry, why bring up the possibility of them being part of a larger group?
And honestly why the fuck didn't they play with the fact that the father, who was so willing to kill that child because he was infected, was now thrust into the exact same situation with his own son and possibly his wife and himself being infected?
I get that its stupid to complain about something the writers didn't do, but god damn it would have been cool to see, and really it just felt like the next logical step for the movie to take.
Also why bother killing the family if they're infected? They're not going to live long enough to come back and steal their food.
It felt like it just ended like three quarters into the movie without explaining any of the things they spent so long building up.
Thirding this, good movie. shit ending. it felt like there was so much territory left unexplored.
>strict boring structure
I would have been fine with : Begining, middle, build up, climax, end
instead of
beginning, middle, build up, end
Pure fucking Kino. The atmosphere reminded me of The Witch.
Dont you also think its possible that when he dragged Stanley back, Travis became infected and he actually infected the kid instead of vice vera?
Post the spoiler plot synopsis senpai
The Witch was better in literally every single way.
It Comes at Night was probably the most disappointing movie of recent memory
>Who were the people in the woods that attacked the dad? And if they were just nobodies who only existed to emphasize the fact that people get dangerous when they get hungry, why bring up the possibility of them being part of a larger group?
Because it's about how hard it is to trust people. They needed to show some actually dangerous people and make it possible that Will could be lying to trap them.
No it wasn't you just have bad taste
>Y-you just didnt get it
uh huh.
Every single one of these questions has reasonable explanations or isn't hard to just assume something easily plausible. Seriously why are you getting so hung up on such autistic shit? People on this board should be required to take an iq test before seeing a movie.
I never said you didn't get it. You went in expecting some trope filled quip fest and didn't get it and it's the le most disappointing thing le ever!
>you went in expecting some trope filled quip fest
I went in expecting something to fucking happen. I went expecting all the tension to ya know, FUCKING BUILD TO SOMETHING.
oooo he's sick in the end BUT WHO WAS DOOR? riveting.
Unreliable narrators and dream sequences can be great but they were not great here.
You went in expecting a whole lot. You should stick to Hollywood blockbuster garbage if you're going in with some gay checklist for the movie to fulfill for you. You clearly have no ability to enjoy subtlety and lingering inevitable dread. Because that's what the movie gave you in spades. You were served filet mignon and angry that it didn't come with macaroni and cheese and a Pepsi. You really need to get some taste.
How the fuck did you come to that conclusion? I literally said in my first post that i thought the Witch was a good film and its exactly what you would describe as a good film.
You're just an A24 fanboy who just got into film and thinks their favorite studio that surely nobody outside of your circle has heard of cant do anything wrong.
The difference between the Witch and It comes at Night is that the Witch creates dread and tension through a well orchestrated series of events that creates a larger picture, but doesnt neccesarily spoonfeed.
It comes at night throws literally any semblance of trying to have a well thought out plot out the window in favor of muh subtlety.
The Babadook was subtle as well but that film is great too because its subtlety was built around something substantial.
It comes at night is not lacking in subtlety but it is SORELY lacking in substance.
Im assuming you're underage so im sure you wont take any of this in and you will rant and rave about this film until the next A24 "masterpiece" comes out for you to fawn over.
stop this shitty meme already, their nu-male flicks are usually very bad