Kind of ruined the movie.
Why aliens though?
They weren't aliens, they were demons.
There aren't any aliens in that picture.
>Movie has aliens in it
>They are bipedal humanoids.
Fuck I hate this.
those arent aliens
those are advanced a.i.
>ITT post times when aliens ruined the entire movie
They weren't aliens. They are a race of robots.
the aliens were robots the whole time
If they are sentient and managed to built a civilization, the bare minimum of hands is 2, m'kay.
They were advanced AI you fucking moron.
Those aren't AI those are angels
They are alien from our point of view, but not from a distant star, they originated from here on Earth. So for Spielberg it was pointless to specify who are they exactly. They are not humans and they are not the robots like that little boy or Jew Law
shouldve been the aliens from fire in the sky
kevin durrant
I was thinking about this earlier.
yeah, Kubrick would have had everybody get old and die except the mom and then she takes the robot boy back cus she's lonely
tfw knew the exact picture that was gunna be used before I even clicked... kek I've been here too long
was the script finished when qbrick handed it to the berg?
this movie aged like fine wine
faggots critics were really fucking wrong in this one
fucking retards
Maybe they were just future humans, like in Interstellar ;)
You mean Samir Duran?
>le they are not aliens meme
they were robots in the movie, but reused models from Attack of the Clones. so they were aliens, from a certain point of view.
Why was slenderman in AI?
It's a meme because it's true, ya dummy.
Ummm... what movie is this?
sorry, other way around. the kamino aliens were built off the A.I. robot models.
>literally say "when we arrivaed on this planet everyone was dead"
>somehow not aliens
does the film ever say this?
Yes, they tell David he's one of their ancestors or predecessors, can't remember which word they used.
This is the first shot of David when he's introduced in the movie. It foreshadows the alien-like robots at the end, which are supposed to be robots that have stopped looking like humans because they're so advanced.
the fuck retarded language did you watch AI in?
Bipedal humanoid creatures are the mostly like creatures we know of that can build complex civilizations
humanity is kinda proving that wrong
Did Kubrick ever intend for this scene to be in the movie at all? Because this part is very un-Kubrick-ey
They aren't aliens they're super advanced AI
Haley Joel Osmond calls them Aliens in an episode of Comedy Bang Bang. He only says it in passing and isn't joking.
Spielberg said once that most of the stuff that people blame him for and say is very unlike Kubrick were actually Kubrick's ideas.
Would Kubrick had used so much CGI?
Spielberg refers to them as silicon based Super Mecha
They're the ancestors of David and his kind. They have traveled the stars
Joe predicts them earlier in the film
And yes Kubrick was cool with all of it
Ok reddit.
Story goes that Kubrick wanted to make a Spielbergy movie and Spielberg wanted to make a Kubricky movie. So everything you think is the Brick is really the Berg and vice-versa. I don't know how true that is though.
Gee I wonder who to believe. The dead genius film maker or the biggest jew in hollywood who was alive to take the flak?
There are people who are not memeing and really think they were aliens.
There are people who really think they cloned his mother.
They DID clone his mom you dildo. That's what the hair was for.
I really liked how they had no face, I'm tired of those ayyliens with scary death black stare eyes
aliens in any movie ruins it since their not real and only scifi nerd losers who live in basements believe in them.
nice catch user. One of my favs and i had never clicked
The movie was ruined long before the ayy lmaos showed up.
Actually, there's good reason to think that any species capable of construction and invention and tool use the way we are, on a planet like ours, would probably resemble us in a lot of ways.
For example; If you pull two fish out of the ocean, they'll probably be related to each other to a lesser degree than you are to a lungish. But every damn thing looks like a fish in the ocean.
Because that's the best, most efficient way to survive. So, if we stumble across an alien planet resembling earth, the sea creatures there will probably resemble fish too.
Then consider letting me see the rest of Dino Time.
Yeah basically, they are advanced AI that have surpassed and left humans behind. They find a broken down old bot and realize what his deal was. He's so obsolete and broken they give him a matrix like dream world so he die in his sleep before they euthanize him. Hence the, we bring you back for a day bullshit.
cause everyone (and their progeny) died a long time ago nigger, why do you think
Most Reddit comment I've seen here
>another Spielberg film
Go figure
sea cucumbers don't look like fish and neither to octopus or crabs you fucking idiot. some times a fish is just a fish
>these not-fish don't look like fish idiot
REALLY made me think
the movie suffered from pacing issues but i think it did pretty well to demonstrate and encapsulate the whole "what counts as sentience" topic.
>mansplaining in 2017
goto bed vanilla dad
indiana jones