Walk around any mall, school or even church and all you see is men in hoodies, jeans, sports jerseys and sneakers.
It's so pathetic and indicative of our degenerated culture. You aren't one of those slovenly plebs are you Sup Forums?
Walk around any mall, school or even church and all you see is men in hoodies, jeans, sports jerseys and sneakers.
It's so pathetic and indicative of our degenerated culture. You aren't one of those slovenly plebs are you Sup Forums?
Walk around any mall, school or even church and all you see is men in cheap suits, cheap shoes, cheap cars and noname watches.
It's so pathetic and indicative of our poorfag culture. You aren't one of those poor plebs are you Sup Forums?
talk shit post fit, faggot.
i go everywhere barefoot with a skateboard, shorts, shaved head and an open flannel shirt so people can see all of my tangly body hair
what that fuck are you gonna do about it faget?
>buttoning the bottom button
All I own is tshirts and basketball shorts
>adhering to the meme that suits represent anything.
>not wearing whats comfortable and allows for movement instead
This triggers me also
Acceptable when windy
No it's not
>My definition of "properly dressed" is outdated and it's everyone else's problem
What you consider proper would have made a person look like a homeless chimney-sweep 100 years ago.
Fashion changes.
Deal with it faggot.
There's a limit, but yeah, I wear stuff I can fight in when I go in areas with shitskins. I live in a fairly bad area though.
Sorry it's my uniform, i must always wear "informal" attire.
Martin you dress like shit. That's not smart casual, that's filthy casual.
This, I like to wear suits sometimes tho if I feel like it, they can be comfy
Are you the same poster from yesterday with the ugly family?
I can't find it but in one of his streams he claimed he spoke to Soros in his office so since then I don't like the guy.
>its a fedora tier autist wears his dads oversized suit that he thinks makes him look classy thread
No wonder Sup Forums is so perennialy butt blasted about foreigners taking their jobs and women.
Lads it really isn't that hard to at the very least APPEAR like you don't have crippling autism.
Shkrelli doean't give a fuck
Unacceptable at any time, you ducking leaf
he said while posting an autistic guy
it's a literal 100 degrees outside with 100% humidity. it's like this for 7 months then
no i'm not going to wear pants or more than 1 layer of shirts. unless i'm going out somewhere nice i'm going to dress comfy.
/fa/ da fug you're doing hre
you're a boy who likes to act like a nigger.
Learn how to wear lighter-weight fabrics. Pants do not have to be thick, heavy denim or heavy wools.
Honestly most guys who dress like that look like autistic kids kek. Buy a fedora while your at it.
It's a well-known rule.
>spoke with Soros, and has a personal raport with Soros
>publicly supported Trump on Twitter
These two things are paradoxical.
Are you me?
insane digits ITT
95% chance OP is that one kid who goes everywhere wearing a blazer, tacky undershirt, and dress pants, occasionally sporting a fedora.
Your digits confirm that you are indeed 100% incorrect.
Bottom button is never done. Ever.
fuck off martin
>30°C 99% humidity average
>wearing suits on regular basis
You could wear a linen suit.
Your forefathers seemed to manage quite well
Ive always been curious about this. Did people not care about/just deal with sweat back then or were those fabrics super fucking breathable.
Speaking of poorly dressed individuals...
Did none of you fuckers see what happened to John this week?
Some Leaf fucker broke into his house and made him cry
Turkish shitposting doesn't even make sense anymore.
Learn from the leaf.
>I wear stuff I can fight in
>I wear stuff I can runaway in
fixed that for you ese
This is why nobody takes you seriously Sup Forums.
Are you going to listen to some toothless redneck in cuck hunt tshirt or pic related?Part of the burden of leadership is looking the part, desu
>being so fat you cant button your jacket all the way
So true.
Work: normaly a suit without tie, for important meetings and formal shit, with tie
Casual: White or light blue shirt, beige or red pants.
Weekend: joggingpants, old t-shirt and comfy sport socks, fuck it I'm not leaving the house anyway
10/10 would fuck
>those aren't jeans they are khakis
one day Sup Forums will dress like this
White shirt with light-Brown pants looks retarded, pants/shirt combo is fine, however the jacket choice is not preferable.
It's both. But there was no AC back then. Eventually your body gets used to the heat. The concept of being cool when it was hot outside was nonexistent unless you lived by water and could go swimming.
Because I don't enjoy wearing suits and they don't look good on me, imo.
do you tie the polo shirt's vest all the way to the top? or do you simply rip the button off?
>rich guy can dress well
what a surprise
the fuck? kill all leaves
>Guys caring about how other guys dress.
Good job, effeminate faggots.
>tfw I live in a tourist heavy, tropical holiday location where people don't even care if I'm wearing shoes or not
Feels relaxed man
>shoulder fillings
>shirt dollar
All this shit is decoration user, face it
The only people who know that rule are white collar workers or /fa/ggots , not your typical socks w sandals Sup Forumsllian
>>those aren't jeans they are khakis
They are chinos, you retards.
Khaki is a color.
This thread proves to me that pol is full of absolute faggot level cucks who do not deserve life
If you aren't even willing to dress well then please slit your throat immediately
>one day
Joke's on you, user, we've been dressing like that for years.
Agreed with every point, except the shirt. Blue works with those pants, just not with the jacket. You forgot to mention his haircut is terribly low energy, too.
Better if anything goes amirite?
This outfit looks like it "breathes" pretty well.
Clothes are decoration user. If they were 100% function only then we would future clothes like in sci fi.
>Good job, effeminate faggots.
It goes against a person's credibility when they care so little about themselves that they don't even put in a reasonable effort to put on clothes that fit and aren't dingy.
It's the same thing Sup Forums loves to make fun of niggers for: "OMG why are they always shirtless and wearing shorts that are falling off".
anythng more than a white wife beater, tucked into black jeans ( not skinny ) with an expensive belt and shoes that look new is trash tier.
Suits and ties are overrated and old , I never wear let alone own that shit. It's not the 50s get over it.
>black/white on Brown
>both buttons buttoned
>no belt visible or pants too high
I'd rather listen to the duck hunter than this retard.
7/10 bait image btw
Americans in general are very unfashionable people. As much as I hate many of my neighbors, you'd be hard-pressed to find a young italian or british man who dresses worse than a young american man.
It's a matter of culture.
Black, white, and tan combo isn't bad, it's just really basic/safe.
You must be retarded if you think the average Sup Forumsack is some autistic fuck who doesnt give a shit about his looks.
And it is a common rule, kind of like leaving your knife and fork in a certain position on the plate after you're done. Also it's not only etiquette but the cut on the jacket is made so that you should leave the bottom button unbuttoned or you end up looking stupid. Kind of like if you would button a shirt all the way up without wearing a tie.
Most men can't pull off suits until their mid twenties at least though.
Martin is in his thirties and a billionaire. He can dress like that if he wants for occupational and professional reasons. If you're a teenager and walk around that without commanding a decent income in a white-collar job, you're just a tool and probably a retard.
I like wearing Jeans and tshirts and can wear them in my office
Why would you wear flannel? Linen is cool
i'm from the south, jeans are our slacks.
and church shoes are for that, church.
Jeans and a crisp button up
all day erry day
It's not safe, it's retarded and looks dumb
Tan pants go with either black or light blue shirt
Black pants go with white, pink or light blue shirt
Dark blue pants go with white, light blue or dark blue (lighter than pants) shirt
Tan/white is a no-go
rly mks u think
> Wearing a waistcoat 24/7.
I like it, but, fuck it.
>t shirt in office is okay in Deutschland
Everywhere or just the 'hip' ICT start-up only hipster faggots work?
Like i give a fuck, faggot
>Learn how to dress
>Posts picture of a dipshit with bottom button buttoned.
And once again OP is proved to be a complete faggot
>Tan/white is a no-go
who cares if a suit is cheap? if it fits you it fits. sure most cheap suits are not made 100% of wool and therefore less comfortable and mostly they dont fit, but you can get that tailored.
I dont think its tryhard or poorfag behaviour if you care about your appearance, but not to the limit where youd make it top priority for your spendings - thats tryhard and superficial.
>Most men can't pull off suits until their mid twenties at least though.
Maybe if they would spend a few extra bucks and buy something that (A) fits and then (B) have some basic tailoring done, they wouldn't be so afraid of wearing a suit.
OP means North American men white men.
Europe master race.
North Americans are naturally subhumans that couldn't make it in Europe. It shows.
Because comfort > your opinion of me.
>not knowing actual jacket etiquitte
No really, if the wind if flapping your jacket around and making you look likena retard then most men button the bottom until they get out of the wind.
How old are you guys? It's a pretty common rule
ITT: NEETs defend why they are slobs who can't even dress themselves like a functioning adult
>Dressing like an adult
Which you only think is that because it was programmed into your head and you never realized how fucking stupid it was to think like that.
clothing is degenerate. nudism is the way of the future.
>hurrhurr degeneracy how dare you wear street clothes
Yeah okay Common Filth am I going to hell if I wear a t-shirt and a hoodie?
He's at home and in a comfy robe
n-n-no. :(
Do you guys just sit around all day reading the post numbers?
>polo shirt's vest
I'm ok with suits, I own several of them, but you're being a serious faggot now