What the fuck is her problem
What the fuck is her problem
Other urls found in this thread:
>kill Christ
>give the world eternal salvation
sounds like a pretty good deal
JC here. Fuck off muppet, Silverman is mai eternal waifu.
jews were a mistake
Kikes are wicked and evil people, Hitler did the right thing in trying to exterminate them.
Problem? What (((problem)))?
t. triggered christcuck
Did she try to rationalize why?
She makes money being as edgy as possible. That's literally it.
wow, REALLY makes me think
>Natalie Hershlag
>Fran Drescher
>Ann Hathaway
>Sarah Silverman
>Allison Brie
why are Jewesses so hot bros
For the thousandth time, the "white dude" in that pic is clearly jewish
so she would randomly kill a person for no apparent reason?
americans are psychopaths
triggered oven dodger detected.
Christ had to die. He was sent here to die for our sins.
If the Jews didn't murder him then the entire Christian religion wouldn't work. He'd be just some faggy hippy virtue signalling.
She's actually saying a nice thing here.
>Jesus literally has to die to save humanity
>christcucks shriek their stupid little heads off about people killing him
Seriously, what did they mean by this?
stupidity is essentially a virtue for them
Angles, make-up, and they are pushed as attractive when they are maybe a 6/10.
Bitch looks like a cartoon dinosaur.
So the dumb bitch is in agreement with Christian phrophecy?
(((It's literally nothing)))
>dat pepe smirk
>in this context
Shouldn't you be shooting up a school somewhere churchy?
She would look good in a gas chamber.
Idk for me theyre a fetish, I mean beautiful Aryans have strong and angular features, but ultimately theres just something about that raw sloppiness and depravity those Jewesss portray. Its somewhere between innocent and nympho, it just gets my goat