when did we start thinking this shit was good?
is this a new meme i missed?
When did we start thinking this shit was good?
>reddit church scene
>anal scene
>big macs
>exploding heads ending
too edgy for me
who the fuck is we?
I only liked it after I saw it. Maybe you just don't like fun.
dude just turn your brain off, haha xD
this movie was shit
the queerish protagonist allowed potentially millions if not billions of innocent people and children to die, yet somehow you're supposed to cheer for him?
serious racist anti white- anti American messages throughout entire movie
Slim Jackson is a massive faggot, and his character in this movie is no different.
this was a cuck movie, nothing else to say
your right. all forms of entertainment should be of only the highest caliber. maybe get a job and move out of your dungeon then talk to me about this kiddo.
ok. name me one better movie then in the same vein.
Fucking terrible movie. Even for a dumb action movie it still insulted my intelligence.
>don't like a shit film so must be unemployed
ok sport
I enjoyed it for what it was. Stupid spy action-comedy.
I'll never watch it again though.
idk casino royale was pretty good
hot fuzz as well
basically anything else
ok chief sorry you cant afford to move out of the basement.
>this upset i don't like what he likes
18+ board "chief"
I don't know about "we" but I thought it was dreadful
damn slugger you should be more upset with your failure parents for how you turned out not some random girl on the internet.
Great movie and great on rewatches too. The sequel even looks good.
No idea. It's awful. Give me James Bourne over this shit any day.
I just happened to see this two days ago. I had a lot of fun watching it. It was a feel-good action romp playfully melding spy movies and British culture into a 007 satire. The characters were vibrant Saturday morning cartoon characters and Samuel Jackson perfectly hammed it up as the lispy villain.
It's definitely not for everybody, but I don't understand how after the first five minutes you'd be expecting sophistication. It's from the author of fucking Kick-Ass. On what basis do you thereon angrily judge it for "insulting your intelligence?" If you had any intelligence, you'd recognise the movie wasn't your style and go do something else.
Anyways, I'm glad I only saw it recently; it'll be fresh in my mind when seeing the sequel. Hopefully this one's not as abysmal as Kick-Ass 2.
I liked it. The sequel will probably be okay. Matthew Vaughn knows what he's doing.
Better Bond films than Bond in the last few decades.
it's good because it has a genuinely sympathetic villain
I'm not a fan of this movie but it got a very positive reception on this board (in Sup Forums terms anyway).
Don't let your newfag show too much.
>It's from the author of fucking Kick-Ass
That explains the smart-ass referential attitude of the whole movie.
>Don't let your newfag show too much.
sick burn bro
Addressing the question in the OP, not defending the movie in any way. Stow your fedora and stop being such a sensitive faggot.
It is good. The ''''criticism'''' mostly seems to be people kneejerking over the church scene.
double burn! youre sick bro
Yeah, and I get how that can be grating. I don't mind the style so long as the execution is strong, and in both Kick-Ass and Kingsman I thought the tone was buoyant without ever being too overbearing. But I'm sure plenty of people would disagree.
Last one. Enjoy.