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reminder reagan was the devil

>Someone accuses Willis of editing strips to make Mary worse.
>Willis bans them and ensures he has last word.

Does he realize this behavior supports the idea he edits thing?

Wait, christians support Reagan? What is the connection?

>Someone accuses Willis of editing strips to make Mary worse.

what? it's not reality tv, he's setting up this stuff for her to look in the wrong for jokes and what not.

I've not done much reading yet on his campaign/administration but I'm pretty sure it was under Reagan when the US republicans got entangled with the evangelical community.

The common theory is after Willis had to deal with people sympathizing with Mary way back in January, he's gon back and edited her dialog to make her worse despite swearing up and down he'd never do that.

Retconing a character to look more incorrect is always a cheap too. It means you're not willing to stand behind your writing

And yes there's a difference between changing a typo and changing a line of dialog.

ooooooooooooh, retroactively editing. i got ya. that's fucked up.

i mean inserting new flashbacks to show her being shitty is hack but like you're trying!! don't change your archives like that

>Feminist = "We can do it" poster
>Religious Conservative = "more of him less me" shirt

It's like scalie schoolie humor, but unintentionall

>Those anime drawings.

I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand my main problem with Mary is that she has been too sympathetic to be a convincing villian. On the other hand this is so heavy handed it hurts.

>I don't like this candidate for having the hypocrisy to claim the title "family values candidate" without actually having her own family
>But you like Ronald Reagan and he was divorced!
People like Willis believe this sort of thing is a good counter-argument

You will never see Mary draw kawaii Reagon

why does Mary's bad anime drawings look more appealing than Willis' actual drawing style?

This, Reagan was a selfish man, who knowingly stayed in office as his mental abilities began deteriorating, and engaged in many illegal and immoral plots from contra cartels to blowing money of Star Wars.

We got any proof of this? Or do you mean he's editing within his buffer so we never saw the oriignals?

Cause they don't have those shitty beady eyes .

We got Jem because of him, Reagen is GOD.

He banned someone for suggesting it. If he had nothing to hide why not just laugh it off?

Reagan was again the one who swept in evangelical and conservatives into the same tent

I don't like bringing up the possiblities of his mental deterioration just because there's more worse stuff and I dunno how proven it was that his mental state was not at 100%

>editing within his buffer

honestly i just consider that rewriting/revising

Just pointing out that the argument is not "she is into family values" or how relevant that is to her, but that Robin is a fraud.

It's not really equivalent with Ronald Reagan since he never made such claims.

And I almost got banned for making an Assigned Male general.

>honestly i just consider that rewriting/revising
That's fine, but anytime someone suggests he edited Mary's dialog to ensure that she is more unlikable than sympathetic, he throws a hissy fit. so it's fun to do.

>those adorable drawings
Mary obviously has plenty of joy in her life but we only ever see her angry. I want to see Mary smile. Also this means she wants to get married young, can she get more perfect?

Because he's a thin-skinned sperg faggot who interprets any criticism, constructive or otherwise, as an attack on his person from literal agents of evil and the patriarchy.

>literal agents of evil and the patriarchy.
I wish I had gotten a badge when I joined up.


Why doesn't Roz just rape Mary?


Because my dick would explode.

Ooh, what if it becomes hentai rape?
>No, Roz, no!
>But Mary, you're already so wet. And what's this under your mattress? A crucifix dildo?!
Three pages later:

Hentai rape is the only thing that Mary knows and expects. Roz is nonplussed.

Is this an edit? Because if not, holy shit, is the artist on suicide watch? I mean, AM is clearly the product of someone who's lost touch with consensus reality, but this is...beyond that.

If that's an edit, that's incredibly fucking tame compared to the actual comic

The Anti-Christ is the son of the devil and Obama's not white enough to be Reagan's son.

Getting TRIGGERED over the "small things" (read: imaginary, meaningless "microaggressions") to the point of considering suicide is something I'd expect from the author tb'h.


well hell why didn't ya just tell me that

>open-borders immigration
>free trade
>supporting the "MUH ISRAEL PROPHECY" evangelicals

Even Sup Forums agrees!

Is everyone just going to talk about Reagan now?

Most of AM is about the hugbox not being enough of a hugbox, therefore the artist is compelled to complain at you for not being inclusive enough. The impression I get is that the artist thinks this will change something, which is at odds with being suicidally depressed about how nothing will ever change.

Of course I don't pretend to understand the "thought" process that goes into any of this shit.

welcome to /doag/, where we hold academic conversations to properly gauge how wrong willis is.

>sarcastic statement about liking reagan
>getting genuinely upset in the next panel


Having the Last Word is one of the perks of being an online personality. Helps to have a personal army to back you up too.

Do you think they have a tape line on the floor and walls to cut off the feminist and conservative sides of the room?

only cool liberals can use sarcasm in doa
conservatards can only speak stupidly or hatefully

There was no sarcastic statement about liking Reagan.

The author just need to trade those micro-aggressions for a macro-aggression against those that wrong them.

maybe it got lost in translationto me

"what monster isn't?" wouldn't imply only monsters like reagan

The strip gets extra weird when the main character encounters other LBGT kids that aren't as obsessed over The Issues as her, and she flips out that they Just Don't Get It.

Like how the boy who dresses as a girl but still a boy threatens her existence on an intrinsic level.

It actually means the opposite. She's saying only a horrible monster wouldn't love Reagan. He's kind of a saint in the eyes of some people.

I hate to agree with Willis but Regan was kinda bad, not because of Reganomics though. Regan just had a kinda shitty foreign policy. I'm pretty sure the only reason he's remembered as fondly as he is is because a pedophile shot him to impress Jodie Foster. Kinda like JFK who honestly did a lot more dead than he ever did when he was a live.

There's no problem with agreeing on this point. Reagan was really, really shitty. He may only be the second-place worst when compared to Woodrow Wilson, but he's definitely in the running for awful Presidents.

Over/under on AM addressing the Muslim question?

I agree, but I also think Nixon was one of the best if not just because of Henry Kissinger and the Miracle of Chile, so we're probably playing on different standards.

>Woodrow Wilson
>worst of all time
James Buchanan would like a word with you.

James Buchanan gets too much hate, IMO. Yes, he made some bad decisions WRT sitting on the north/south divide and hoping it would blow over, but my guess is that he was worried that any sort or action on his part would lead to what wound up happening anyway. He erred on the side of caution, and even if we condemn him in hindsight, it would be hard to fault him at the time.

You know he was gay, right?
Anyone so deluded as to think Buchanan was on the right side of things has to be a homophobe. Prove me wrong.

Eh, there's not really any solid evidence for that, and I've obviously never met the man, so my gay-dar probably wouldn't be any use. Obviously yes we dislike Buchanan now thanks to hindsight, but I'm just pointing out that he was in a difficult situation and did what he could. Same with Neville Chamberlain, really.

Nah, it would be too obvious (one half of the room is painted pink and the other with the colors of the flag)

isn't Reagan remembered well because he was in charge during the 80s
Capitalism became Americas new religion
Communism started falling
The boner for America reached its peak since WW2

A-Are we reliving the 80s?

>its an Obama is a modern day Reagan episode

WHY the fuck does the White House keep recycling plots

I'd say post recession America is basically 70s 2.0

what anime would fundamentalist christians like?

But Obama was actually decent



Slightly off topic, but anyone seen Good Carla's twitter today?

She's on fire. She really is the anti-Willis.

What I don't understand about America is that they voted overwhelmingly for Obama in the prez elections
But they voted overwhelmingly for the other party in the representative elections


>Good Carla

>tfw Reagan is polarizing now but liked very much during his presidency even getting democratic support

Funny how the times change

America is like a sewer. There's a thousand layers, and all of them are shit.

gotta keep things interesting

It makes a lot more sense when you think about states and how the electoral college works.

There are more people in bigger, democratic states, but there are a lot of little Republican ones. The little Republican states get their representation in congress and shit, when they elect their representative for that singular state.

But when it comes strictly to national elections, they're drowned out by the bigger, more populated states. Which makes sense because they're more populated.

so Mary is officially the main character after nao right?

What I never liked is the ellocation of electoral college votes
If 50.1% of a state votes for a candidate they get all the electoral votes
It should be proportional

It's almost entirely because 1. We didn't know or understand all the bad shit the dude was doing and 2. We didn't know what the longterm ramifications of some of the shit he did would be
It's the same with all presidents that do a lot of stuff

Wasn't Trigun made by a Catholic though?

don't kid yourself



I personally pull for either Andrew Jackson or Andrew Johnson as The Worst. I know someone IRL who pulls for Carter of all fucking people,

Samurai Champloo?

Nope. They hate it because of evolution.

Super Book

Martin Luther King Jr had so many affairs his wife stopped fighting it

Guess we should fire up segregation again!

In September Willis is finally going to drive the final nail into the coffin. In 3 months, Sal's mom will be proven to be a complete racist who hates black people, and that everything that Sal has done throughout her life is all because of her racist mother.

This is the end.

Patreanon here, sorry but here's today strip, and then I'll drop tomorrow's in like a hour and a half.

Joyce is the single, shining light in this desolate camp of straw.

Yeah, if this comic became Joyce/Joe, Mary/Carla, and Sal/Marcie while Amber, Becky, and Roz went away forever I'd be 110% into that.

Willis actually mentioned long ago that Joe and Joyce had the best chemistry in roomies so I really hope he does more with them. Then maybe it can be the corn in the lump of shit of a comic.

I got hellbanned from twitter back in my hardcore Sup Forums days, but I'm seeing the fallout on tumblr and I can't stop laughing. She actually knows what she's talking about WRT islam, and the meltdowns of people going "BUT THAT'S ISLAMOPHOBIA" is hilarious.

Natalie Mars, a trans porn star/streamer. She resembles Carla, but is generally a nice, friendly person.

>tfw Sup Forums will never commission a Mary/Carla porn parody featuring her.

>Andrew "fuck the banks, fuck the supreme court, fuck federal overreach, and fuck the planters" Jackson
>the worst

u fucking wot m8

Who'd play Mary?

Someone link good carla to this thread and ask her, IDK.

Oh God, I just imagined Natalie Mars reading up on DoA!Carla and calling Willis out on all his bullshit. The meltdown would be GLORIOUS.

But if Natalie Mars said that she liked it then it would just ruin Natelie Mars for me.

Browse her twitter. I don't think she'd fall in line behind Willis' way of thinking.

The Japanese can be Catholics?

sort of

>what anime would fundamentalist christians like?
Aparently, Azumanga Daioh and DBZ: christiananime.net/reviews/caareviews.php

>Azumanga Daioh
Well, it did have Raspberry Heaven and all that. So that's believable.

This one confuses me.