Explain to my why this isn't the best movie of all time.
Pro-tip: You can't.
Explain to my why this isn't the best movie of all time.
Pro-tip: You can't.
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Idk I fell asleep during it.
No sets. No music. No likable characters. That's like half of what makes a good movie.
>muh MEN
>le no women makes it better.
Its really really good but i wouldn't call it the best movie
>12 angry women
>12 women on a jury enter deliberations ready to acquit
>they start talking
>the movie ends with all 12 wanting to fry an innocent woman because they don't like her hair, teeth, suit, posture, or mannerisms.
No sets? Huh. No likable characters? I personally liked Fonda's character a lot and warmed up to most of the other jurors as the movie went along.
It pretends to be about the importance of sticking to your convictions but is really about how the shitty american legal system can be manipulated by SJWs to put obvious murderers back on the street by calling anyone that disagrees with them racist.
Was the kid an "obvious murderer"?
>no likable characters
Couldn't be more wrong. At least one of the jurors is going to be relatable to someone's background and Fonda is basically the conscience of the everyman.
This movie is all about the characters. It's entirely driven on the individual takes of each of the jurors, moreso than the story itself.
only if you ignore absolutely everything about the movie.
but he was clearly more interested in posting some Sup Forumsbait.
t. Sup Forumsfag that breezed over a wikipedia story summary and hasn't seen the movie
>If you don't prosecute 100% of criminals that you are the jury of then you are an SJW
The guy who just wanted to go to the ball game was the best.
No, the guy who breaks down over his son at the end was the best.
>mfw Americans just get random people to decide whether someone's guilty or not
Because it fails the bechdel test miserably.
The Stepford Wives passes the bechdel test
12 angry women would be about menstruation
>civil law
The main problem was this guy. Every other juror had a good reason for turning, but his was the worst.
Juror: "What movie did you see 3 weeks ago?"
Glasses guy: "I saw the Incredibly Mrs. Bainbridge"
Juror: "It was actually the Remarkable Mrs. Bainbridge!"
Glasses guy: "You're right! NOT GUILTY!"
>all female remake
>not understanding the profound implications of the effect of memory on the consciousness that came with that scene
Dude, it was ridiculous. The murderer on trial said he went to the movies, but didn't remember what the movie was he saw, didn't remember who was in it, didn't remember what it was about, didn't have his ticket stub, and no one at the theater remembered selling him the ticket. And that was about 6 hours before the murder, and he remembers no details.
Then they jurors try to bust the glasses guy even though he gave them 90% of the correct info (most of the movie title, what it was about, what the B-movie reel was, etc) and they're trying to equate that to the murderers story.
>Jury Duty last month
>The trial I was reviewed to be selected was a case about a guy who sold pills to an undercover police officer
Fucking asshole wasted my day. Didn't even get selected to send his dumbass to jail
it was how even he had forgotten the details of the movie and he didn't get arrested for murder or see his father dead
> Jury Duty a year ago
> postponed it
> date is coming up again
> get e-mail saying it's been cancelled and I no longer have to go
Bretty Good.
Because Lawrence of Arabia exists.
I was just on a jury for a two-week trial. I got dismissed today because we were going into deliberations and we had extra jurors.
On my way out, I was stopped by the public defender, his teenage son, and his two skater-bro friends. The kids were excited after seeing the closing arguments and they wanted my opinion about how the other jurors would rule. The public defender wanted me to share all of my opinions about the trial as if it was a rock concert and I was giving feedback for his performance. Then the accused walked out of the courtroom, meekly waved at his lawyer, and then left the court building, knowing that we were talking about his trial and that he was probably going to be found guilty.
Shit was surreal.
>it was how even he had forgotten the details of the movie and he didn't get arrested for murder or see his father dead
He forgotten ONE detail. He said something like "the Remarkable Mrs. Bainbridge" instead "the Incredible Mrs. Bainbridge".
And trauma doesn't cause amnesia. Murders happen everyday and normally the cops question close family first. If they said that they went the movies, didn't have a ticket, and didn't know which movie it was, the cops would be real suspicious.
Because Barry Lyndon, Seven Samurai, the Thin Red Line, and Offret are better.
>and I know this because nothing bad has ever happened to me but I imagine I'd be perfectly rational in every situation, as proven by the fact I never leave my room.
>convicting on a drug crime
Spotted the fucking pleb. Like police don't have better shit to do with our tax money than buy pills from Literally Whocares.
Because it was remade with better actors
Maybe if Ashton Kutcher was cast in the lead. It was fucking Jack Lemmon though.
>>and I know this because nothing bad has ever happened to me but I imagine I'd be perfectly rational in every situation, as proven by the fact I never leave my room.
Yeah, bro, you lost so you're going to the "herr derr you never leave your room argument". I, like everyone has had tragedy in their life and I was would say that said tragedies made me remember little obscure details when normally I would just forget them.
To you it's perfectly reasonable that someone forgot a movie he saw 6 hours ago (which is pretty impossible, you would be able to give the TITLE, who was in it, the basic premise, etc). And that's comparable to a guy who saw a movie a month ago and remembered every detail except for one word in the title.
>has no idea how shock/trauma affects cognition/memory
>tries to claim high ground
>lives in a fantasy where hes always rational
Whatever bro, you're just using sad greentext at this point.
If trauma effected everyone's memory so much, no one would have a workable alibi when a crime was committed.
In addition to incorrectly remembering the title he couldn't remember the name of the second feature.
There was also the eye glasses thing with the nose and knowing no one would wear glasses to bed but presuming she wore glasses from the marks on her nose and thus her eyesight would have been too poor to make a positive identification is something of a stretch.
>everyone is the same
Find me a human who completely forgets every detail of the previous 6 hours after a tragedy takes place. And forgets those details FOREVER no less.
No you're right. The movie is fucking brilliant for its insights into the effects of trauma on memory. The only other alternative would be lazy writing which is impossible because apparently this movie was written by jesus and shakespeare's lovechild
>No music
thank god, the majority of soundtracks from 50s hollywood films are distracting and over-the-top
I don't need to. You have no idea what you're talking about.
better version
>12 angry men
>only one or two of them are angry
This debate we're having about the movie is more entertaining than the debate that's had in the actual movie
I guess you are being rewarding you with attention for being a moron.
You: "herr derr when a tragedy happens people can just forget the previous 6 hours forever like with those mind-wipers from Men in Black!"
negro you barely remember what you were doing six hours ago.
My favorite all-time movie scene is in this film. It's when the one juror goes on his bigoted rant and they all get up and leave the table. I remember when I first saw this movie in high school, that scene stuck with me for days after.
I watched 2 episodes of Unbreakable Kimmy Scmitt. It was the episode where Kimmy met her mom Lisa Kudrow at the amusement park and the other ep was when Lillian chained herself to the bulldozer.
He remembered them later. I'd have a hard time concentrating if I was being interrogated by cops with my dead dad on the floor nearby. I think I'd still be able to remember the name though. I have friends who have goldfish memories and I reckon they'd struggle though in the same instance.
Fonda's argument was weak. Watch Inherit the Wind and Spencer Tracy will really show you how to argue in front of a hostile audience.
>jury of your peers
Who would you rather have the decision?
Because this movie exists
panel of experts. no doubt.
so you have shit taste on top of being a moron, that's swell.
this guy loves calling people morons
>2 episodes
>It was the episode
Which is it? Two episodes or just "the episode?"
Clearly you're a murderer trying to manufacture an alibi with your netflix logs.
Someone posts a challenge asking people to play devils advocate and give reasons NOT to like something and then this dude's head explodes when people do just that. Get over your precious opinions.
Should I watch this or Sorcerer?
Somebody with a bad memory who just experienced a tragedy.
whats with the maymay where normies imagine anyone replying to them is extremely angry/excited?
to be fair, it was also a shitty movie
>thinking the modern justice system, one of the greatest accomplishments of Western civilization, is SJW bullshit