So, was Travis infected the entire time? Was he the one who passed the infection along to the other family's child?
Let's talk about this ending because it left me intrigued.
So, was Travis infected the entire time? Was he the one who passed the infection along to the other family's child?
Let's talk about this ending because it left me intrigued.
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Dude, so little was explained by the film that you can literally create your own idisyncratic theory for everything that happened in the film. Who opened the door? Did Will lie about his brother? Did he know those two dudes? What killed the dog?
Please tell me someone on here has watched this already, I caught the early screening at 7 today
Well the two of us have, obviously.
Was there another door to the outside world past the red door? I may have gotten some details confused. Because I thought the dog had someone managed to break his way through another door before coming to rest just beyond the open red door. Then, for some reason I thought he'd broke through a window.
Yeah, the Red Door led to the room with all of the tarp in it which had a door to the outside. Joel Edgerton showed two separate keys in the scene where he's explaining how the house runs.
My girlfriend and I just watched this, and while she thinks Andrew infected Travis, I think Travis had been sleepwalking, opened the door, got infected by the dog accidentally, then went back to bed. He woke up later and found Andrew asleep on the floor and got disoriented on his way back to bed (maybe half-remembering his sleepwalking) and woke everyone up.
yeah the red door leads to the room thats like covered with all that protective stuff that Will broke into at the beginning of the movie, no idea how the dog got in though, I've been reading too many skinwalker creepypastas on /x/ so I thought whatever the fuck got the dog broke in and threw it there
clearly says spoiler thread lol
Will had already broken through the first door you're referencing BEFORE we see him onscreen. Edgerton shot at him when he broke through the Red Door.
On a related note, did Edgerton shoot him in that scene? Some parts of this film are just wtf
Moral of the story: Don't trust anyone in a post-apocalyptic plague world. Ever.
Should have just disposed of Will at the beginning. Everybody survives (except Will obviously).
"I did not read the title of the thread"
So then how the fuck did the dog get back in?
Also, how did the dog become infected in the first place? And what did Travis see in his dream when he finally uncovers what the dog was chasing?
I thought Will broke through a window, not through the actual door, actually, is that room elevated or is it on the ground, they got a weird house, I half-remember a lot of its elevated. Also I think Edgerton missed when he shot at Will, since they didn't need any bandaging up, and Will didn't mention it at all
maybe it was a
extra spoopy skinwalker
that was the worst movie I've ever seen
>>Who opened the door?
No god damned clue
>>Did Will lie about his brother?
No doubt. Dude was shifty as fuck.
>>Did he no those two dudes?
Hard to say. He acted suspicious around them, but he was beating one of the men very badly before Paul shot him.
>>What killed the dog?
No clue.
Plot holes aside, I liked the reference to the Roman Empire. Thought it tied in nicely with the film's theme.
so what was the titular "It"? I'm dumb and I don't understand themes and metaphors
wow seriously go fuck yourself, why the fuck would you come to a spoiler thread and complain
The monster that the trailers and title wanted you to believe would be in the movie, obviously.
"It" was fear
I did like that they didn't show you Andrew's face in the final sequence so that you don't know whether he was sick or not
I honestly have no idea what it could be. None of the possibilities make any sense.
There isn't one
Doesn't make sense, since it's a threat at all times
>Fear/Paranoia/Man's Inhumanity to Man
Most likely option, but the climax where everything comes to a head happens during the day.
Before going to watch this I read a review saying this was not a horror movie but an "anti-humanity" movie... Now I know what they meant lol.
Surprisingly the ending didn't depress me as much and most people at my showing started laughing once the credits began.
unfortunately this. it's been done before. good looking and well paced movie but anticlimactic to a fault
>most people at my showing started laughing once the credits began
Are there multiple cuts of this film? I keep reading reviews and discussions referencing alternate scenes. For example, AV Club's review says that Will's wife asks Travis if he has ever kissed a girl. I've also heard about an ending scene involving a dream sequence where the entire family is burned alive.
I'm serious, the room was packed and everyone just started laughing. I felt awkward because I just got up and left.
clearly the disease is real right? so there definitely is something that they are afraid of, even if they do let their paranoia blow it out of proportion
Someone in my theater shouted "GAYYY" at the screen
The disease is real, but doesn't make sense in relation to the title. The disease does not come and go at night. It's an ever present threat.
Yeah read the same review, didn't have that in the cut that I watched either. Could've been a festival cut or something.
Maybe there was no disease and it was something a la "The Village" where they're all hallucinating and in the end they're actually in cryogenic chamber pods.
>So, was Travis infected the entire time
Are you fucking retard? You show symptoms within 48 hours of infection. This story takes place over a week,
Interesting. Coming out of the theater, I felt as though this film needed an extra half hour of movie.
wow that fucking blows, my theater had a steady stream of people leaving mid-showing and by the end everyone left was uncomfortable
It's not in the air though, it probably occurs from person to person contact. But at the beginning and end we see characters interacting with sick characters without gas masks. Must be a blood or saliva thing
We only know it ends with him being infected. We can surmise what happens next but the point is better left unsaid what happens next.
We also don't know who else is infected.
do they just wear the gasmasks as a precaution since they don't actually know whats happening? they seem pretty lax about when they wear them
Yeah, the mechanics of the disease are unclear. I'm just saying that the virus doesn't fit role of the titular "It" that comes at night. After all, they were still at risk of infection during the daytime.
yeah yeah i'm with you on that
i was trying to figure out whether or not their lack of consistent precaution with the masks was pure stupidity in the moment
But yeah the "it" isn't titular and doesn't prelude to any event or being, People seemed to be on their seats waiting for that.
Oh, I hadn't thought of that!
"It" was the fear and paranoia that (mainly Travis) got at night
What the heck did Travis and the dog see in the woods? This movie has so many red herrings
It's the fucking black plague. Like the bubonic plague. They don't call it by name but all the symptoms are shown and they even shove this picture in your face.
damn true
it's metaphorical, dawg
>they are people dumb enough to not pick up on this and in this thread now
Same artist that did the painting from the Fleet Foxes s/t
oh im sorry I didn't immediately pick that up in my head when I saw it on screen you fucking virgin nerd
>oh boy I like history!!!!111!!
Explain how the Black Plague would be able to start an apocalypse in the 21st century... we have vaccines against it that render it a non-factor now.
I don't think he met the actual Black Plague but it's just referring to it
We don't know if it's an apocalypse. We're kept in the dark of the magnitude but outbreaks of old diseases can happen in new pathogens We can combat them but this movie is just about characters dealing with a horrible outbreak of what appears to be a bubonic plague.
same, people in my theater laughed at the end and were chuckling at a few parts throughout, parts that weren't supposed to be funny. they were all just bored. everybody stayed quiet otherwise though, so they were respectfully bored.
don't blame them. even though you can ask a lot of questions, none of them are very thought-provoking and the discussion will essentially be over by the end of tomorrow.
they give one example but i don't think there was any concrete knowledge about the infection at all since they had no idea what was really going on.
it's a movie
was i the only person who saw the discoloration in PAUL's eye right at the beginning after they buried the granddad?
It's literally the Bubonic plague. Plague sores (lesions), blackened fingers and everything. The main character approaches the infected with the exact procautions like if were the Bubonic plague.
irrelevant :^)
Who's Paul?
beard dad
>they give one example but i don't think there was any concrete knowledge about the infection at all since they had no idea what was really going on.
Paul flat out says if you were infected you would show signs almost immediately.
This is confirmed by Andrew and at the end with Paul and Sarah's reactions in the last shot.
I wish I could see the truck sequence again. I feel like I could pick up a couple more things
we don't know if andrew is actually sick doe. did you ever see his lesions?
How would the boy have been able to open the door without the key?
Fuck this stupid anti-climactic bullshit. Waste of my money and time and even cognitive power because I was trying to tie everything together and then realized it didn't even fucking matter because it leaves literally everything open to contemplation.
When is someone going to make a legitimate plague movie thats's horrifying and historically accurate?
Regardless of who gives him the virus (Andrew, Stanley, other), it takes Travis more than a day to succumb at the very least....
but that's operating under the assumption that paul really knew, and how could he? and how does the last shot confirm it? we have no idea how much time passed between the incident in the woods and that shot of them at the table.
is right and we don't even know if andrew was infected, though i believe he was and that he picked the infection up from paul/sarah/travis. grandpa just happened to die early.
since we're using bubonic plague as a reference, if you google it, it says it takes 3-7 days for symptoms to appear. paul and sarah could have started showing signs at different times, and i still maintain that there was a spot on paul's eye right after they buried the granddad.
The way his parents acted is entirely indicative of if Andrew was infected. It's also not like Will knows nothing of the symptoms.
You don't know for sure, which is the point, but all signs lead to it.
>it takes Travis more than a day to succumb at the very least..
It happens the morning after they agree to separate which is the same night of his interaction of andrew.
I actually would argue that the amount of days that pass between certain scenes is deliberately unclear. Paul mentions that he will wait with Will's family for at least three days to make sure that they are not sick. But it is not specifically stated how many days the journey takes. Later on Paul suggests that the families should prepare to stay separated for at least a couple of days. We don't know if the events that occur in the confrontation sequence were the very next morning or not.
okay so with a little googling, here's my support of the "original family was already infected" theory
at 0:55 you see the shot of his eye when he was watching will from a distance (my mistake, i thought it was when the grandpa was buried)
I don't see anything.
>original family was already infected
You show signs within 48 hours, that's about 1/3 into the movie. There's a montage of days going by with the families bonding.
Travis shows infection for sure the morning after he said he was wide awake, interacted with andrew and went to the door to find the dog.
What were left to contemplate is if Paul/Sarah are infected and how they're going to handle Travis as well as the aforementioned events.
>What were left to contemplate is if Paul/Sarah are infected
You can see their lesions on their arms and face when they're sitting at the table, no contemplation necessary.
They're obviously infected.
dunno man, this jumped out at me. i don't think it's eyelashes.
that's an eyelash and a moot point at best. We know he's infected in a few minutes after that.
What about the whole dream scene where the wife from the other family pukes blood on Travis? What did that symbolize in the story or was that just another ambiguous thing?
Travis has nightmares literally every night. that's the IT part btw It didn't have much symbolic meaning besides the fact that he wanted to put his knob in the white chick.
I'm pretty sure when he was driving for a split second I think I saw a guy that was sitting on a log in the woods and it made me wonder if Will knew those guys were there because he was supposed to be lookout while he was driving.
Travis just wanted some buns. Dude has been alone with his mom and dad for a long while and he's seventeen.
Well I know what the "it" meant but I didn't know if that was symbolic of something or if I was just overlooking it, I could clearly tell it meant he wanted to bone her though
I saw that too, I think that was just a weird silhouette though
okay thank god you said that because I saw that shit too. didn't know if that could possibly be the same two that they ended up killing. i think you are exactly fucking right and that will's plan to ambush paul went to shit. then again he had a point that paul killing the second guy did take away the chance to learn some more info
>You can see their lesions on their arms and face when they're sitting at the table, no contemplation necessary.
i didnt see this, can other anons confirm?
They definitely looked fucked up but I don't remember seeing any lesions
yeah, I thought they were just looking fucked up from their ordeal, the wife looked a little more roughed up from what I thought happened to her, but the kurt russell dad looked appropriately messed up
I didn't see any lesions or any signs of infection. I read the ending as the two of them having to deal with everything that happened emotionally, including the implied mercy killing of their son.
yea exactly, glad I wasnt the only one who saw that
so who fucking opened the door?
sleepwalking travis?
Honestly who even cares at this point. Like another user said, none of the questions raised by this movie or thought-provoking so there's no need to even contemplate it.
I still kinda think it was the kid
I literally went to go see this tonight so Sup Forums couldn't spoil it for me.
This, unfortunately. Would have been a much better film if it revealed that everything was Travis's fault. He was sleepwalking and he opened the doors, he moved the boy and gave him nightmares, and he thought he was sick. But he wasn't, he was just overcome with fear.
It ends with the same shot of the parents, but Travis comes to sit down with them. They're all okay, but they killed innocent people who weren't sick. And they're still stuck with the son who did literally everything wrong.
Im a little bitch boy so can someone tell me if there are jumpscares in this movie or not?
If so, how many and when should i prepare for them?
Are there any sites left to stream now that yesmovies and others are down?
Really would like to see this, but don't like downloading