There are people on this board who unironically think Forrest Gump is really Little Forrest Jr.'s legitimate father.
There are people on this board who unironically think Forrest Gump is really Little Forrest Jr.'s legitimate father
Forrest Cuck never even got to fuck Jenny, I'm pretty sure. Also how come Gump and Lt. Dan are millionaires but can only land an AIDS hooker and a Kim Jong looking wife?
Even if Forrest had sex with her there are the genes about about 300 other random males of varying ethnicities and races in that little fag's brainstem due to his mother being a cum dumpster skank
Uhh that's not how it works. She can get fucked by 100 guys at once, but the egg will only accept one sperm cell
yellow fever is helluva drug my man
enough with your alt-right cuck fetish
I am okay with that interpretation only because the kid probably still had AIDS.
Yes, Jenny said the kid wasn't sick but there are things we know about Jenny and AIDS. Jenny is a liar and childhood AIDS, because it is inside of a child, is a lot smaller and therefore harder to detect.
So if your interpretation leaves Forrest a virgin without AIDS, well, that's fine by me. But that kid is riddled with it. Period.
There are people on this board that don't think that Slingblade is the superior kino.
Google: female microchimerism
Telegony bro
Lateral transmission, my bro
I like the way you talk
>Actual observation about a film is posted on this board
>Someone tries to shut it down
>mfw the slut wife is the bitch from house of cards
men of integrity marry for love, not lust.
it's a movie, of course he was the real father. IRL, it doesn't matter. kid gets a strong role model and a great childhood - apart from his mother dying i guess - and will be able to pursue his dreams when he grows up, never having to worry about money. forrest gets someone to direct his undying loyalty and immense heart towards who will never reject him and to make sure he is looked after/safe in his old age.
wait did you just unironically imply forrest gump existed in real world?
He's saying the real world implications don't matter cause it's a flick
Maybe if he was half black, otherwise he'd probably Forrests
microchimerism happens constantly in humans
certain advanced scientific studies have identified that women can have patterns of microchimerism from hundreds of men in their nervous system through intimate contact. Microchimerism is essentially really really tiny scale cell transplant.
Due to HUGE IDIOCY MISUNDERSTANDING OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS there is a stupid myth that microchimerism can be passed into the DNA of an offspring. It's not just not true, it's im-fucking-possible.
also it just doesn't make sense for that to be his actual son.
Spoiler alert. The kid dies of aids.
>forrest gets someone to direct his undying loyalty and immense heart towards who will never reject him and to make sure he is looked after/safe in his old age.
>who will never reject him
you know that kid will eventually become a teenager, right? unless of course he has an early death due to AIDS, but that means he definitely won't be able to take care of Forrest in his old age
wait what the fuck this was MY theory. respect my original content lads.
well heres it again anyways: they never fucked, its never stated in the movie, she just frothed her cunt into his penis, or even trousers. did you see his penis entering her aids vagina? i sure didnt.
>it's a jaded millenial has to try and ruin a modern fairytale because everything mist be cynical and bleak episode
According to the script, the kid is his.
its a zemeckis movie. darker subtext is always a thing.
>wahh leave the only semi-decent conservative hollywood movie alone
go shove ice-cream scoops up your ass, trumpfag