I loved John Wick 1, but this is just fucking embarrassing. What were they thinking?

I loved John Wick 1, but this is just fucking embarrassing. What were they thinking?

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do you not know what a silencer is?

This is like some Family Guy shit.

Have you ever heard a gun with a silencer attached being fired?
protip: in real life, it's still loud

Why does Common keep getting roles. He sucks.

I'm not /k/ but IRL they're called suppressors, not silencers. When you use the wrong word you betray your ignorance, especially when you claim to know what the tool in question is.

Honestly 2 was pretty shit

Why is everyone fucking asking about this? Are you fucking retarded or something? When he gets off the train, the conductor clearly announces:

"Welcome to Station No Noise"

That's why nobody hears them. They're deaf.

I dunno I thought it was pretty funny famalam

John Wick is pretty self aware, the whole dog revenge plot is pretty silly.

Looks pretty neato if you ask me

ITT Ignorant losers who've never used assassin-grade silencers. Protip: Military and civvie-grade are shit compared to assassin-grade.

He's right.

My uncle has every gun and a silencer for every gun. Even the Bazooker.

Keanu should've been dead when that fuck literally ran him over with a car and he got up and brushed it off. I just thought of this movie as Keanu in the matrix. It helps.

OK, well I am /k/, and IRL you don't know better than the guy who filed the fucking patent for them. They're called silencers.

Reminded me of this.


>in real life

sup reddit

Your uncle must be a noob assassin. I have a stockpile of bomb silencers. Reusable too.

Do people really think this was supposed to be a serious scene?

That people will like more of the same shit as in the first movie. Honestly, John Wick is capeshit with guns.

Verrrryyy coool.

HAHAHAHAHA John Wick fags will defend this! Was this shit secretly funded by Marvel? lmao

nm, u?

>every 3rd guy is flipped around with that arm wrestlrgrab move

god such a shit movie compared to the first one and even that was just an american dumbed down Raid

The whole world of John Wick is fucking stupid.
It's like what some 13 year old thinks what it would be like if there was a society of hitmen and he's John Wick

cringe af......

There's literally 100's of Hitmen at the end.

This was easily my favorite scene from the movie. Stop taking it so seriously it's supposed to be funny

Women find him attractive.

im glad i dont visit or post on this board, you're missing your XD at the end too

This scene is outing the idiots who liked the first film unironically without realizing it was a comedy.


they're supposed to be called whispersheathes you dumb faggot

didn't know this was a comedy. might have to check it out now. thanks op!

Loved JW1 and went to see this in theaters. What a mistake.

This makes me want to watch it

That's one of the most kekworthy scenes in cinema this year.

I mean, the whole point of it is it's supposed to be like a graphic novel. How people possibly expected it to be serious is beyond me.

Its funny fucking scene

The tone of the movie is set up in the first sequence. Movie was full of fun stuff. Its better than the first, objectively

I personally felt this scene was a little out of place.
But I still really liked the film, and at least the scene was funny.

Maybe the fact that no one notices they have guns is supposed to be some sort of social commentary?

yup it's cringe same as the kingsman movie

The scene was fine. No more out of place then the stairs scene or the opening sequence

They notice, it just isn't a big deal because they're all American.

Stop being stupid. It's called a "silencer," not a "still loud-er."

I fucking miss balloon shop kino youtube right before the bubble of shitty try hard memers and personalities

>Modern day silencers typically can reduce the noise about 14.3-43 decibels, depending on a variety of factors, such as whether it’s a subsonic bullet or not; length of the barrel/silencer; etc.
>for most commercially available fire arms and cartridges, this ends up only reducing the noise level to somewhere in the range of 130-150-ish dB for a supersonic cartridge and 117-130-ish dB for a subsonic cartridge. For reference on just how loud that is, an ambulance or police siren is typically between 100-140 dB.
Supressor's main purpose is to mask the muzzle flash and to make it more difficult to pinpoint the origin of the sound.
Not only would those gun shots still be AS LOUD AS A SIREN GOING OFF RIGHT NEXT TO THEM, the bullets striking the wall would obviously make a regular sound as well.

Made me laugh

The fuck you on about kingsman was pretty good.

I know this is bait, but


im stoned and this is actually really badass
think ill go see the movie

mp5sd6 is nowhere near that loud

mp5sd6 has an integrated supressor, do those pistols look like they have an integrated supressor?
also it's not much quieter