Why do Trey and Matt hate Family Guy so much?

Why do Trey and Matt hate Family Guy so much?

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Because they have taste

Probably because it fails on a narrative level most of the time.

Trey and Matt care about story composition, and Family Guy is often just a random series of events and nonsequiturs


I now see why David Lynch is fan of Seth Macfarlane's work

>Because they have taste
but they thought Hillary would win
>Trey and Matt care about story composition
that's why they tossed their story for a shitty one they made up on the fly after Hillary lost

Because the guy who made it stole part of their market, fucked the shit out of it and cashed it out like a used up whore.

Does Virginia Woolf fails on a narrative level because she cares more about the impressions the characters have of the events than the plot itself?

>but they thought Hillary would win

Most people did, even trump supporters

This seems accurate

Jealous little jews

I bet the fruits on Broadway fell the same about Book of Mormon

It was clear by may of last year that it was all media fabrication. You had to take one look at the rally attendances to see she was gonna lose and anyone smart like myself made a lot of money in november.

>Most people did, even trump supporters

You really bought the headlines did you?

Because they know deep down that while South Park has a superior narrative it just isn't as consistently funny.

Can't say nowadays as I haven't watched Family Guy in around 5 years or so, but I laugh way harder at the earlier seasons and 1-10 Simpsons than any season of South Park. They just occasionally make for good social commentary.

Because it's popular.
People that base their existence on counter culture like South Park, Sup Forums users etc. always have to criticize popular things to feel superior about others.




Go jump in a lake

Wouldn't be an issue if the didn't focus so much of the season on current politics. Even if they were right, it just makes the show seem dated in the future. Like the first shitty season of American Dad

life must be torture for youl your inability to view things without a lens of politics is sad.

>lens of politics
I'm not adding a political slant to something that didn't already have it.

If you had paid attention that episode you would know.

please take you dumb post over to Sup Forums

not him but yes

Virginia Woolf is a more schizophrenic Joyce, who already couldn't tell a story for shit

Read Jean Rhys if you want a crazy ex-prostitute modernist woman who still cares about composition

please don't make another Sup Forums based season

say what you want about macfarlane, he is a brilliant businessman.

Are all of you people like 30+ years old? Why are middle-aged people on Sup Forums?

No one cares about this debate, even this episode is ten years old now.

I feel conflicted about your opinion. On one hand, I got the impression she saw life in a madness induced angle (the ending of Mrs Dalloway, Or that woman who goes into an acid trip just by looking at the light of the lighthouse which I can understand but it still crazy).
And her character's ideas still seem a bit shrouded in darkness.

On the other, she seems rather poetic, is nice to read at times, I don't know, I do not understand her enough.

Thanks for the recommendation, I hope to manage to put myself to read her one day.

Because they like to jump on bandwagons, and its super popular to hate Family Guy. Go watch any episode of South Park. Its better than modern Simpsons, but just like modern Simpsons nearly every episode is"'lol what pop cultural trend can we lampoon this week?"

Im 23

Sue me

They don't. That episode was a paean.


>30 years old
>Middle aged
You need to be over 18 to post here.

I think most of us Trump supporters who thought Hillary would win, thought it more because she would steal the election, moreso than she was actually popular.

Then how about you go give someone money to watch them play video games, faggot.


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