What the fuck

what the fuck

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Malia... No....

Fucking Sweden at it again.

>propaganda intensifies

Wew lad u actually managed to trigger me. Into the factory of becoming degenerates with these children. Brainwashed with this abomination of new "culture" the world is pushing on them. No way to turn out normal in this world after it brings shit like this down on you. Thank god I was raised in a pathetic excuse for a country and am too stupid to ever have allowed this shit to influence me. Welcome to the 21 century where being stupid is the only way to retain your sanity.

>Swedish twerking class

Utter degeneracy. Women and coloureds are ruining this world.

this is the future


>Utter degeneracy. Women and coloureds are ruining this world.

Where is that? I wanna help

those other girls are just watching though. is it true all women are bi?

What the fuck is this? Are they swedes?
Jesus christ this is pedophilia.


i dunno where my webm has taken but this one is from russia


Twerking should be punishable by a foot in the ass. Disgusting subhuman culture.

>Jesus christ this is pedophilia.

>17yo girls

(((Slut culture)))

>girl in the middle at 4 seconds

Protip: any sexual presentation on camera of a person below the age of 18 is child pornography. Kill yourself pedofag.


Not one I'm going to be part of. I'll find some nice comfy rural village from where I can work and leave all this shit as far away as possible. And wait for the day of the third great war. Third times the charm folks.

"Based" russians.

>Protip: any sexual presentation on camera of a person below the age of 18 is child pornography. Kill yourself pedofag.

>The girls are dancing in artistic choreography
>sexual presentation

Are you sure you aren't the peado here?

I'm black and absolutely do not approve of this shit. For one these are fucking kids.
And 2 white girls just dont have the hip freedom of black/spanish girls. They're too stiff to really twerk.

This is simply awful in every possible way.



based Russia strikes again


as a white person i agree, these bitches cant move their ass for shit and wtf they are little kids

wtf is this

the Frankfurt dance academy


I'm white and I find it unusual that you would start your post with a declaration of your ethnicity.

Polite sage because t*rkroach thread.

It's actually Eastern Europe. Romania, Bulgaria, etc. I can't remember which one exactly.

They are dressed in visible underwear and short skirts while shaking their asses, of course this is a sexual presentation you fucking retard.

Yep found it. It's Romania.


triggered fedora tipping bitch boy spotted lol.

They are 14-18. And the investigation ruled that "the dance does not contain elements of pornography or erotica", hence no charges were pressed. For those who might be interested.

>white """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

that's russia
and those are not panties, they are wearing leotards

Westies will never understand how good it is to hook up with 14 yo girls legally

>artistic choreography

In a world where feminists knit with bloody yarn pulled from their own vaginas, or painting with their own menstrual blood, I guess it wouldn't be too far off to say disgusting people think this is "artistic".

I was under the impression that dancing told a story.

What does this say? "Jamal, please rape my ass"?

>This is the farthest thing from art. It's degeneracy and borderline child porn because no underafe child should be dancing like this. E V E R.

I still don't understand twerking


Back in my day we called it booty popping.

It's nothing except a way to rub on a guy in public legally.

They do this because we're inside shit posting and not paying attention to them.

What utter fucking morons.

And you wonder why anyone would be stupid enough to vote for Hillary... baka

this is not okay


>when you realize that the whole "twerking" is basically teaching white women who used to be very classy, to behave like the worst of black women.

It's not really something positive to aspire towards..

>Don't promote twerking
>Don't associate with or condone twerkers
>Don't applaud twerkers
>Make sure your kid doesn't hear any fucking twerk related music.
>Don't go to any concerts with people who are twerkers

Do you want your little girl to turn into webwm related?

Die in a fire, spic.

That rolling thing was impressive.

Kike spotted. LOL.

>b-but eastern Europe is the last bastion of uncucked western society Sup Forums!

Romanians are foreign element in Eastern Europe, they're basically low caste Indians that ventured too far west and took some bulgarian and hungarian land.
>uncucked western society
no thank you

It's from Romania .

Is ChristianX there to recruit underage prostitutes?

I do not understand. What is this thread about?

I'm white and I agree with your opinion on publicly funded pedophilia.
On a separate note stiff butts are generally better.

wtf i'm gay now

not sure where this is from

but i saw sweden in the filename so i guess sweden


>that pedo bear in the background

my sides/10


swedes are like our niggers lol

I want to stick my dick in that.

>somebody on Sup Forums probably spent hours making this image and studying anime butts

T-this is satire, right?? why not study quantum field theory instead?

> Sees the crowd
Ok, we need Islam.

because you can't masturbate to quantum theory

There are no breaks on the poz train.

The braces make a big difference

I can legally fuck a 16 year old.

Who are you quoting?

It would solve a lot of our problems

You mean the same system that classifies this as art?


We can 15 year old in Poland.

15 to fuck 16 to marry (for girls, dude have to be 21 to marry)

>men have realized a majority chance of losing their kids and 50% of what they own isnt worth it
>women trying to peddle their pussy harder than ever before
The division is real.

I wouldn't want my 15 year old daughter getting fucked by some old guy, that's for sure.

Solving one problem by making another problem?

Sounds Jewish.

w-what is she doing with the spaghettio's

no that's not what




Well Poland, is it a guy or girl?

Solving one problem by creating another?

Sounds Jewish.

It is whatever you make it to be

got a boner desu


But why have they clothes on?

Negative. It would actually solve BOTH problems, my short sighted polack friends.

By 'using' Islam, we can subsequently bend it and shape it towards what we want, something we've always done anyway. A bit like it happens with Germany now, the once hardcore nation that turned into a bunch of muppets.
Break it from within.
Trojan horse rings a bell?

Do you have to ask? Did you see the strings wrapping her torso and neck?

I would.

You think you can control Islam?

>too stiff



(You) got me with that one

its controllable. kemal controlled it for years in 99% muslim non western country.


> Trojan horse rings a bell?

You didn't answer that question, so I will elaborate further.

Everything can be controlled once infiltrated.
Can you control a wild bear by grabbing it from the neck and moving it around?
You have to inject her with something first... Then you have control.

age of consent in Spain is 13

