What are some films about embarrassing defeat?
What are some films about embarrassing defeat?
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A Fairly Odd Movie
>full movie
>57 minutes
they fucking serious with this shit?!?!? they couldnt make a 90 minute movie?!?
I can't believe that The UK is so misogynist i thought they we more progressive than this
To be fair, it was a direct-to-TV movie. For Nickelodeon no less.
can i get a quick rundown on theresa may and the "tories"? i have a couple brits on my fb and they are flipping their shit but, i cant even figure out what the fuck are they on and if they are on the right or wrong side.
When Harry met Sally
Cool Runnings
Withnail and I
The Empire Strikes Back
Un Chien Andalou
Watership Down
Mosquito Coast
Honey I Shrunk the Kids II
Der Untergang
I guess Theresa Won't
A Social Democrat wrekt a neo-liberal.
Self-serving rich people who were expected to win by a landslide, but they're now completely fucked
Theresa May & tories are like hitler.
Labour party is /ourguy/.
That's not necessarily true and is equally if not more so of Labour
disney channel movies were that long and they made like 1 every few months!
May ends in June
>this is what Sup Forums actually believes
Show me Labour's tax cuts for the wealthy?
Think of it as Hillary vs Bernie
What is wrong with that bitch's face?
Who's Hillary and who's bernie?
That's a tax cut for the poor, you fucking idiot.
Well done, Theresa, well done. However...
>UKIP are completely finished
O I am laffin
They shouldn't even exist anymore
Wow, you should have actually read that first, you retarded phoneposter
It appears shooting off one's foot is the new Conservative trend
UKIP accomplished their goal though, which was Brexit. They have no reason to exist anymore.
Good, now we get BoJo
Is the job done?
Fuck you too. The working tax credit reduced the payroll burden of the ultra-wealthy and heaped it upon the average tax payer. Labour created an incentive to pay people very low wages through their taxation policy.
They have no part in the job, UKIP got us the referendum, now all they're doing is sucking up votes
Depends, if the government tries to steer towards remaining in the EU then it will be against the electorates original vote; UKIP are still politically relevant.
>the city of (You)
>Theresa May
Awful leader, proper soft cunt.
Love making cuts, put forward a dogshit manifesto which included: Destroying the internet, and putting an end to the disabled.
>We meant to fail!
The Tories are the conservative party. They've lost a lot of seats.
>Destroying the internet
shit I forgot about that
it was a real 1984 list
>UKIP accomplished their goal though, which was Brexit. They have no reason to exist anymore.
this isn't fucking Sup Forums
if you want to talk about that shitty election in a country that is irrelevant go over there and do it
>Labour created an incentive to pay people very low wages through their taxation policy.
>created an incentive to pay people very low wages through their taxation policy.
>incentive to pay people very low wages
There already was an incentive to pay people low wages, it's cheaper.
What are your favorite films about handsome and brave knights going on quests to slay dragons?
yes but conservative in american parlance means a very different thing than conservative in eurospeak
same thing with libertarian
Eh. To me as a mainlander british politics seem pretty americanised.
really nigga
Why do the tories hate the disabled so much
She cut the police force by 20,000 when she was the home secretary which allowed more jihadi planning shit to go unchecked and made the recent terror attacks more likely to happen.
Gradual privatisation of our NHS, forcing some nurses to rely on foodbanks, cutting the number of firefighters, maintaining a low level of corporation tax and tax avoidance from large corporates and just generally being an incompetent/clueless leader.
Because most of them grew up wealthy and have very little exposure to human suffering beyond what they themselves inflict.
It's hard to empathize with the disabled when you've never had to endure anything seriously unpleasant in your entire life.
Don't fall for the Corbyn nutters if they tell you the UK is magically left wing now. She fought a terrible campaign, didn't connect with the people, and is now paying the price.
Funny thing is we're going to end up with Boris as PM now, with the DUP in coalition, which is going to be infinitely more right wing than a majority conservative government.
It is absolutely true, her husband works for a £1bn hedge fund whereas Corbyn catches the bus to work.
Sure some labour MPs are every bit as bad as the Tories, but lets not forget this election was called in an arrogant attempt to grab more seats and cover up the parliamentary investigation into historic Tory voting fraud.
The quintessential "I'm in sixth form and I like politics" quote.
So you honestly believe it's not true? Ukip is as milquetoast as the tories. They wouldn't stop immigration even if they had power.
>It is absolutely true, her husband works for a £1bn hedge fund whereas Corbyn catches the bus to work.
That's a fucking ridiculous statement with no basis whatsoever in reality. What does Corbyn taking the bus mean? He's a career politician, and has been for thirty years. He's out of touch with people because he's lived in London forever, and he has a bunch of very questionable views on security thanks to his daft hippy policies.
Actually fuck this. I'm not going to argue with someone who I know will use appeals to emotion in every statement.
The quintessential "I know that I can't actually refute anything that was said so I'll just sperg out" quote.
It's very different user. Everything is far more liberal on the UK side.
But you didn't have an argument to begin with, so what is there to refute?
they don't, they're just "MUH MONEY MUH MONEY REEEE" and they're willing to ignore making the country as a whole better and increasing growth faster by investing into people.
The greed is ironic considering how prevalent Christianity is among them
>constitutional monarchy
Pic sums up the political system of these countries.
Yes the true way to make the country better is by mass importing savages from Africa and Asia
Corbyns on £130k a year you dolt
>He's a career politician, and has been for thirty years. He's out of touch with people because he's lived in London forever, and he has a bunch of very questionable views on security thanks to his daft hippy policies.
Not him, but fuck off you cunt he's been involved in shitloads of protests over time, like to abolish apartheid and for junior doctors' contracts
And maybe he is a bit of an idealist with regards to his weapon policies, but that goes to show that he has been the exact opposite of a career politician
So...Lord Buckethead is the alt-right?
>it's a she did it on purpose because brexit was never meant to happen episode
Probably. And the Loony Party are the libertarians.
Immigrants are required for public services. We do need more stringent policies and better vetting and a points-based system, but immigrants are the backbone of the NHS and May's ridiculously low number is economically illiterate, impossible and she just doesn't understand how immigrants are useful. Corbyn's actually going to be fair and sensible with immigration. Not to mention he wants more police, while May wants less, so safer streets = Corbyn
Ah yes, because Labour "invest in people". That's why they fucked the economy entirely and the Tories had to do their best to unfuck it so that young people of the next generation don't live in an economically failed state.
I swear some people genuinely believe in a money tree.
>like to abolish apartheid and for junior doctors' contracts
Or to support the IRA and Hamas. Politicians have the potential to change things. A politician who goes to protests is dodging the issue.
Fail to see how more police officers is better when crime is down to its lowest level in history.
Brexit has just been canceled though
What's your next sound bite going to be? I need immigrants to make my sandwich in Pret?
>literal momentum script
Back to twitter
What I'm trying to get across is that a single tax increase or cut in a budget in itself doesn't tell the whole picture.
Labour are sensitive towards appearing considerate to the poor but to my mind it's only while the sun is shining.
>more police
>*arrests you for insulting muslims on the internet*
The police do fuck all
>bad thing
Yeah, it's getting momentum as fuck in here. You think they'd be out celebrating rather than fucking around on Sup Forums trying to elect a horse that's already bolted.
>Or to support the IRA and Hamas
you know that's dishonest. Corbyn's been involved in negotiations to find peaceful solutions with them, and he has condemned their terrorist acts.
please kill yourself
They're trying to convince themselves that they won despite the fact that they came second, are not going to be invited to form a government and mathematically cannot form a coalition without the support of the DUP who are already now allied to the tories
so whos the guy for me/party for me if i think muzzies should fuck off and there should also be armed police officers instead of fat pussies with tasers
ummm sweetie, she got more votes. you sexists just cant allow a strong woman be leader.
>invest in people
pick one
the Tories have spent the most in real terms over all the time they've been in power, even excluding the GFC. If you want to blame someone for fucking up the economy, there's your scapegoat
Yeah. Despite the fact that this is good for Corbyn, it's still a loss. They might soon see a government which is MUCH more right wing than the previous too.
>there should also be armed police officers instead of fat pussies with tasers
The UK already has the best armed police force in the world.
yeah when the armed ones actually show up
why do 90% of the ones i see look like pussies with no guns and no real training, they're like mall cops. Only when a national fucking incident occurs do they dispatch the actual armed, fit, properly trained officers.
Because you don't need to be fucking Robocop to tell of some chavs for being antisocial.
nice strawman. Immigrants are literally the backbone of the NHS, if you have an argument than provide it
> radical muzzies should fuck off
>oh wait we don't need police to keep the streets safe from terrorists
Don't insult Muslims on the Internet. Refute their radical ideology, point out how they may think their God is so weak they have to kill infidels themselves, etc. I don't see a problem here - be civil and rational, and you're fine. If you're inciting and threatening violence you should be punished.
huge loss, the Conservatives lost seats they really should have kept and they're weaker and wobblier than ever tbqh
but when a guy robs a store with a knife you better hope the tasers are enough to put him down. plus You need guns for when muslims run around stabbing people and running people over. Being armed is not "being robocop" it is having the tools to deal with a criminal who cant seriously injure or kill civilians
>Don't insult Muslims on the Internet
>yeah when the armed ones actually show up
Check the actual statistics for armed response times. It's basically as fast as possible unless you live in the bumfuck countryside, but nothing ever requires armed police there anyway.
>why do 90% of the ones i see look like pussies with no guns and no real training, they're like mall cops.
It's called policing by consent. It's why the UK has such low rates of police brutality and brutality towards police compared to shitholes like the US.
>Only when a national fucking incident occurs do they dispatch the actual armed, fit, properly trained officers
Because those are the only times an armed response is required. If every fucktard copper carried a gun, so would every fucktard criminal.
insulting is not the same as inciting or threatening violence. People should be free to banter or even straight up insult one another. Learn to deal with it without wanting to commit jihad, not really a tall order.
>You need guns for when muslims run around stabbing people and running people over.
And the armed police was there for that. It took less than 10 minutes to kill the 3 london bridge attackers. Ordinary police having guns wouldn't have solved the situation any quicker.
>It's called policing by consent. It's why the UK has such low rates of police brutality and brutality towards police compared to shitholes like the US.
This. I've not met anyone in the UK who hates the police, they're just seen as decent lads doing their job, and mostly reasonable. Not like Yankland.
armed responses are gonna be required a lot more often and i wouldnt be worried about the scary bad guys having guns because cars bombs and knives seem to be working for them, and if i were in the UK id want an armed cop on every street corner.
the police "brutality" you see from the US is the result of blacks not complying and challenging the police. Here they are notorious for disobeying orders from the authorities and then there is public outrage when they get shot after making sudden finger guns at police.
>user makes statement
>hahaha you dont have an argument
jesus fucking christ summer is shit
>when you take a single sentence out of context and feel good about yourself
banter is for friends, and if people take your banter as an insult it's probably shit banter.
You should be free to insult another person, admittedly, without the threat of police. You still shouldn't though.
if there were armed police on or near the bridge, they could have stopped the attack while it was happening and not 10 minutes after the damage had been done
of course you shouldnt insult people but you should be thrown in jail for doing so
Ah, so it's a "Yank acts like he knows everything about another country despite his knowledge coming exclusively from internet memes" post.
We do have armed police. A lot of them. I see them regularly in public places. They're also trained in how to properly shoot. PC Joe Bloggs in rural county Durham doesn't need a fucking glock.
shouldnt* fuck
>It's hard to empathize with the disabled when you've never had to endure anything seriously unpleasant in your entire life.
That's not a statement, it's baseless rhetoric. You also used a z in empathise so FOY.
if you mean shouldn't, then that's literally what I said