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Yeah and he is dead and I am not lol.


since he eventually got rid of himself, does that mean he was a sexist, racist homophobe??

This guy should just kill himself, oh wait :^)

Wew hoo hoo

Blowing his own brains out was the best thing he ever did. He deserved to die, and he died. His soul is now burning in eternal hellfire, screaming in searing agony.

Good. See you in hell, kike.


the smartest people this planet has ever seen (Jesus, Muhammad,Buddha) were all non white people. So I guess it is expected that the white folks out there feels threatened by these foreigners.

I would tell him to kill himself but you know


>it really bothers me
Why don't you kill yourself if it bothers you so badly?

Isn't this the faggot that killed himself?
I think I'll pass on any of his advice, thanks.

just kill yourself, bro

Fukken savage

>In junior high school Kurt noted that he was very into heavy metal but that he grew out of it. In an interview with metal express in 1994 he commented “I have nothing against heavy metal, except that some of it is pretty sexist”.

>In high school Kurt was often called discriminatory names alluding to him being homosexual because he was good friends with an openly gay male student. Despite this, he began to embrace the taunts and acted as though he was gay saying he, “really enjoyed the conflict” He got arrested for spray painting “Gay sex rules” onto an Aberdeen bank and “God is gay” on a van. He insisted he was ‘gay in spirit’ and said “I wish I were gay, just to piss off homophobes”.

>"Yeah, all Isms feed off one another but at the top of the food chain is still the white, corporate, macho, strong ox male. I mean, classism is determined by sexism because the male decides whether all other isms still exists. It's up to men. I’m just saying that people can’t deny any ism or think that some are more or less subordinate except for sexism… I still think that in order to expand on all other isms, sexism has to be blown wide open… but there are thousands of green minds, young gullible 15 year old boys out there just starting to fall into the grain of what they’ve been told of what a man is supposed to be and there are plenty of tools to use. The most effective tool is entertainment."

>"I like the comfort in knowing that women are generally superior and naturally less violent than men. I like the comfort in knowing that women are the only future in rock and roll. I like the comfort in knowing that the Afro American invented rock and roll yet has only been rewarded or awarded for their accomplishments when conforming to the white mans standards and I like the comfort in knowing that the Afro American has once again been the only race that has brought a new form of original music to this decade."

wtf I hate Cobain now


Kurt Cobain was a smug douchebag who thought he was better than everyone else while rotting in his garage doped up on heroin. His band mates fucking hated him. He would talk shit behind Dave Grohls back and then when Dave would confront him about it he would deny it. I like some Nirvana, but they are overrated as fuck. He wasnt this insanely great song writer. He was talented, but people like Trent Reznor make him look like a bitch.

First off all he is right to say that all those people are shit.
He used to loiter around the evergreen state. Over there saying stuff like this is nazi propaganda compared to the sjw culture of some circles.
However, Evergreen is a great place to do the drugs and wander around in the woods.

>Trent reznor
You mean the guy who was outperformed by a geriatric?

Well killing yourself is one way to ensure they're never in your audience again I guess

lol what do you think kurt cobain was, some masculine nationalist figure? He was feminine junkie hippie it has always been obvious

Kurt Cobain is definitely a Bernie supporter

>Corpses for Bernie

Kurt Cobain is overrated, Layne Staley is superior in every single way


Did he actually say this, or did some sjw just create this meme?

glad courtney love killed him 2bh

The older I get, the more I'm Team Axl

There was some thread months back about how Kurt would have been redpilled by now... extreme doubt.

He would have been just like Patton Oswalt & Andy Richter... cucked to the core by feminism and SJW nonsense

Oy vey

Soundgarden and STP were both much better bands, and Dave was 90% of the talent in Nirvana anyway...

Sublime > all other 90's bands within semi main stream music

I'm sure he said it. There's some clip on youtube where they're on a ferry or something and he's talking all this feminist nonsense. Hell, even Dave Grohl used to talk about being weirded out that jocks "used to kick our ass and now they come to our shows."

I wouldn't go that far, but STP is on par for sure. They both started off raw and heavier and got more melodic...

Soundgarden could have, and basically fucking did fall off the face of the earth after Superunknown. Pretty Noose was OK but that album was shitty. Lyrics aside, the only thing Cornell ever did worthwhile post-94 was that first Audioslave album

420 blaze fgt XD

t. cuck blowbrains

Fuck off Slacker.

Enjoy being killed by your Joo producers for cashing more money out through posthumous albums.


>the only thing Cornell ever did worthwhile post-94 was that first Audioslave album
And the Casino Royale theme.

It true, I probably would not like sublime if I didn't spend all my teenage years smoking weed all the time.
Sublime fans are braindead drug addicts and I'm the first to admit that.


I know Kurt said this.

Huge Nirvana fan here and you've triggered me.

Kurt was very feminine and despised the macho jock meathead attitude that was the status quo of the world since basically ever up the late 2000s. As a result, he hated chads and usually found himself in better company with women, and given the kind of person he was, i can't blame him.

At the same time, you have to keep in mind this was a time when neocons and republicans have been the ones who generally acted like assbackwards retards, they were the ones who were for censorship on music, and on what teenagers can watch on tv, and what videogames we can play, and how we should all be good god fearing 9-5 working faceless cogs in a republican war machine, in case we have youngfags here who forgot.

The times we live in have basically reversed poles and now the dems are the corrupt censorship morally correct rightfighting thought police, and the underground is shifting to reflect that.

But for you faggots to just write off Nirvana or Kurt Cobain as some "HURR DURR LIBERAL" you couldnt be farther from the truth. Politics were probably the last thing, him or any of his friends ever cared or talked about, and if youve ever read his journals or any documentaries about him or the band, you'd know he is closer to a Libertarian.

Great band, great guy.

And he got redpilled.

they are delicious

There's some, perhaps even much truth to what you're saying about the fate and current climate of politics... but Kurt still likely would have been an SJW feminist, and I think you know it. Most libertarians drone on and on about muh constitution, muh rights, muh slippery slope... most hardcore feminists and and SJWs are hardcore Berniefags who think maybe THIS time socialism could work!

Kurt was a leftist then and would have been one now. Sorry.

Dubs of truth.

Saw Nirvana in 1992 at the Reading Festival.
Matches my recollections of the time too.

In quote above he is really just talking about normies ruining a cosy niche interest (although Kurt, like most artists, wanted it both ways on fame and recognition), its just what a normie is has shifted as you say.

did he vote for clinton though? I can imagine he doesn't vote third party


Kurt is a nice boi he would never say such mean horrible things

bill was a based prez though

almost everyone in america loved president bill, except towards the end with the monica thing, and when lied to us about it, but even then they let it slide.

With the amount of corruption thats been exposed with hillar clinton in our current election, im sure kurt cobain would have voted bernie, trump or at the very least johnson, or not voted at all

He never said that, /thread

>From the Seattle area
Doesn't surprise me one bit.

Grew up loving Nirvana.
About sophomore year started listening to other stuff.
Realized that Nirvana really isn't that good. Maybe 1 or 2 songs.
Whiny, depressing, gen X music.



Its from the liner notes to Incesticide I think?

Jerry Cantrell called Cobain a horrible guitarist (which he is). I'm surprised he didn't get shit for it.

If you want to be a real fan, get a shotgun and blow your fucking brains all over the pavement!

I also grew up listening this. I wore this horrible shitty bum clothes. And only a few years later, they become uncool and suddenly skinny hipster fag jeans were in. Adapting the Nirvana mentality, I was also very slackerish.

At least I never did heroin, as several other complete dipshits who listened to this music and the music Cobains gf Courtney Love did.

Seriously fuck pop culture! It's nothing but degeneration and money making for the Joo!

It was great at the time.
I don't really understand what younger people would get out of it now though.

Movements in art are about cycles and contrasts.

little fag killed himself.

So how many atoms did they split and how many men did they put on the moon?

Alice in Chains are like Creed.
Download one MP3, copy it 48 times.
Congratulations on owning the complete discography.

Kurt wasn't a horrible guitarist, horrible guitarists was what he replaced (widdle-diddle-tap-tap-shriek).

I believe that you believe that.

Oh bad luck, we got Brit Pop which great fun.
Smart mod looks, Cool Brittania and lad culture.
It was a brilliant time to be young and have fun.

People think its uncool now but thats how it goes.

Motor city madman said it best in a radio interview. "I believe there's a verse in one of the songs that goes, "no I don't have a gun", and it's repeated several times in the song."
Sweaty teddy went on to say "apparently you did and it was in fine working order."
Alpha nugent.

Fuck you I wanted to post that

his wife killed him

Apparently he hated himself so much that he killed himself.

If only the rest of the regressive left followed him to hell.

Now you're being silly. Jesus is white in all of the pictures I have seen of him.

Surely a heroin addict who committed suicide because of mental issues is going to be a judge of what is right and wrong with the world.


>Alice in Chains>Nirvana

Why does Nirvana get all the 90s love? AIC was infinitely better and infinitely more talented. If Cobain hadn't Cobrained himself AIC would be the more popular band in (current year).

Deluded faggot, like every good-looking guy.



Shitty singer, excellent marksman.

For real though, I liked his music but the guy was a drug addict that offed himself. His opinions on society don't matter much to me.

Dead liberal drug addict faggot from PAcific Northwest kills self. THERE IS A GOD!!!


holy kek take some dubs

>comparing a barbaric child rapist war lord to a man who led a sinless life, and a highly enlightened Hindu


Musicians in general seem to be pretty stupid anyway. Getting famous at a young age and never having to worry about money doesn't give them a very realistic worldview. I stopped looking into what some of my favorite bands were saying and supporting, it just made me hate them.

This. Layne even handled heroine like a man instead of a self pitying little bitch.

he literally blue pilled himself to death.

'90s were SJW beta

the fate of every degenerate

I don't think many people loved president Bill as much as the 2 parties were a lot closer ideologically back then and people were less extreme. I remember my family always bitching about Bill, but my dad said he would happily take Bill back over Obama. Back them people who didn't agree politically were just like "Democrats sure are dumb" whereas now it's like "Democrats are actively trying to ruin my country and must be stopped at all costs. 90s liberals were/are turned off by all the SJW bullshit.

Yeah cornell is a disappointment. Huge voice and very talented but from what ive read his ego is an issue and he purposfully writes song he know wont have any appeal because in his head thats being an "artist". Theres a soundgarden bio that goes all into it. He annoys the fuck out of every band hes in. And yeah that first audioslave album was a fucking monster. Can listen to the whole thing front to back.


yeah fuck off


[suicide intensifies]

lel britpop and oasis, which you cunts have deluded yourselves into believing are GOATs just out of anti-Americanism.

I get OASIS, even though speaking of every song sounding the same... but Rock N Roll Star vs I Hate Myself And Want To Die. I get that. Blur were never even close to being good though. fun? I guess if you want an anthem about banging traps, sure, I guess it's fun singing Girls & Boys or hearing WOOHOOOO! at a sporting event.

But Nirvana, practically overnight, changed the entire landscape over here for a good 5-6 years if not the entire decade. We went from boy bands and R&B to grunge, Nirvana knocked Michael fucking Jackson off the top off the billboard charts. Was quite the time to be alive.

imma be honest about something else... I loved nothing more in 1995 than Bush's Sixteen Stone & Silverchair's Frogstop. But I hear Bush wasn't even that big a deal over there because, gasp, they sounded more American than British at the time, perish the fucking thought....

Superior suicidal frontman coming through

>not posting the gif of his psycho dancing

He was mentally ill and a self-hating cuck. Sorry but as much as I like his music(which isn't that much really but I recognize it's influence), I can't respect anyone who has no self-respect.

Everything about his life was pathetic outside of Nirvana. He did not become an hero when he blew his brains out.



Never put your weapons near your junkie GF

Total faggot. Love made him stop wearing tiger striped bikini briefs when she first got with him.

Neocons weren't the only ones in the culture war telling us to follow the system. Remember Tipper Gore?

It has made me think. And I think i can finally accept that he did in fact shoot him self in the head twice. Only someone with that much current brain damage would have been capable.

>mentally ill

not even close, he was a very monogamous man, very clingy, very jealous guy as well.

>which isnt that much
you're a faggot, but thanks for recognizing the influence

>i can't respect anyone who doesn't respect themselves
>implying anyone in your actual life or on Sup Forums gives a rat ass about you respect and what you dont respect

Self-respect is a good thing, but you can't blame people for not having it, it's a process for most people.

>everything about his life was pathetic

citation needed


I don't blame him for not having self respect, but I don't respect him.

Apparently you seem to care a lot about what this user on Sup Forums respects.