So much amazing possibility out there yet we are fighting like retards about petty shit...

So much amazing possibility out there yet we are fighting like retards about petty shit. We need a space renaissance desu

the earth is flat potato nigger

no shit its called subversion

Space Elevator thread when?

I agree. Fighting over puzzle pieces of land and religion is so tiresome.

Para bellum!

I do not want to fight, but mudslimes and nigger are constantly trying to kill us.

Shill jew kike mods out in full force today, banning anyone posting anything KEK related. KEK is pols LORD and savior. How dare they try to suppress KEK from memeing the happenings into exsistance. KEK will not be silenced. We are KEKS will. Praise KEK, also fuck the cunt mods

Shitposting is serious business, potato nigger

The red circle is roughly what meager part of the galaxy you can explore in you lifetime in a best case scenario. It's fucking nothing. Until ftl comes around, going further than the solar system is pointless.

t. mountain jew

>ever happening
Pop-sci get out

whoever wins monopoly:earth will be the one to move on to monopoly:solar system

Which is why I hope the ayys give us ftl tech.

Unless you are an aeroespacial engineer or physicist you are a huge hypocrite.
What the fuck are you doing to enable this?

Daily Reminder that the earth is FLAT

If FTL really is impossible we should literally kill ourselves right now. Space is the next step for Humanity and if we can't properly explore it we're fucked desu

If anyone in here hasn't tried Space Engine, DO IT it's free and has an amazing sense of scale. Universe simulator made by one crazy Russian motherfucker. Pic related, all of the stars we know about are in the correct position and you can explore them all.

Things will truly start to become interesting once we are fighting over pieces of other planets. Unfortunately this will not happen in our lifetime. We will see the first orbiting hotels and maybe the first movie filmed on Mars. We may see our own solar system in great detail, but we may not even witness the departure of interstellar ships in the next 200 years.

I could also be completely wrong.

faster than light travel is literally impossible. nothing can go faster than the speed of light. only possible way to travel great distances are through wormholes, which do exists, but are nearly impossible to find and close up in an instant

Space is fake and gay. Wake up!

>not happening
>/sci/fag engineers think we know everything there is to know
Ayy lmao, burger

Irishfag cannot even into physics.

>So much amazing possibility out there yet we are fighting like retards about petty shit.
This. I am a autstic Black Pilled Fascist because we can't stop arguing over the most petty shit when there is an entire universe to conquer and exploit.

No where in my post do I mention physics.

>faster than light travel is literally impossible.
Being this heretical,Die Blasphemer!

sol system explotation and colonization its worth it on its own and a necesary step.

>nearly impossible to find
They've never been found and are probably impossible too. The conditions hypothetically required to form them are silly and non-real solutions to the Einstein Field Equations.

There are far more stupid ideas people come up with that never pan out than brilliant innovations that were arrogantly doubted. Faster than light travel doesn't make any sense from any perspective.

So then we're not ever leaving the solar system are we?

Mars is about the best anyone can hope for, sorry friend

Doubtful because interstellar travel is too difficult. You'd have to build ships that can survive for centuries without fail and you can't go any more than a small fraction of the speed of light otherwise space dust particles will impact you with energy similar to nukes. Good luck somehow getting people to live for generations in a hunk of metal or trying to freeze them or whatever too.

If we're lucky though we'll build some stuff within our solar system. Maybe bases on Mars or in the asteroid belt if we can get our shit together.