Are liberals still welcome on Sup Forums?
Sometimes it doesn't feel that way anymore.
Are liberals still welcome on Sup Forums?
Sometimes it doesn't feel that way anymore.
yes, the conservative redditors are merely invading.
Sup Forums has and will always be a liberal biard
just by asking something like this I already know I don't want you on my board
There is enough faggotry on this board without it being actively promoted, so unfortunately, no.
only if you behave
i have never been here before, but if you need to ask, probably not
you are not welcome on Sup Forums anymore
Seriously? I see black porn everytime while i'm here.
they should kill themselves, too
Shut up fag
Sup Forums is a Strasserist board. gtfo.
Sup Forums is predominantly lefty, it's what makes it one of the best boards on Sup Forums.
You're either a socialist or alt-right. Get with the program.
>posts a symbol of hate
this, Sup Forums has always been a leftypol colony
This website is for those age 18 and over
>he believes in the 2 party system
Being independent is the only kino way to live
Typical liberal crying because muh safe spaces
If you don't subscribe to the tenets and ideals of National Socialism in 2017 you're probably an idiot and/or a plebeian to be honest. Obviously we don't want such ilk on our board.
>implying you were ever welcome
If you're not ascended bogpilled you need to get the fuck out
fuck off OP
wut? no.
have you only been here a year? we always used to rip on celebrities for virtue signalling while raking in huge amounts of cash, not living with zero environmental impact, and donating meager amounts of their wealth to charity.
plebbit might be more your speed if you want left leaning posters surrounding you
Delusion or bait?
If they stopped crying for a second about Trump and start talking about movies, then maybe.
don't worry, Sup Forums, sans Sup Forums is a majority liberal site anyway, it only sounds its mostly right leaning since Sup Forums can't seem to contain their shits at their own board
See post for correct answer
Liberals aren't really welcome anywhere, but they don't understand that.
did you manage to type that with a straight face?
this is OUR board now :)
If anyone here is Liberal then you are weak and should be eliminated from the gene pool
Classic liberals? Of courshe!
Pink haired fucking retards who claim to hate pedophiles but look the other way when Achmed gives their little sister the long arm of shariah law? No, choke on a bag of nigger dicks you piece of shit.
If they talked about television & film instead of randomly and constantly bringing up the Sup Forums boogieman they'd be a lot more tolerable.
Classical liberals are just faggots that dont swallow the redpill and never understood the jewish question. Weak. Spineless.
He's not necessarily wrong. You should try visiting some boards other than Sup Forums, /tv,/ or Sup Forums some time.
>liberal delusion
name some liberal boards.
i only know of Sup Forums and /his/
lmao get out fag
Ummm the only libtard board is LGBT and Sup Forums
Kindly kill yourself
keep telling you this, if it makes you feel better.
>Sup Forums
It's liberal, m8. If anything, right-wing fucktards aren't welcome.
too late, only /lit/ is the last bastion really. probably Sup Forums too but it's Sup Forums lol
Sup Forums boards are not binary nor part of your identity politics wars
that said, most small boards dont have stormniggers so it's always quite nice
It's only libertines here.
>last bastion
>missing that day when /lit/ ripped into Laurie Penny's asshole
>liberal board
No such thing. Just like there's no such thing as a conservative board. Most smaller boards actually manage to avoid discussing politics and stay on topic.
>Butthurt liberal manchild who is at least 270 pounds and balding detected
Going strong with the projecting huh?
that fucking hambeast instantly yelling is the embodiment of why these retards are scum
>do something provocative
>it has consequenses
He literally said it was a liberal site sans Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Sup Forums is only political because of the medium its based upon. the whole industry is heavily politicised
>Look at me! I get to ridicule both sides & my vote means fuck all
I seriously hate contrarian faggots like you. Get in the game.
Prove that you dont fit that description you commie loving faggot
Really? All they ever seen to do is cry about black/ethnic characters in games because they think it's forced diversity.
Depends on how you define liberal.
If by liberal you mean sexually liberal, then Sup Forums is the most liberal site on this planet with deviants of all kinds;
but since it is sexually liberal it is also against feminism since feminism is very anti-sex with their objectification meme.
Even on /lgbt/, feminists tend to be shat upon for their idiocy.
As far as political correctness goes, it's obviously not liberal since it strives to control people's thoughts like a religion, ergo not liberal.
It's all about how you define liberal.
Niggers are subhuman and dont belong in video games UNLESS they are used as enemies or can be killed.
You're not even playing the game you're a far back seat driver that the player doesn't give a shit what you think
I've seen a lot of bitching about Trump there lately, so I don't know.
You don't have to be a liberal to bitch about Trump
Libtard detected
>Are liberals still welcome on Sup Forums?
No but socialists are better anyway.
>Still thinks Trump is one of "them"
Its pretty clear by now with all the fake stories, media collusion & insiders ree'ing that he is not. The people got together & took the wheel this time. You may not like who he is or what he does, but that's what happened.
No, get out.
You actually do.
Only liberals who waste so much time have the time to whine about some orange man, while the rest of society moves on and does its own thing unhindered by whoever is in the White House.
Liberals are for bullying
All you faux neo liberals will be going to the gulags
I don't even like the dude but I'm not obsessed with him like you fucking morons are
The hero we need.
underage reddit
Liberals are but CNN leftists aren't. Simple as that.
are we meant to think he's cool or pathetic?
>trump supporter wearing business attire
>anti-trumps wearing various shit, including Palestinian scarves in fuck 2016
Literally 344 replies full of liberal shilling.
Now get the fuck out of my safe-space and don't you dare posting a white mans frog again you faggot.
>down syndrome face
>wears a hat to hide balding hair
This is how I imagine Sup Forums to be in real life.
they never were wtf are you on about
reddit exists for a reason, their kind belong there
Fuck off and kill yourself faggot.
you dont know what neoliberal means do you?
No I don't want you here
So that's who was spamming the Kek cake
You don't seem to get it you're both going to the gulags, it's over.
>t_d useful idiots
>alt right
>this is what libtards actually believe
None of that has anything of substance to do with lefties. Conservatives would vote for a knife in their own backs if the knife was anti-abortion and gay marriage.
and there it is. The classic passive agressive liberal retort.
Imagine being such a pussy that you cant even write a direct insult on the internet, and on an anonymous imageboard of all fucking places
who else #swoleleft
If wanting to feel welcome on Sup Forums is important to you, you should not be here.
/his/ is more right than left
So it's settled then, the liberals themselves say thay Sup Forums is for the alt-right. Join your brethren on plebbit op
I welcome them, they get really triggered about stuff and have no arguments or replies because they've been blown the fuck out back to back repeatedly since Trump has been elected. makes Sup Forums more fun. it's like picking on a child, they're powerless.
another reason to ban the general fucks
All of countries with the happiest, healthiest, wealthiest people are socialist.
>and there it is. The classic passive agressive liberal retort.
no, I was browsing page 0 and saw this webm and genuinely couldn't tell if it was being proposed as a guy being badass or being an embarrassing douche. but now I know, thanks
yes but it's not real socialism