
epilogue canceled

sbahj soon

Other urls found in this thread:


best decision of his career


So was eridan another hussie self insert. I mean they both killed all hope

what if it's an actual comic like AIDS but about SBAHJ?


>what if it's an actual comic
>Hussie actually putting an effort into anything anymore

Thank you for capping that savage response to my question before the thread died.

and the PENIstreatijng MOUnT TAINts
hsi eyes ar hide and full of pai n
what haas happneden to the SWEat BR O


nobody know
fot steps away

I thought today would either provide no news about the Epilouge and get me off Hussie's wild ride, or provide some news, and at least confirm that the ride never ends.

Instead we get this. And I continue to stew in uncertainty. Fucking Christ, this is torture.

Well it did provide no news anout the epilogue and the sbahj is not as shitty looking so its trash

i need more fit roxy


Like does hussie honestly not know how pissed people are over the ending? Is it like the KS thing we he just pretends to not notice whats happening?
How could he be so fucking dense

hussie failed

how could I not

But seriously stop after act 4 and pretend they all die. It's the best possible ending considering what we actually got.

I am not good at artifacting shit
Maybe I should have use paint instead of clip studio....

>anyone thinking we were getting news on the epilogue today

what the fuck is wrong with all of you

SBaHJ is Homestuck related, and often times used to foreshadow coming events in Homestuck. This might be that.


Its been 2 months. Even a hey i have started working on the epilogie would be enough

he is surrounded by his inner circle of sycophants at all times


>Musicians put in hard work for new album
>it's great
>even fucking lexxy did great art for it
>hussie can't even put a little effort into writing a newspost
fuck you

>not even satan quads can grant us an epilogue

EB : الله أكبر

>and often times used to foreshadow coming events in Homestuck.
Ok bkew

is anyone bothered by the screenshots from collide in the news section? these are pretty large spoilers and new readers will definitely see them

he is TO FIND the BLAZEDEST summet
even GEROmy is left behind
bUt HE does not KNOW
thsi summur

HELLA JEFF anand not sewet bro he is gon

inSIDE her VAGAINA the MoIVE 2: dont turn y;or bakc on the booby


How sad. Any good Paradox Space stories, or are they also skippable?

>everyone expects news on 6/12
>hussie posts some non-information and deletes his previous update

the man's done it. he invented the opposite of news. truly he has ascended as a master of irony


>Musicians put in hard work for new album
>Homestuck ended 2 months ago so none of their work will even be used


Who is bkew? I've seen them brought up before, but never understood who they were.

this was the best possible thing to happen to his character let's be real

....did we even see him in the dreambubble? and like, not just in the crowds.

ok, added one more to the bunch and darkened the lines
looks more presentable now

But user, didn't you see? he wrote "I have been preoccupied with a wide variety of projects. Some are related to Homestuck, some are not. And yet others are not so easy to categorize. I have kept busy"
Its not like the last time he said he had been busy we were disappointed hahaaaa 3 fucking years how the fuck can you spend all that time and produce THAT jesus christ

So is Hussie just completely unaware and uninvolved of that Youtube video Basco and the game programmer posted or something? It's weird that he didn't have any part in getting that thing out there.

The first time I looked at the site it was pretty weird but without context it didn't really click.
And when you start reading page by page, you never really have a reason to scroll back down so out of sight & out of mind. The passwords & arms were way worse imo.

Its honestly impeccable, I don't understand how someone can fuck up that hard

She is so cute!

man this newspost sucks.

album is gucci tho

Not really unless you like the trolls or post-act 5 teenage drama references.

His involvement was a clip where he tried and failed to feed/pet a horse.

no more pussyfooting this angel

you know what you need to draw of her next

>I don't understand how someone can fuck up that hard
A mixture of autism abd depression


Ibaraki is that you?

She is pretty cute!

I want to see her nude!

rate her

So where are the lewds, angel?

Now here's a good, but dead ship. Lest we forget.

I'd give him another half hour until 6:12 to do something, as doing this shit and then faking out is his modus operandi

snusnu /10


what does the deletion of the old newspost signify?

i'm just not convinced he's not doing all of this on purpose. i think he got so sick of people calling him a troll for doing normal things in his comic that he decided to teach us the TRUE MEANING OF TROLLING

i look at her face and i don't feel 'troll'. it might be the art style, but i think some fangs and an obvious symbol would help.

Hussie has abandoned us

Homestuck isn't over! Stay tuned! Buy our merch!

there is now nothing on the site about an epilogue

Was his mo. It was. His new mo is barely updating us on anything


why couldn't all of paradox space just be stuff like this

and by stuff like this i mean trolls being molested

Yes, these are the best, a few others are passable.

Most are garbage.

Sweet Buzzzzo and Hella Brad::: The peinful

where was my fucking caliborn comic

or fuck even something with calliope. wouldn't a calliope story have been perfect? she's the fucking fandom character!


Link to new newspost?

it's on the front page, dummy

What would Brad, Buzzo, Buddy and Rando's classpects be?

i dont know what you're talking about

So how does it feel to watch Hussie disappoint you in real time as opposed to the archival experience?

This is like your initiation. You now know what we've been dealing with for years.

i found it funny that guy who photographed vrisky business insisted that they weren't going to post the other pxs comics that are book exclusive as if anyone cares

this represents homestuck

>no Mother & Grub

He means you need to draw her naked with her long long hair covering up the naughty bits

That is not quadrant appropriate attire.

>Since 4/13 I have been preoccupied with a wide variety of projects. Some are related to Homestuck, some are not. And yet others are not so easy to categorize. I have kept busy, and do not feel there is much to report yet. But there probably will be over the next couple of months. Stay tuned, and please enjoy listening to some very good songs.


it's fine as a KC Green comic, just ignore the Homestuck aspects.


i tricked my friend into starting this monstrosity and so far he hasnt had any particularly notable reaction to the arms. livebloggers always notice the retcon filenames but normal readers just take it in their stride.

Now that the initial hype for Vol 10 is over I feel pretty lukewarm about it

this is basically the same as people posting Sup Forums comics on reddit. fuck off no one needs to see people's shitty off model headcanons and take up the image limit with this drivel

people did care briefly!
and then volume 10 came out and lost all interest


Why is Jade, arguably one of the most feminine characters in Homestuck, get drawn like this?

Brad: Knight of Rage
Buzzo: Prince of Hope
Buddy: Thief of Hope
Rando: Page of Blood

What's the absolute worst Paradox Space?


something something standards are bad

you answered your own question

>Buzzo's classpect is the same as Eridans
wwhat did he mean by this

The shitty meteor ones that look like they were drawn by the guy who does "Least I Could Do".

Sweet Jeff and Hella Bro, with their friend Jeremy, by KC Green

The SBaHJ comics

Any of the ones written by Rachel for the express purpose of hawking merchandise.

So I've been away to watch EA's E3 (it was shit) and now I'm back to... what the fuck?

Where is everyone pulling their epilogue cancelled shit from?

The Con Air contest one that I don't remember the name of
The only appearance of Caliborn and he didn't have a single line of dialogue

I don't even know what to think of Homestuck anymore. It was so important to me for so long and then act 6/7 just completely knocked the joy out of it.

Will I ever be able to look back and remember Homestuck for what it was instead of what it became?

>some are not

Going to be cool to see Hussie work on something he's not sick of