Reminder that even if all of Sup Forums worked together, they still can't come up with the solution to how one would defeat the thing if it reached mainland, even though it's simple.
Reminder that even if all of Sup Forums worked together...
Watched this yesterday. Come someone explain to me why in the end when they've done the blood tests did they decide to leave 1 man behind when 3 go to the shack? What's the difference between bringing 3 or 4 men?
Nobody cares for your faggot attempt at reviving this lame thread from a few days back reddit, please kys, cunt.
>even though it's simple
Come on, faggot, let's hear your genius theory
To guard their base you dense fuck.
when the thing infects you, are you unaware of it and feeling normal until the thing spergs out and your body is ripped apart, or do you die and the thing takes over your body and is now pretending to be you?
Reddit is state of mind I simply do not embody.
ok so why not split 2 and 2 when it's been PRETTY HEAVILY established that being alone is bad? and what was there to guard? it's not like he guarded the generator or there was any living organism inside except for him so what is he guarding? making sure the alien doesn't empty their piggy banks?
second answer. You died and the thing reproduced your body and tried to imitate your behaviour.
Then don't act like a redditor attempting his first thread.
It's never stated, and in cast/crew/director interviews they say they used to all sit around together discussing it themselves.
which is pretty fucking dumb, how it could imitate the speech patterns and behaviours etc. of dudes who've known each other for a long time.
but the question is not explicitly answered in the movie, all the characters just assume it's the second option but they assume a lot of things trying to make sense of it.
No one tried to comunicate with the thing. Pity.
It's just an obvious plot device. MacReady going to his shack is just another plot device to make you wonder what he's doing there, and why he's not coming back sooner.
When you believe in boogeymen, you will see them everywhere.
I know it is, but it's more than a plot device, it's lazy writing. Even in the movie the characters (including those still alive) multiple times make a note not to ever be alone. The repeating theme is how to split people properly. Then they do 3-1 when it's most important? Should've been 2-1 and kill the old man or the other negro, it's not like it made any difference with the three of them going down in the tunnels when they both met the literal exact same fate like 20 seconds apart.
it copies their brain so maybe it copies their memories and the information they have, so it can assimilate very well and put on a great facade.
Like user says but that doesn't mean we can't hypothesize.
Personally, it makes sense to have 3 people, 1 to administer the test, one to watch over Blair and w/e is doing the test, and the other to watch their backs and surroundings should they be attacked. Childs being left behind makes more sense because he has the shelter to fortify himself with, and as far as they're concerned, they have that part of the camp locked down reinforcing the belief he's safe even on his own.
>being a patronizing prick and expecting everyone to remember a random the thing thread from a couple days past
>still hasn't told us his awe inspiring head-canon bullshit solution to an equally retarded head-canon bullshit scenario
You are what you are user, an anime posting cunt. It's not hard to see why i'd confuse your probably Sup Forums browsing ass.
Well the thing is an intelligent organism, and very devious too. There's no way of knowing how it would imitate the behaviour, but it's either that or your consciousness is altered by the fact that there is a different organism in you...
If you believe in the concept of a soul, you can wonder also if The thing takes your soul when it takes you or does it die with your organism. If it's dead, it certainly explains how slow and stiff the infected can look like.
I don't expect much from people who can't solve basic problems.
I see what you're doing and It doesn't bother me much, but I'd prefer we cut the bullshit and just get down to it. You wanna anime shitpost, let's anime shitpost, you don't need to keep b8ng me.
To be honest, it's a trick you can find in any horror film. To judge Carpenter on that is a bit unfair. And i don't think that at this point in the film you really care...what if they had been 2 to guard? If one of them was infected, it would be down to one. Same thing lol
heh you know I almost touched a rabbit the other day. There is was nibbling on some grass in the ditch and it let me come right up to it but it scampered off before I could touch it.
>he has the shelter to fortify himself with, and as far as they're concerned, they have that part of the camp locked down
I don't know about that. The thing has come through floors and ceilings many time in front of their eyes, they just blew a huge hole in the wall in the previous scene etc. Your explanation for needing 3 guys is ok, but why not just move in a group of 4 anywhere at all times when you have cleared all 4 is beyond me.
I've only seen the movie one time but were there clear examples in the film of a "posessed" doing something that in light of that fact seemed sketchy when viewed again? Blair could've easily been infected after breaking all the equipment and the fate of the blood was never discovered. Did Norris or Palmer say something implicating?
>it's a trick you can find in any horror film
yeah but most horror films don't specifically make a big deal to NEVER BE ALONE and have like 5 scenes where the characters argue how to split each other up and make a central theme of it.
then just act like they all got amnesia because the plot needs them to.
>what if they had been 2 to guard? If one of them was infected, it would be down to one. Same thing lol
it's established repeatedly throughout the film that the alien doesn't attack unless the victim is alone. at that point in the film they have done the blood test and know that none of the 4 are infected and that if the alien is still alive it's in blair or some escaped dog but not those 4. it wouldn't attack if 2 stayed behind.
>Did Norris or Palmer say something implicating?
We do know that Norris is successfully infected prior to the dog being placed in the kennel (it's his shadow on the wall) but there's really nothing distinct about the way he acts prior to and after infection
But don't forget that leaving Childs alone is also a plot device to make you wonder if he's infected at the end.
His sketchy yet slightly believable explanation at the end has a reason to be there.
>In the scene where the dog enters the living quarters and claims its first victim, a shadow can be seen on the wall. Since the film's release, fans have speculated this to be either Palmer or Norris (inconclusively, due to the ambiguous nature of the scene). According to producer Stuart Cohen, the individual was intended to be Palmer. At the time of filming actor David Clennon's silhouette was considered too distinct, and after failed attempts to soften the edges to diffuse the image, director John Carpenter used stunt coordinator Dick Warlock's outline to throw viewers off the scent.
Damn that's neat. I love how much attention to those small details john took. Thanks for correcting me user
yeah I know, it's just a dumb way to get there when they've spent so much time focusing on the distribution of people all the way throughout the movie.
the end scene is great thematically even if it doesn't make any difference if he's infected or not
You make a good point.
When does the scene where you can see the 2nd childs jacket take place?
I think the thing about Childs being left behind is that before that they had secured the base and eliminated the Things that were there. They wanted to make sure nobody got in (after all the main door was a big deal). They left Childs with a flamethrower to make sure nothing would get in while the three decided to go out in a blizzard, out in the open, on a mission to see a possibly infected crewman (safety in numbers, or maybe just blind fear that even a two man team would get ambushed out there).
I think the only huge lapse of judgment was that none of them thought the Thing could tunnel into the base and come up through the basement.
You also have to consider that after shit started going down, people stopped sleeping. The entire last half of the movie is basically the characters on edge for more than 24 hours, absolutely about to break.
before both I think, but regardless the "let's go find blair" scene is directly after the blood test scene
Norris has this moment when he's guarding alone and running around breathless, and he has a sudden chest pain. At this very moment, you just know he's infected even if it could appear like a normal chest pain.
I have just but one theory. This kinda only works if the world leaders got wind of this thing after the incident and decide to take preventive measures in case it survives, like it did in the video game...
The world goes FULL big brother.
And when I say full big brother, I mean it. You've got cameras in every single room. Cameras in the forests, cameras in the bathrooms. Wherever there is a place to put a camera in, it's there.
The Thing only comes out when it's sure that no one can see it. If there's always something there to monitor it, it won't come out.
Of course, this'd sacrifice our liberties, but if it means the safety of the human race from this creature, it's worth it.
The real question is how do you stop the invasion of the body snatchers? the thing x100
you needn't expend so much effort to beat it. Besides, your solution is probably impossible.
If we're taking game world into account, then what you suggest but also everybody get's a flamethrower for those everyday trips out of the house
Everyone's house is rebuilt with solid perspex and 24/hr rotated patrols that watch people while they sleep.
Silly...even if the world wanted this to happen, just by installing cameras everywhere, it would guarantee possible infections right before turning the cameras on.
>your solution is probably impossible.
not really. it just wouldn't be perfect. there would always be dark spots in the woods etc, but if people chose to and paid attention to they could probably make sure they were in sight their entire life
>Thing chooses to avoid the monolithic cultures (let's be honest only the West and upscale East would have the capability to rapidly respond to a Thing outbreak before it got out of hand (and I still find it doubtful)
>Thing infiltrates the wildness and absorbs wild life. (let's face it, even the most Deus Vult of xeno hunters is still human and capable of failure in monitoring)
>probes into less developed countries
I'm sure if you let the Thing loose in Indian, all of Asia would be screwed. Even with carpet bombing, the Thing is a creature that at least rivals humans in intelligence and understands our weaknesses.
I'm sure once it reached any human population center with a sufficient number of infiltrators, human society would begin its slow crawl to oblivion.
I'm sure when it learned it was being recorded by electronics it would find ways to tamper with the footage or network. Not even to hide who it was assimilating, but just to let you know that it knew what you were up to.
Calvin would easily defeat Thing.
humans have beaten much deadlier diseases. You thinking is pure stagnation.
It's the Black Death but it knows what makes us what to strangle each other.
It's a disease that can be theoretically both airborne, waterborne, and transmitted intelligently by vectors it has full control over.
Actually it's not a disease at all. It's an opponent that can masquerade as the Black Death.
I don't think thought police and big brother would do anything more than delude people into thinking things are fine lol.
>It's an opponent that can masquerade as the Black Death.
And thusly, it bleeds. Much much easier to handle than an invisible plague.
BD is still around, you know that right? Madagascar is one of the last regions on earth that BD is still a common problem, so if TT is worse than the BD and we still haven't eradicated BD, how high are our chances really?
>and thus, it bleeds
It also makes itself bleed apparently just to disturb and scare the shit out of us.
I still think you can never have a Thing sequel that ends on a happy note since even a skin cell it'd shred as an imitation could infest an organism.
>the thing
>all you have to do is burn it
>the plague
>you have to engineer a vaccine or something complicated with technology
gosh i wonder which one is easier to handle
How do you tell who's a thing and who isn't? Will you force people that won't even get kids vaccinated to have their blood drawn in the chance that they might be an alien?
It absorbs their brains, along with all of their memories, mannerisms, feelings, etc.. If the Thing infects one of your friends, there's literally no way of knowing other than the blood test.
This threads are always interesting as fuck, other than porn threads are these the only civilized threads in Sup Forums?
Stupid anime shitposting faggot.
I hope the thing gets you when you sleep
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be the last person on Earth in a full 99.9% Thing infestation.
Judging by how malevolent it is, wouldn't it just toy with the poor motherfucker first?
I mean that's got to be a hell of a powertrip.
It could pretend that the war against the Thing ended in MANKIND STRONK just to fuck with the person.
heh, well, I would if I thought it was necessary. But I don't need their blood to tell the things from a human.
Truly, the stupidity of this forum has never been more evident.
It can't replace inorganic material. Dental records, hip replacements, pacemakers??, screws in fused bones, etc. being missing would be telltale signs.
This is providing MEW Thing is canon.
The game is apparently canon too.
>there's literally no way of knowing other than the blood test
Lock them up and instruct them to explain to you how fluid interstellar travel is achieved.
Work off the theory that each one is a thing and therefore knows the answer. Continue this until they break, either revealing the answer which no human being would know, flipping out and attempting to break free/breaking down like a normal human expected to do the impossible would, or it reveals itself as a thing by morphing and trying to tear the room down.
>thing is easier to kill than bd cos fire
>well how do you identify whos infected so you can burn them?
>durr i so smart i know thing from just seeing thing
>u is all stoopid
You okay champ?
Calm down frog poster.
it would likely break down like a normal human would just achieve appearances. When it knew it could get leverage, it would plant doubts and seeds of trust (Palmer's dialogue from the right his assimilation).
I'm sorry, but your headcanon isn't reality
Just be glad I'm not on the side of the thing, if this is the best you guys can do.
But seriously, solving the thing problem is child's play. I'm working on a much more difficult riddle. I'm trying to figure out how to teach at least one person here how to think critically. If I tell you the answer, you just won't learn anything. You want me to go so badly, then tell me how to beat the Thing.
would the thing react to mutilation innately?
suppose there was no other alternative and the best way to check was to say, have someone cut off your pinky
True. Blair did try to pull the same stunt while he was building the ship
Is the thing infection the equivalent of being blacked. Humanity is a recessive trait and its destiny is to be replaced by a superior organism just as it was white's destiny to be replaced y superior African seed
Fuck it was you. You got me this time user. Well laid b8. Have panties as reward
>would the thing react to mutilation innately?
I think so. Only back-up to the belief is that Palmer allowed his finger to be sliced open and it was only after the blood was separated from the main body that it reacted the way it did to the heat
wrong thread
I'll be back in about ten hours and by then I hope you guys will have come up with a workable answer to present to me by then.
I think it depends on how much of it is feeling pain. Remember that EVERY single part of it is alive. The hair, the eyeballs, the nipples, fingernails, etc... If those parts feel excruciating pain, then there's no way to stop it from screaming and flailing.
If it were to an experience an acid attack to the hair, there's a chance it could still react the same as the stand alone blood, as every part of it is alive. God, imagine if someone burned an infected person's hair as a joke and suddenly they found that the hair itself was screaming and flailing around trying to rip itself off of the Thing person's head.
This also makes me wonder if an infected pregnant thing person would just automatically transform into a monster just due to the sheer pain it'd feel from child birth.
Not unless the thing gets you when you sleep.
It's probably under your bed right now in a form of a mutated mouse.
Good night, animu posting faggot
>the solution to how one would defeat the thing if it reached mainland, even though it's simple.
Yea it's simple. Nuke everything and everyone. Make it the defining moment in human history where we collectively poured straight whiskey in the chess computer and showed that cheating bitch how to play.
>this guy has the best answer so far
Every single time I try to think of a way to defeat The Thing, I just have no answer as to how to combat the small infected animals. Like, at that point, wouldn't roasting every single animal alive be more optimal than the risk of letting them live to get infected? And even then, when factoring in species such as cockroaches which can give birth faster than you can kill it, what are you to do with those?
It's hard for me to fathom how humans survive when you factor that all in. I truly think that it'll be animals that are the biggest problems. With humans, at least you can be cautious and trust no one, but animals such as raccoons and mouses and other species can easily get into your house and fuck your shit up. The animals will make sure that the woods are no man's land and a major death trap. You'll have to keep an eye out for that little mouse or roach that might be infected and look up in the skies for infected birds. It's just way too much at that point and useless to even think of fighting back.
10/10 stupid idea
Give every human a buzz cut?
>defeat the thing if it reached mainland
Burn everything from orbit.
Ideally, give every human a tattoo. Ink is inorganic, and if The Thing cannot replicate inorganic material, then it can't replicate tattoos.
If you split it up as 2-2 you have a greater chance of infection if one of them is a thing.
You can't leave two people alone. You need a third.
The guy on his own stands a better chance than being left with one other guy.
They make this pretty clear in the movie.
>if one of them is a thing
that scene comes directly after the scene with the blood test where they figure out none of the 4 are the thing. 2-2 would be safe.
Kill everyone named Robert regardless of if they are a thing or not because wannabee punmasters will incessantly use the phrase "thing-a-muh-bob"
The closest explanation we get is Mac's line on the recording "we think it rips through your clothes when it takes you over". Implying it absorbs you while alive then replicates you. That's what happens in the prequel. Say what you want about the prequel, but it's canon.
Sure, but the blood test was a fucking mess. There was risk of thing cells flying everywhere, they have no idea how long it takes for the thing to assimilate you.
Better safe than sorry.