wheres europe headed in your genuine opinion?
Wheres europe headed in your genuine opinion?
Eventually, fascism will return.
I know it.
Nationalism has increased over the years, and I think it's going to trigger something real soon.
>Eventually, fascism will return.
But, how long?
I'm going to be too old to contribute once it finally arrives.
Just a bunch of amorphous, indistinguishable countries with no culture or majority race. Almost everyone is mixed-race. There is no science or innovation anymore because the average IQ has been dragged down too far due to all the race-mixing. Everyone is afraid of each other, people become more withdrawn, violence rises. It will also be impossible for democracy to work within 100 years because the invaders will always vote in the identity politic parties, and there won't be enough whites around to vote for alternatives.
realistically russian vassals
Down the drain.
So basically America.
Down the gutter for sure. I don't believe we will ever be able to fix it.
It's going to be unmanageable pretty soon.
It seems like half the western world is on some 'global citizen' no borders trip… the other half realizes this is kooky, vapid bullshit that will lead to total destruction.
There is going to be problems. I don't know how it will play out, but there will be a lot of friction in Europe in the not too distant future.
To the stars and beyond.
No it will be worse. In America it is pretty easy to avoid the orcs due to how vast it is. In Europe population is much more clustered.
However, we are both doomed when the Great African Migration occurs circa 2050.
Europe isnt one country.
France, Sweden, Belgium and Germany will all collapse.
Eastern Europe will be okay.
Other countries still undecided.
Civil War
It will be a slow demographic shift, combined with slow economic decline.
Unemployment will grow, wages will diminish, criminality will grow. White flight will continue.
The leftist media will keep moving the goal post about demographic shift
>You stupid racist, native whites are not having less children
>Native whites are not a minorty
>Native whites are still able to influence the politics
I don't think there is a possibility of fascism or hitler to spread and turn the tide, simply because the first time it did, it had the benefit of not gassing 6 million lampshades and being treated as objectively evil by overwhelming majority of people.
Britan will break apart after they realize that voting out of the EU doesnt change all that black and muslim people you have in the UK with an UK passport. Pretty stupid of you to think that thoose people would just need to leave your country just because you got out of the EU. Anyways your economy is already beeing crushed by your decission and imagine how this will feel when you are finaly really out of the EU. You will be just a little ball beeing played around with by Big econmys like the US or China. And thoose guys are already waiting for you to be ready to sell out.
Anyways my guess is that Germany, France and Sweden will continue to do better while the southern countrys of the EU will slowly collapse under the big amount of dept they have to the more powerfull countrys. The East will slowly start to decline soon when the EU has to put all its reserve and power into saving the southern countries.
Everyday that passes, the nationalists is being confirmed
To shit, which is where it needs to go.
How will it return? How will the right guys take over power according to you?
Europe will get rid of faggotry and degeneracy when we embrace Islam. While America will be stuck in the past being filled with "trans-persons" and homosexual jews controlling them. Living like pagans.
Europe will burn and then the Ugric khanate will rise from its ashes.
You still don't get it the Brexit wasn't about that. It was about retaining sovereignty and above all people were fucking fed up of having to pay to support a system of which they saw no benefit while their NHS crumbled and their jobs were being stolen by pollacks and other poor countries workers that undercut the market. And adding insult to injury having to be forced to take in migrants that would increase the burden just because Germany says so.
Either revolution or from a far right politician with the spark that Hitler once had being supported.
Nationalism is on the rise, so personally I think Europe is headed for civil war, except for Sweden ofc
Whatever happens happens. I hope it kills us all.
'Lol look up statistics, most people voted because of migration
A new major political party will start somewhere in the west.
One that advocates unity of the real working class of that certain country, then that ideology of a new party that represents the common folk will spread through the surrounding countries/states.
mämma sauna suomi
It's all going to come tumbling down. What will arise will either be nationalistic or a shariah shithole. No in-between.
No skåne
Nothing will happen because you faggots are such big cucks.
That may happen in Britain, but if a radical right winger on the continent would take over by means of a revolution, tanks of other NATO member states would enter that country for sure
Brexit as been going for years, Reminder that brits elected Farage to EU parliament with the expressed intent of telling Bruxels to sod off. Maybe in the last 2 years migrants became the deciding factor, but it's not why they voted leave, they voted leave because they were sick of shit fest and they wanted their sovereignty back.
Don't worry. Hitler sent the elderly to meat grinder in Berlin. I'm sure Le Pen or whomever will be happy to send you into combat.
Stable technocracy
Then a new SA and SS will have to be formed.
To militarise our people.
Western Europe will soon have its soul claimed by the cycle of civilizations and there's nothing we can do about it. The future belongs to slavs and chinks who are better adapted to deal with the modern world and its challenges.
Salvation is rising on the Horizon!
Civil war of some kind.
Watch the white people exterminate them selfs.
Europe 2027
At least I won't be an obese degenerate getting shot by some criminal thug in the street for $20 in my back pocket, ending my mediocre, consumerist life.
Bloodshed. We need it though. Peace everlasting only spells the end when someone else comes along who doesn't know peace as we do... and we're already seeing it, in fact, it's already started.
Out of it will come a tired and volatile peace eventually - I live in Northern Ireland, it's been this way here too and it's amazing to see how beta and docile our men have become after a generation since the Troubles ended in the nineties.
> It was necessary that Cyrus should find the Persians unhappy with the government of the Medes, and the Medes soft and weak through their long peace.
>Any man who tries to be good all the time is bound to come to ruin among the great number who are not good.
Both passages from the prince, both relevant five hundred years later. If you have not read it, do so.