Movies that out you as a pleb if you like them
The Neon Demon
What if I like it because im attracted to gadot and am a dcfanboy?
>attracted to gadot
doesn't mean the movie is good
>and am a dcfanboy
you have autism, sorry.
Alright well looks like I'm exempt from the OP
On another note. I enjoyed the fast pacing. Straight to it story patty went for
It was still kind of shit, though. Steve was okay, the other guys with them were cardboard andgadot's character was hardly fleshed out. SShe just kept going "muh love".
Superman has a less than a quarter of her lines in BvS and still was defined in a manner far superior.
So hot.
Are you :
>following the ebin meme about gadot being very hot
>do you genuinely consider her to be above average for an actress in a leading role
>are you shills?
or, you know, maybe the irony has come full circle.
Or maybe you're just from plebbit
unironically this. it builds itself up as a "dude turn ur brain off lmao" movie just like Kung Fury while at the same time taking itself way too seriously and having shit acting, especially from keeanu who seems to be channeling his inner Ted the entire time. The only redeemable thing about it, the action, is way overdone and repetitive and the story is non-existent/irrelevant for the most part. I suspect it's popular on here because it's cut from the same cloth as a shonen anime and the weebs just love it. At least it's a nice pleb-magnet.
The only thing that movie did is butcher Greek mythology
I watched it for the plot.
Yep. BvS was way better.
I hate all these technical.. yes gadot did her job so it was good. NO the movie was boring, you could have invented a better 2.5 hours that was entertaining but they took a soft route
>I like a movie because of vagina and comic books
Yes user, a pleb.
It was great by capeshit standards, standards set by marlel, but nowhere near the kino I was expecting from DC
remember how compelling and believable amy adam's and henry cavil's relationship was in these movies
I sure don't
>I sure don't
Watch the movie again, then.
>Movies that out you as a pleb if you watch them
>Movies that out you as a pleb if you know about them
This is not the wonder woman I got in the movie (WW)
Guardians of the Galaxy comes to mind.
>taking itself way too seriously