What you muh freedoms faggots got to say about this?

what you muh freedoms faggots got to say about this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Using a corporate platform as a vessel for speech removes your right to free speech, as you're using a private space to express opinions.

Ergo, First Amendment doesn't apply.

Next question faggot.

If facebook wants to ban conservative view points then let them

try harder 2 b8 burger

You're mom drank heavily after becoming pregnant with you.

Ergo, you're retarded.


Telling kikebook and plebbit what you think and removing your custom is not the same as banning things you don't like
By all means, don't order wedding cakes from bakers that exercise their right to conscientiously object from working on gay weddings, that's your right as a consumer

>hurr durr

The Jew's plan
>make most of information flow trough (((private))) companies
>control the flow of information using those companies
>See goys, we aren't stopping freedom of speech, we aren't owned by the government!

jesus what a piss poor transition from a strawman into a false dilemma

why do literal retards think their views are more valid in the form of shitty illustrations?

Nice proxy faggot. Now kill yourself.



People should have freedom, Jews shouldn't. That solves social media social engineering.

>hurts my feelings
>not hurts muh freedoms

Your Censorships End where my Freedom Begins!


We recognize social medias censorship of opinions as wrong and dirty. We don't like it and bitch about it but we all know it's legal for them to do. You don't see us whining to the state to change it eitger,. We're only pointing out the censorship so they can push thier agenda.

First post, best post


read 'em and weep.
If you are a crybaby bitchnigga

Or be a adult and get over it. Freedom is a stale meme that has never been relevant

I find it hilarious how all the "counter-culture" leftists are in reality just pandering to the global capitalist establishment. Truly an unholy alliance.

I don't think that wages necessarily have to nor should be legally mandated.

Every geographic reason has a different cost of living and the purpose of a wage is to sustain a living.

Cost of living in NYC is going to be vastly different than the cost of living 2 hrs in any direction.

Employers ought to pay their employees at least enough to survive.

Problem is, a dilluted labor market means that mexicans who live 10 to a 1BR are undercutting construction, kitchen, and other labor jobs below a living wage. So, the people who might traditionally work those jobs can no longer get them.


Our right to free speech is granted by the constitution and no corporation has a right to take away that right.

Pic related.

Why don't you read that constitution, you retard. The 1st Amendment is protecting your right to free speech against government infringement, not allowing you to say anything you want and avoid all consequences of your words.

So what happens when every single person in the country is beholden to a corporation that controls their speech and punishes them for infraction?

> The Left: Jajajaja, look at the hypocrisy. Neo-Nazi trash want to abolish Affirmative Action while also preventing private companies from censoring their opinions.

But isn't reality even more hypocritical, when Social Media sites can censor dissenting political views yet race-based Affirmative Action is still pushed on private companies?

> The Left: Fuck you.

This has nothing to do with whether twitter/facebook banning people for what they say is unconstitutional.

>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
I only see government actions that are forbidden here.

If a previous customer is mad that the service no longer does what it was supposed to do, yes they have the right to be mad.

You literally just made the best case for fascism I've ever seen. Thank you.

>no cuz feelings

If I remember correctly the leftshits recently forced a baking company to make a cake for gays because of feelings.

>no longer does what it was supposed to do
I'm pretty sure Facebook and Twitter have always reserved the right to delete posts and ban people however they please in their terms and conditions.

Except Lefties demand censorship because of hurt feelings, what world do these people live in?

Freedom of speech doesn't apply to private businesses but rather public areas and protection from government. The vast majority of everyone on both sides of the argument simply do not have a good grasp of what freedom of speech really means.

The correct social response to censorship on social media is expose it and move to another platform.

Geuss what you're on Sup Forums for a reason... it's a competitive and free market and Sup Forums unlike facebook doesn't censor viewpoints.
Competitors arise - sure they can say I can't say 'mean' things on their private website. But i'll go somewhere else where I can. As will lots of other users breeding competition and eventually an end to nonsensical rules such as blocking speech.

Er, wrong. There has been censorship on Sup Forums for legal content for some time now, the site protection of SJWs was the first real good evidence of it.

Again freemarket you remember the amount of other chans that formed.
Seriously Sup Forums is very open speech.
You just can't post cp etc.
Gamergate stuff was poorly handled but moots gone now so that seems fine.

>Wow it seems you have some opinions about facebook and twitter so I guess it's justified that we force you at gunpoint to hire employees you don't want at $15 an hour.