Why do Millennials like pokemon go so much?

Why do Millennials like pokemon go so much?

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Not an argument.

because Charzard is the best pokemon


because they accept being cows staring at the grass as their masters prepare them for their slaughter.

Any excuse to avoid dedicating any time to actual work or productive behavior.

Nostalgia+Social Gaming. The pinnacle of alienation really, the worst US presidential election in recent memory is unfolding, and all these people seem to care about is this bullshit.

i dont i got caught in the other trap of drugs and pussy

its all i care about

Isn't it obvious? Millennials aren't a part of anything. They have literally nothing to give value to their lives besides jew-hedonism and fucking each other. Oh and rap music.

I mean comic-con is basically the only place these white pussy beta nu-male cucks can go and pretend like their lives matter. After the holy weekend is over, they have to return home to harsh reality and leave behind star trek and spiderman.

However with pokemon go they can take their fake lives with them everywhere! They can find other stupid nerd faggots to hang out with and pretend like they matter every single day, rather than just 3 days every year at comic con.

nigga do u even mudkip?

*pant pant*

"It's like I'm really in the game hehe! Now to find other people like me to hang out with and hopefully make friends! This gives my life meaning!"

yeh all i do is drugs and have sex on tax pay dollars
its so empty
idk what to do
i dnt see a way out
i might have to do this for 59 years

Watch this video and tell me I'm wrong.


Half of these chad faggot millennials don't even give a shit about pokemon, they're just there to socialize and make friends. It's all an attempt to give their meaningless lives meaning.

"I look so great in this shirt, now people will know I am a nerd and not just a normie trying to socialize! Hopefully a qt nerd will notice and talk to me. Maybe if I strike a le epic pose like this."


"Haha check out my pookieman team bro! I have a pidgey and a charmander. Gonna level them up!"

"Woah dude that's gonna be so le epic. I have squirtle and a pikachu. Banking on the opposite types complimenting each other. Hehe diversity is our strength after all."

"Heh my internet girlfriend said this costume was hilarious so I told her I'm gonna wear it while playing Pokemon Go today."

"Yo how is she anyway? You haven't talked about her much."

"She's good man but we're kind of slowing down. I mean it's a mutual thing but she kind of needs her space, I guess haha, it's a girl thing lol women amirite?"

I don't know, but I'm tired of being stopped by normies and asking why I don't play pokemon go and telling me how they're such nerds when 1 year ago they were commenting about how much of a manchild I was for playing pokemon.

This is the only funny thing to come from pookiemanz goo so far.

My mom plays pokemon go sometimes, i don't see how it's an issue.

because cancer

Is Pokemon Go the mark of the beast?! Really makes ya think.

They like whatever entertainment and ideas the elite give them.

Because it's fun. Shocking, I know.

It's not even fun. It's basically walk and scan. Boring. I remember doing this back in day with this barcode monster fighting game. When I was 10

>people having fun, socializing, enjoying themselves


why does Sup Forums mask their misery with anger?

>people who bitch and moan all day about everyone and everything in a Cambodian pottery workshop
>"everyone else is a miserable sack of shit living an empty life, not me!"

"I was too busy chasing imaginary faggot creatures to notice the fucking rattlesnake at my feet, and ended up in the hospital fighting for my life. I make good life choices and am definitely not a waste of space."

Because many of the people here are from /r9k/ and are too autistic to go outside and play it because sometimes it involves meeting new people and socializing.

Daily reminder that videogames are a sport now and you're all just butthurt that these athletes are going to get so much more pussy than you

What's with all the fucking pokiemon slide threads today? What's REALLY happening???

It's a fad, it's not just Millennials though, EVERYONE is playing the damned game.

stefe ho is a melennial you fuckin retrard

yhea i agree swedebro. sure pokemon is gay but how gay are we sitting here trying to shit on it?

That's not how you spell Whimsicott

"Abdul, it says here there is a pikachu right in front of us! As a good muslim woman I defer to your judgment so please instruct me, what should I do?"

"ALLAHU AKBARRRR" *pulls ripcord on bomb vest.*

this. As an avid pokemon fan (inb4 weeb beta nu-male), this game got pretty boring after a couple of days due to there being no real game play to it at all. And plus the game is broken beyond belief

This is some WW2 tier paranoia in this thread.

"Come hang out with us, Sup Forums, embrace the degeneracy. 420 blaze it. Rest your head on our pikachu pillow."

Fucking trashua. Too many spics.

You misspelled Blaziken

honstly i wished they timed pokemon go right around the election

all the dumb cucks being distracted would be good

what the fuck i love millennials now

I have severe clinical depression, bordering on hikikomori-tier recently. with pokémon go I am now leaving the house on a regular basis, getting about 20km+ of walking done per week (compared to ~0km previously), this game has had more positive impact on my life than any (((anti-depressant medication))) ever has.

>be 12
>best friend wants to try playing pokemon cards
>go to store on our bikes after baseball practice
>buy starter pack with lawn mowing money
>find a Charizard
>fat greasy 30 something sees it
>offers me $20
>smugly look at him and say $50
>he forks it over
>had movie money for the whole summer


"Ching chong nip nong fong! Pikachu ching chong!"

"Ooo yes chong ching ling long bing bong!"

"Nipip odong long uchong."

*They all look at the camera.*

"Come join us, White man."

>That's not how you spell Xatu

Being serious here, this fucker wrecks most Gym leaders in Gen 2. Peck and Night Shade alone fuck over many enemies

>50$ for a charizard
was it shiny? ive thought he was pretty common (back then at least).

Why do you give a shit about people playing a video game and having fun?

According to Sup Forums all I should be doing with my time is getting a job in math starting at 100k and marrying a blonde haired blue eyed aryan and fucking her for the sole purpuse of procreation until I have 500 white kids on my 100 acre property in the woods of Wyoming.

"Squirtle squirt!! Pay attention to me dumb goys, instead of hitting the gym, eating right, marrying a white woman and creating many children! Squirtle squirt!!"

Because that's the closest thing they are to catching something.

Why do you keep avatarfagging as Steve-O?


Questions involving millennials covers such a broad group of people that you can make them love or hate nearly fucking anything. Nobody cares.

douchedino is best pockymon

"Don't look away, even if she texts you. Keep looking at me and you'll get double XP on your pokemon. Do not break eye contact. Squirtle squirt."

"I am your God. Squirtle squirt. Worship me dumb goys."

"I own you. You worship me. Do not break eye contact. Give me your attention. Give me your love. Train me. Break me. Make me in your image as I mold you in mine. Let me inside you. Squirtle squirt!"

>Japan is destroying the US from the inside
The Rising Sun will shine again.

woah there

Implying she'll ever text you.


It's their alternative for children.

Why haven't you done that yet user? Why didn't you buy the semi-auto rifles user?

It spread virally.

Which I bet pleases Google.

I remember a post by an user claiming to be an exec at Google who posted a picture of the inside of Michael Moore's home.

>math job
just work at wendys

I just realized. They're going to place all the pokemons at the election booth. This has been HRC's plan all along..

Except Pokemon Go was developed by an American company, Niantic. Unless you're referring to all of Pokemon.

Watch this guy with the sweet mullet tell you how Pokemon is satanic. At least watch for the most rockin' mullet.


yeah its definitely their game plan

Holy shit you're trying too hard. Why do you care this much? You legitimately have autism, don't you?

t. Someone who doesn't play Pokemon Go

He has always been worth at least $200 dollars here in the states.

user got taken advantage of just like me when I was a child