> read American Gods
> appreciate how Neil Gaiman, a transplant from the UK , captures the spirit of an Americana which he clearly loves
> wtf I like this author now
> 16 years later, another Gayman tries his hand at American Gods
> black-ish man gets lynched for no reason by technology (???)
> muh evils of slavery, feel bad Americans
> Laura is an unbearable cunt and a genuinely bad person; muh grrl power
> gay sex scene becomes the gayest sex scene in the history of television
> well I don't love all this but it's breddy good anyway
> most recent episode comes out
> excited after episode 5; start watching
> muh innocent illegals just trying to get into America illegally for lifelong gibs on your dime, poor them!
> rolling my eyes, but whatever
> Mexican Jesus
> well okay, they mentioned that in an earlier episode
> citizen's border patrol rides up and murders the women and children (probably the men too, offscreen I guess), then Taco Jesus Himself, with glee while carrying crosses : IRONY!
> uh...
> Vulcan appears, oh shit this is going to be cool
> runs an entire town pulled from the fevered nightmares of lifelong California-dwelling champaign socialists
> people carry guns everywhere for no reason and fire them at funerals(?), wear Nazi-esque armbands
> no black people, because people who like the 2nd Ammendment are obviously racist (??)
> Vulcan is casually racist because guns (???)
> even "Mr. Wednesday" seems to look down on Vulcan, which makes no sense
> liberal porn ending: the physical embodiment of whiteness, religiosity, and firearms is revealed to be a traitor (he's bad because whiteness, religiosity, and guns), beheaded, and RIGHTEOUSLY burned in his own forge; TAKE THAT, ESTABLISHMENT!
> throw in some awful muh independent, cool, woman abusing le big, stupid gross boy (again) because SHE DON'T NEED NO MAN
> mfw I realize the true difference between the book and the show: Gaiman's book generally likes America, Fuller's show hates it
read American Gods
Wow you're so smart i'm learning from your wickedly insightful post bro
if you really think anyone gives even a thread of shit about anything you posted why don't you fuck off to IMdB forums or some stupid shit like that where morons will praise you for being such a fucking idiot
Fuller butchered Hannibal's source material as well.
He made something different with established characters.
Which is exactly how one should approach an IP like Hannibal.
>IMdB forums
i heard that shit is xclosed, and anyway, it was full with libcunts and lbgtfaggotts.
OP is right thou, although i cant see whats his point is, USA is diverse since its founding. What i hate is , it's forcced on the whole world now, with politics and with subtle propagandas like this. And because of this , it works the opposie like they meant it, i start leaning more toward the right, than being more accepter of these fagotrys.
OP's post reeks of Sup Forums but i think this
> Gaiman's book generally likes America, Fuller's show hates it
is actually correct
And yet you had to respond, how little you actually cared...
OP is right that this is truly a 'hating white america' show, and as always with jewish Hollywood, they portray white christians as the WORST, I mean even the fuck-my-asshole muslim is a better person.
As a european it amazes me how americans who are predominantly white actually rewards these shows that spit in their face by watchinig them, thus lining the pockets of the jews who gleefully continue to make them.
White americans are truly the cuckest.
>this doesn't chap my liberal ass
Sure thing, pussy.
>Sup Forums is lefty curseword now to illegitimate anything, even if it's true, like shouting 'nazi' and 'racist'
fucking bigott lefties
>not liking ded wife
is it because she said she likes anal user?
Same thing happened with gamergate which not a single liberal can type out
They treat that shit like that harry potter villian
>polfats call others shareblue and reddit constantly
Hannibal was a genuinely great show, though.
Isn't Vulcan the god of fire? What the fuck was Fuller thinking?
It's because she not only put her husband in jail and didn't care enough to wait for him but she acts like a selfish bitch about it afterwards. l
I understand why her character has been changed. She's a major character now and needs a huge mountain to climb in terms of redeeming herself. That's fine.
But what's with her being depicted as sassy and cool? I'm watching her and wondering, "Is this shit supposed to be endearing?"
I actually liked that. Vulcan was a god of the forge, so the gun thing makes sense.
>> black-ish man gets lynched for no reason by technology (???)
Shadow's ethnicity was ambiguous in the book he was also beat up by "technology". I don't remember if it was a lynching though.
what's wrong with lynching black people?
It wasn't. They just roughed him up. There's one plot reason they added that in, though... who is the god of the gallows again?
I have no problem with Shadow's actor, btw. He doesn't fit the book but he's quite good and close enough.
Do you have problems with all funny, interesting characters who happen to be assholes? Characters like Tony Stark and Gregory House? Maybe your hangup about deadwife is the fact that she's being treated like a real character instead of a shitty 'the girlfriend' or 'the wife' character a la Walking Dead or Breaking Bad.
Fuller is obviously huge libtard.
This is his allegory of liberals vs. conservatives.
>gayest sex scene in the history of television
it was a little TOO gay, really
>this salty ironic pasta
dude reddit is THAT WAY
the US of A has NEVER been a 'white america', black slaves did all the fucking work, then the Chinese, now the fucking Mexicans.
And so-called 'white' American elites were only English nobles and generals who took the Masonic ethos to a logical conclusion along with some enlightenment philosophy. But before that they kicked the Dutch out of new Amsterdam,doubled down on slavery to the point your best bet for a life of not being worked to death or have your kids/wife/husband taken from you as sex slaves was to run off to Canada. America has NEVER been a friendly place to women or anyone who wasn't rich or English. Over time the Finns and Germans with their protestant background got somewhat equal treatment but the Italians, Irish, Polish, Sephardic Jews and later Askenasi Jews were all thrown in the meat grinder of empty promises.
Remember, in America you can be anything but it was FOUNDED by secret society members, masons and odd fellows who DOMINATED all commerce. How can you compete when there is a ol' boys club at the very top of government from the foundation of this 'democracy'.
It's not any different today: look up the news, the Democratic party is openly saying they have the right to make back room deals in smoke filled rooms (their lawyers direct words) in front of a judge who is trying the civil suit against them by Bernie supporters who have evidence they stole his fundraising money and gave it to Clinton as well as rigged the primaries against him.
This has never been the America of the fairy tale shit they sold you with the 'no taxation without representation' bullshit. Most 'Americans' are NEVER honestly represented.
>Sup Forums has literally an entire board to shitpost on about this stupid shit
>still leaks out to other boards
no one wants your autism
>black slaves did all the fucking work, then the Chinese, now the fucking Mexicans.
here's another reality for you
White Anglo-Saxon Protestants did not play nice with Native Americans, Free Blacks (a lot of them their own fucking mulatto children) , Asians of any kind (see the boxer rebellion), other Europeans other than Germans (there's not a lot of French ancestry in America because France was fighting for independence themselves as a kind of pro-democracy deal with America) . You have to look back at how ignorant even the best of the best of English-turned-Yankee leaders thought of themselves.
They were basically atheists (look up Masonic ideas of God) but their culture was German derived thanks to Bede who a long time ago declared Britons to be a subset of Saxons from the German coast and 'Angles' which was a fairy-tale race of pretty people the Romans found to enslave. Bede made a lot of shit up because he hated the Irish monks who had different ideas of Jesus (in the pointless minutia sense) and it persists to this day - the protestant/catholic divide is really about centuries old English hatred of the Irish. Their hatred of the Italians is due to the conquest of the ancient Romans which destroyed their original culture.
Britons don't know who they really are, ethnically and culturally speaking because they were always a backwater island that was being overrun. Of all European ethnicity it is Brits who loathe themselves more than all else. They hate themselves and they hate people who have their own culture and identity. WASPs around the world are fucked up ignorant lunatics who want all world culture homogenized. English imperialism has a special fanatic and desperate flavor compared to Spain, Portugal, the Dutch (even though, of course, it was never pretty) due to the desire to destroy local identity. America gave WASPs a new mystical, masonic, ideology: brotherhood 'equality' and the idea of being a new ethnicity, a Yankee. They fucking hate anyone who has a heritage or an old country other than England.
>implying any other country in the world treated subhumans better than America despite a rocky start
Go try to have a BLM protest in China, you fucking traitorous leech.
>you're forbidden to discuss politics in a tv show on the tv show designated board
>or so you might thing, but you're only forbidden to discuss politics here if it doesn't cater to my views
A fine education Professor Jewbergstein has given you, goy.
Come on, we're allowed to be critical of all the dumb left wing political bullshit that Fuller shoehorned into the series for no reason.
>see a green text
>without reading a single line, know instantly it's an alt right mouth breather throwing a temper tantrum about identity politics
every single time
Did the snowflake get triggered?
fucking wasted my time reading that
fuck off and die please, thanks
She's a dead cunt who regrets her choices in life. You don't need to like the characters to find them entertaining. Her suffering is just punishment.
Frak this show. I don't watch television for a dose of white guilt. Television is supposed to be an escape from PC bullcrap.
Do you want a safe space?
>this half retarded rambling perma-triggered autist unironically calls others "triggered"
It will be a better world when the US implodes.
>Do you have problems with all funny, interesting characters who happen to be assholes?
Not him, but I have a problem with this character in particular. I feel like she's way too smug and funny, when the character shouldn't be. I know what kind of character Emily Browning is going for, but I think it's all wrong for this show. I blame her directors.
The BTS segments at the end of the episodes almost ruin the show for me. I stopped watching them because I got sick of this guy talking about how important and progressive his show is.
>black people, because people who like the 2nd Ammendment are obviously racist
I agree with most but this one is actually true.
>inb4 I'm not racist I just hate niggers
All of this is correct. Episode 5 was ridiculous. I gave this show a real shot, but the attempt at satire in this one was so far removed from reality that I don't even understand how anyone could have written it with a straight face. There's only two more episodes in this season, but I don't think I'll bother watching them. The show is just okay for the most part. I don't think Shadow is a good actor, and the cinematography is boring.
Boy you sure delved into my subconscious!
Laura is not supposed to be likable, in the book or the show. Fuller amped up her shitty nature in the show, while expanding her role, for a reason. That's fine.
But far too much of her character in the show is based in lame nonsense like her "plucky" response to Anubis when she dies. That's right, Laura, literally EVERYONE ELSE who has lived and died before you (and had faith) went into the afterlife, but YOU'RE gonna tell the angel of death to go fuck himself because you're firey, "funny, interesting," and most of all, STRONK. This is supposed to be ENDEARING? Am I watching Charmed or an adaptation from the mastermind creator of fucking Hannibal?
But yeah, the only reason anyone could possibly dislike her character is because they're INTIMIDATED BY STRONG FEMALE CHARACTERS. Cringe.
Skylar is a great, complex character, by the way. People can complain all they want about Anna Gunn's performance (I loved it), but Skylar had every right to feel the way she felt about Walt's behavior. I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. (And nobody on The Walking Dead is well-written.)
I think the show is gorgeous, I have to give it that. The show's version of Shadow has grown on me a lot, too.
>posting about a tv show on a tv board
wow fuck OP right if only he made great posts like you user
muh revisionist nigger history
> black Americans have higher rates of gun ownership than white Americans
> supporting the 2nd Amendment means you're a white supremacist
Makes sense.
>Everything i dont like is Sup Forums.
Whats is like being a fucking idiot?.
> muh evils of slavery, feel bad Americans
> Laura is an unbearable cunt and a genuinely bad person; muh grrl power
Stopped reading here. You've already fundamentally misunderstood two scenes, so why should I value your input on this series?
Sup Forums is a right-leaning board obsessed with misandry, miscegenation, and nationalism. There is absolutely nothing wrong with associating someone with a board that clearly represents their interests. I've never been to tumblr or reddit or "cuckistan", but I get told I'm from there all the time.
Only I don't get all butthurt about it like you Sup Forums crossposters seem to.
I don't think I did.
The main point of the Nancy scene was that gods will do anything for a sacrifice. But there's a reason we got that WOKE speech. Go look at how every single leftwing website responded to that scene.
And not liking TV Laura has nothing to do with "not getting it. See posts above.
I liked the Ananzi scene, until the end of the episode where Bryan Fuller starts talking about how "powerful" and "important" that scene was, and how "We're talking about things that need to be talked about"
>Go look at how every single leftwing website responded to that scene.
Why the fuck would you be doing that in the first place you mong
>Go look at how every single leftwing website responded to that scene.
What POSSIBLE reason would I have to do that you gigantic faggot? If I wanted to listen to poorly-conceived, politically-driven analyses of the show, I can stay here.
>And not liking TV Laura has nothing to do with "not getting it.
You not getting has everything to do with you disliking the scene. You keep using words like 'inspiring', 'endearing', and 'sassy'; which tells me you don't understand what you're watching and would be better suited watching a CBS comedy.
>Laura is an unbearable cunt and a genuinely bad person; muh grrl power
Worse aspect of the show so far
no it wasn't
>Skylar had every right to feel the way she felt about Walt's behavior
Fuck off
>he hasn't watched wonderfalls
Was gonna watch the show before I heard about all the retarded shit they did. Mr. Wednesday seemed good from what I saw though.
Reddit is down the hall, to the left
>I was going to watch this show until my Sup Forums masters told me not to
Literally a cuck who can't decide if he likes something for himself. Disgusting.
>t. beta cuck nu-male fgt
>muh alt right
You never even began using this term until your favorite libtard rag started using it nonstop during the election. That's how I know you aren't even from here.
Do you?
Greetings, reddit.
>> Laura is an unbearable cunt and a genuinely bad person
It's been a long time since I read the book but isn't that the same in both? Didn't she die while sucking her husband's best friend's cock?
>I've never been to tumblr or reddit or "cuckistan",
This is correct yeah. It's double strength SJW shit-trash. It's the worst of the season. I stopped watching it already. Super disappointed, I really liked the book.
Guys,searching the catalog i got a crazy idea.
what if the thread with the american gods image is actually focused on discusing the show and not in complaining about how misunderstood white overweight murrican virgins feel and their idiotic political visions.
sound crazy I know.
BTW good show
>BTW good show
Nah I'm not interested in hamfisted social issues shoved into my American fantasy serials
would Feet be a new or old world goddess?
how strong would she be compared to others considering she has a smaller but more dedicated group of worshippers?
>woman abusing le big, stupid gross boy (again) because SHE DON'T NEED NO MAN
No, it's because he's an Oirish cunt. I thought you noticed that.
I am not probably with the trend here but i like laura`s character,so smug and shameless and she gives zero fucks in front of anubis when she is going to hell.
Dude, that episode was PREACHY AS SHIT, you just have your head up your ass.
That being said, this version isn't as good as the book, but holy shit did they make the Leprechaun even better.
Just the trailer ad I've seen is the cringiest shit in recent times.
I agreed with you until you mentioned Skylar.
Fuck you. Thats so wrong. Walt's a monster but that cunt kept whipping the beast and made it worse.
This is where you stopped reading. Very brave.
The Leprechaun is the only good character. I only like Emily Browning when she's playing off him. Every other scene I think she's terrible.
>what if the thread with the american gods image is actually focused on discusing the show
That's what we're doing dumb fuck. The show is little more than a vehicle for 'WHITE AMERICANS ARE EVIL' and they're as subtle as a flying brick, main character is black, right off the bat we have him lynched by white evil dolls, and on it goes...
How are wednesday,mad sweeney or Laura,evil?
you have an american god related to guns and he is white boooo fucking hooo.
and he wasnt even evil he just got more modern.
Mad Sweeney is a IRISH leprechaun, but since the shitty actor can't do an accent to save his life that might be hard to tell.
Laura is white trash.
Spoiler: Wednesday is evil, read the fucking book.
>Mad Sweeney is a IRISH leprechaun
he is an AMERICAN version of an irish myth,right?
by your reasoning every person that lives in america today would be just an english impostor.
Yes laura is white trash but not evil.
And wednesday is doing a desperate suicide war and fighting fairly to not being forgotten,he is not evil.
Why can't Fuller go back to making fun whimsical episodic shows with waifus?
Wonder Falls, Pushing Daisies, and Dead to Me were all great.
Hannibal and American Gods are insipid.
>gay sex scene is a little too gay
what, you'd like them to throw in a flash of a vagina or something?