just fuck my arms up, boo
Just fuck my arms up, boo
That is fucking amazing if it is true. Good for her. That fat tub of lard showed more self control than most of Sup Forums.
dont worry she will get all the surgery needed and then be celebrated by idiots
then in 10 years when her daughter has the same obesity level as she had she will get the same
fucking gross lmao
Shes a multimillionaire who can afford top tier trainers and nutritionists. Please go back where you came from.
Thought some of her face would get better from losing that much weight. Boy was I wrong.
did her and Sugar Bear split up? That makes me sad. Maybe he got mad she lost weight because he is into that BBW shit.
>Shes a multimillionaire
not him but why? all they did was that retard show with the fat kid right? how does one become a multimillionaire from that?
>did her and Sugar Bear split up?
wasnt he outed as a pedophile or some shit among those lines?
you can have all the money in the world and still be a fat fuck. if lost that weight by working out and eating well, she fucking earned it.
dont be a jelly lil user :^)
That midget family did the same exact thing. Now they own 1000000000 acres of land and none of them or their defective offspring for 6 generations ever need to have a job again.
You don't need all that shit, it makes it easier sure but literally all it takes is self control.
so it wasnt the fat making her face look like that it was just naturally like that
holy shit.I need to look this up.
Sugar Bear likes 'em thicc tho
>Now they own 1000000000 acres of land and none of them or their defective offspring for 6 generations ever need to have a job again
Thats the american dream in a nutshell
No he cheated on her with a slimmer gal. The pedo was the fat one's ex-bf who abused the oldest sister. After the broke it off with sugar bear she tried to get back with the pedo and it caused a media uproar.
Fuck me for knowing this shit.
10/10 bait, they still haven't caught on to this meme. Have a complementary (You) for a job well done.
jesus christ thats incredible.
Im happy for her. Still ugly though.
>All these replies over the honest truth
Whats going on here?
she stills fuck ugly