After weeks of predicting the firing of James Comey would lead to Trump's impeachment, Colbert became unhinged and started dancing around as a dinosaur on his late night show that will air tonight on CBS. Colbert implied Comey was scared of Trump and called Trump a "T-Rex"
After weeks of predicting the firing of James Comey would lead to Trump's impeachment...
Sup Forums - altright pussies is who cry about literally everything.
>Im excited
>Its the most magical night of the year cuz its comey testimony eve
>I hung my socks over cnn
>can you feel the anticipation
>I can feel it comey in the air tonight ohhh lord
>I'm not the only one ready to partaayyyy
>bars are opening early tomorrow with drink specials
>orange russian is sitting right there
>people are calling this washingtons superbowl
>comeys testimony could be explosive
>and todays the presplosion
all things colbert said in a matter of minutes
how do you think he took the comey hearing
don't worry slumpf is finished any day now i just know it
>Colbert became unhinged
No he didn't. He did his usual bit. Literally nothing to even talk about.
Funny thing is, it was libs who were crying yesterday.
americans need to shut the fuck up about their bullshit already
Underrated post. How do I gift Sup Forums passes?
Edit: Thanks for the pass, kind stranger!
Edit 2, Attack of the Edits: Wow, another one!
Edit 3, Revenge of the Edit: Gee, thanks for making my highest (You)'d post about Trump, you glorious bastards.
meanwhile, in reality
liberals were actually crying today
To ploops
I personally find it funny that you people assume Colbert actually has some kind of stake in the matter and is hiding his frustration under some type of jovial mask.
He's one of the people profiting off of this current administration the most. His ratings weren't great before Trump, but now he's soaring.
Yeah, I'm sure his liberal ideals are hurting real bad, while he sleeps on a bed made of money.
he was literally crying after hillary's loss on national tv, dude is unhinged as fuck
Libcucks are unhinged. 8 years you dumb freaks
>but now he's soaring.
except with the demo advertisers actually care about, in which he performs like shit
does no one the left have a job to be at?
>people actually thought Trump would go down
it was supposed to be like christmas
orange hitler kaiser putin stooge was going to be hung drawn and quartered by comey
>libcucks are STILL posting about russia
I think they're just short circuiting at this point, triggered pussy brains can't handle the back to back defeats. there is STILL LITERALLY no evidence.
At first I found all this dumbfuckery amusing.
But now it's getting annoying. Trump is probably the most over-exposed public figure in the history of mankind.
I miss the time where you could go for several days without even mentioning the president.
I guess like every meme, he got old fast.
>millennials expect and believe they're entitled white collar jobs after getting student loans for college and finishing their gender studies course
Nice joke. Tell me another one.
worst part is they still dont learn from their mistakes and keep on pushing it
if they dont stop it now they will have no fucking chance in 2020 because people will be tired of the left even more and before
Why isn't he a hit with the Millennials? He panders to them every chance he gets.
they dont, it's only the pepe-posting race warriors who are supporting the country
As soon as libcucks stop slandering and spreading misinformation, his supporters will stop counter shitposting and harassing them. It's not going to pan out like that though.
> So I'd like to briefly describe, at least from this senator's standpoint, what we already know, and what we're still investigating. To be clear, this investigation is not about relitigating the election. It's not about who won or lost. And it sure as heck is not about Democrats versus Republicans. We are here because a foreign adversary attacked us right here at home, plain and simple. Not by guns or missiles, but by foreign operatives seeking to hijack our most important democratic process, our presidential election. Russian spies engaged in a series of online cyber raids, and a broad campaign of disinformation, all ultimately aimed at sowing chaos to undermine public faith in our process, in our leadership, and ultimately in ourselves.
no, he has been losing the 18-50 demo the entire time his ratings were "omg going crazy going to beat jimmy!"
conveniently this is left out of most stories about late night ratings.
So what demographic did he get when his ratings were rising?
Damn online cyber raids
Thanks for that precedent Russia
>more people watch Colbert than Fallon
>B-But they're not the right kind of people!
lol you think you're gonna electoral college your way out of this one
>CNN reporting on CBS
>omg I hate Trump
It's perfect, we got all the bad comics out in the open.
Its another polfats are unhinged from reality episode
Yeah, unlike say, Bill Nye who just seems to pander because he thinks it will make him popular, this guy sounds legitimately crazy,
Tick tock, you can't impeach him without evidence!! Where is it libcuck? Evidence?
>lol you think you're gonna electoral college your way out of this one
Tell that to advertisers, not me
>still triggered over fallon "normalizing" trump
fucking lel
who else swole left?
aww, hitler is so cute
Broadcast TV is a dying industry, doesn't matter if you're an R or D, sorry you can't accept that.
why do you think anyone who disagrees with you is a bad person? take my anecdote to your black hole and tell them that hillary was insane....
I hope you aren't American and using this defense. I could see someone from another country having such a callous view of American elections. Hell, if you are a foreigner, you may even have reason to resent Americans. But the idea of someone from this country, screaming "We do it too!" when there is an attack on our democracy is sickening.
So tell me why the left aren't exactly celebrating the Comey Hearing yesterday? When he outright admitted that the president wasn't even under investigation?
>le Sup Forums boogieman
This place has been making fun of hack comedians since before you even knew it existed.
>All of Trump's online support was fake, he didn't really win the election or have real supporters. It should've been her turn. Still no Russia evidence btw.
2017 just keeps on giving.
>it's okay if anyone else does it, but bad when it's done to us
Doesn't matter. No one cares if you're the biggest typewriter ink salesman in town either.
>it's okay when bad things happen to me
If that's how you feel just roll over and die then.
>Reddit spacing
Back to le_cuck
So you're not going to address you doing the same bad things to other countries?
Weird how theres still no Russia evidence huh, after all this time....
He might be, and what of it; fucker? I'll let him be it and you're going to like it. With that eyebrow piercing and your fucking bitch tits. There is a river and you that needs to find a place.
>why should i care about getting punched in the face if other people are getting punched in the face
Ha, bitch. Why don't you come over to my place and let me fuck you?
>why doesn't the CIA just tell everyone how it obtains information
You'd love that, wouldn't you, GRU?
>Ha, bitch. Why don't you come over to my place and let me fuck you?
Says the guy who only cares about being fucked when he's the one fucked over.
>obama literally uses cyber weapons to attack another country
>also oks wiretapping the leaders of our allies
>this is awwwwwwwwwright
>OMG russia HACKED a server unconnected to the government!!!!!
If Obama hadn't expanded government surveillance and aggressive use of cyberweapons, then there is a decent chance none of the russian hacking would have happened.
Hell, it was all the NSA tools that allowed them to do this.
Wow, there could be ten guys in the room and you'd still end up on the very bottom.
>Crops out the weight on the bar
>m-maybe t-they'll think it's a l-lot of weight
how can I get a body like that?
So no evidence then.. Poor libcuck...
It doesn't have to tell us how they got it, but it'd be nice if they even fucking provided it.
Are you actually stupid enough to believe Russians hacked us because of Obama? You realize the internet existed before Obama was president, right? And kompromat operations have gone on from both sides since the Cold War?
You are probably so young that Donald Trump is one of two presidents you can remember.
Provided what? Because whatever they provide will tell our adversaries what it is we are able to take, which will probably tip them off to how we can take it and who we can take it from.
Dang. All that text and no evidence. Libcucks on suicide watch.
Sounds more like the DNC needs to get some better security and a highschool level lesson on cyber safety.
Lock the doors and turn on the gas.
They hacked both sides, dingus. They reveal DNC emails to hurt them, then they hold on to RNC emails to leverage them.
Belly laughing at liberals constantly failing can sound similar to crying, so I'll give you that.
Okay, but can you REALLY fucking answer to me why the fuck is Trump still the president if they have clear concrete evidence that he's working with Russia?
Clearly, WE the people don't need the evidence, just the people who matter in the US need to see the evidence. So shouldn't those people have gotten the evidence and then went through the impeachment proceedings?
Like, for god's sakes, you're telling me they've been sitting on their asses with this evidence and they don't wanna get Trump out as soon as possible? Because hey, I don't believe in this Russian collusion bullshit, but if they 1000% have the evidence, then show it to those who need to see it, and get him the fuck out.
>impeachment proceedings
Which party owns the House again?
What stage of grief is Colbert in? Still hasn't gotten over the election by now? Sad.
It's just sweet nothings whispered to them by CNN/NBC etc. There's no concrete evidence or threat of impeachment, just the idea and all the mouths echoing it. You just have to wonder if they'll piss and moan for 8 years.
>literal tinfoil hat tier conspiracy theory
>meanwhile the GOP has bombed Russian allies and refused to give concessions to Russia on Crimea
So much for that leverage lmao.
There are so many real this you can criticize Trump on, why are you picking this hill to die on? It's not happening and you look like an idiot.
And guess where they got the tools?
Guess why they felt brazen enough to do it?
Nothing happens in a vacuum
I see you've lost the plot and you're projecting your gang bang circlejerk fantasy now.
>the GOP has bombed Russian allies
They bombed an airfield that was in use less than a day later.
Now that you've figured the game out, would you be willing to post a pic?
WTF I hate russia now!
>cries about America being manipulated as karma
>when confronted about it, proceeds to project his gay fantasies onto the board
wew lad
>he fell for the impeachment meme
>Here's what three talk show hosts think
Sup Forums is the appropriate board for CNN content
Yep. Its not happening, he's going to be here for four years at least. Just accept it and move on instead of embarressing yourselves like this.
This is the tax receipt 'bombshell' all over again.
He's not funny...
TDS Colbert was actually honest fun. He went full libtard in The Colbert Report.
>television channel
>Sup Forums - Television & Film
What were they hoping for?
Mensch quite literally has brain damage from too much hard drugs
now that drumpf won't get impeached, what's the next step for the democrats?
Revert to "repealing Obamabcare will leave gorillions dying in the streets!"
Keep claiming russia hacked the election because there's no way a man like GURMPFFFF could win normally
Comey to say "Trump was paid off by Russians"
losing the next election regurgitating the same shit no one wants to hear, and lots of triggering
>LePen loses by landslide
Trump has done more to further the global leftist agenda than Hillary or Bernie could ever hope to.
UKIP accomplished their goal
The left really, REALLY needs to take a step back and look at itself, because this is just embarrassing at this point. Fight Trump's policies, fight against Republicans in elections, but stop trying to resurrect McCarthy's ghost because you hate Trump so much he's turning you into a retard.
>2020 election
>Hillary Clinton 2.0 candidate clears throat to begin speech
>Trump wins in a landslide