So we all agree these two shows are by far the best currently airing series?
So we all agree these two shows are by far the best currently airing series?
probably, I haven't watched either because I don't start shows until the season is over
Only because iZombie became iBLACKED
I havnt watched Twin Peaks but i love the shit out of Fargo. Worth it? also, why the Lupin pic.
that's what the doctor said when you dropped out of your mother's butthole
Having difficulty keeping these three shows apart. Which show is about a successful brother and a loser brother? Which show takes place in the American northwest? So confusing.
If you're looking for a circlejerk reddit might be more your speed
I dropped fargo after episode 1 with no regrets
Yes, because of Ray Wise.
>Twin Peaks (2017)
user, its hot garbage draping itself in the rotted hide of a fallen king. Though maybe your are trying to say that everything that isn't Fargo is worse than half assed, 2deep4u, unintelligible crap that misses even its own marks.
Elaborate, I haven't watched it in a while.
Fargo is Midwest, better Call Saul is new Mexico
It all still looks the same. Sand is basically dry snow.
>Sup Forums meme
bet your mom wishes she could say the same about you
I liked Leland cameo in Fargo's last episode.
That shit was cringy as fuck. Artificial quirkiness.
I like TP new season so far, but I miss Bob and midget. The former died long time ago unfortunately and the latter accuses Lynch of raping his own daughter and demanded a fuckton of money to appear in new season. JUST.
>twin peaks: it's happening again
>actually nothing happens
>that guy doesn't like the distilled diarrhea I swill, so I'll say his humorous image macro means he frequents a board about "politics"
Be careful user, your shit taste and labeling might make people think Sup Forumstards are reasonably intelligent if you keep that up.
>lame show and boring show are the best currently airing
Please, climate change, hurry up and end the world now.
Twin Peaks is honestly pretty bad, and I've never quite understood the appeal. Even the original series seem to rely too much on being weird, as opposed to having anything approaching a plot.
The worst part of it for me, is that a number of the characters seem to all have a mild form of mental retardation, especially Andy and the police receptionist, and this has only been amplified in the current season. Andy is basically Officer Doofy from "Scary Movie", except played completely straight.
Fargo is trash this season
don't associate Twin Peaks with those reddit garbage shows
>JUST replace him with a branch
fargo is bad , meme tier bad
twin peaks was already a meme show
better call saul is just a bad spinoff
best currently airing shows is the leftovers/americans
Perfectly summarizes Twin Peaks.
>school principal becomes a murderer
>Cooper manages to flee from the twilight zone
>evilCooper is serial killer
>evil spectre killing people near some dimension gate
>FBI and sheriff investigations
>nothing happens
Just checked it and TP subreddit has more subs than Fargo. Pretentious faggots BTFO.
leftovers just ended last week and the americans finished its season as well.
you do know what "currently airing" means right?
>most pretentous currently airing shows is the leftovers/americans
Explain how Fargo's pretentious and Twin Peaks isn't in short 1488 words essay.
popularity is not the only thing to determine reddit factor
>no amercian gods
fargo is shit compared to the last 2 seasons. hurr durr im big baddie I make you drink piss and I throw up my food like a bulimic 15yo high school little girl.
yeah this season has been bad.
Seems interesting, I'll check it out. Thanks.
But it's popularity on Reddit?
Twin Peaks has coffee and cherry pie, Fargo doesn't.
Stop talking now. Leave the thread and go about your day.
that show sounds retarded
>But it's popularity on Reddit?
By that logic pretty much everything in existence would be reddit, user. You wouldn't be able to like anything without being reddit.
I like the experiments in this season though. The ep with cartoon scenes or Leland last episode are kino. Previous seasons didn't have it.
Lupin is now a GOAT character on Fargo. Last night's episode was the best ever
You're right, but the guy said "don't associate Twin Peaks with those reddit garbage shows". TP isn't any less Reddit than Fargo is all I'm saying.
He looks like Dwight Eisenhower.
I just finished episode 1 and really liked it. Fargo threads spoiled some stuff for me which sucks. Should I continue watching?
They're literally the only things I'm watching right now.
It's fucking trash
yes. its top tier cable television
I want to watch TP, should I start with the prehistoric seasons or am I good to go with the new one? Is there a story link between the two?
fuck off
Watch everything.
But skip a few of S2
B-but why, man?
Season 3 is direct sequel to previous seasons. Either you watch everything or nothing.
epic memes my dudes ^^
That's just a trollposter randomly replying fuck off in various threads hoping to get a (You).
When we take into consideration shows that haven't ended and will get sequel soon, challenger arrives.
I like BCS, but the problem with prequels, is you know who is going to live. So it kills the DRAMA in a DRAMA
Fargo is the best show airing on tv right now.
I don't watch meme peaks, maybe eventually but so many shows have copied it, I just don't care.
>I need bright explosions and shouty things happening on screen every 5 minutes or my ADD makes me lose focus
my sympathies
>so many shows have copied it
Including your dear Fargo. You're a retard.
>Young Pope
I pity you.
>i need shows to very slowly and repetitively tell the story or my low intelligence makes me not keep up
my sympathies
There will be new season with a new pope, I know. Maybe not technically a sequel but still the continuation of a series, faggot.
All that happened in first episode. After that...HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
I bet you had no problem with Malvo you dumb nigger
>alien spaceships
Fair enough, but scenes with aliens weren't really artsy for me, just like in regular sci fi film. Of course the context made it bizarre and unusual.
He's not even a big baddie, he's making it all up.
>Worst season of Fargo
>Worst season of Twin Peaks
The Leftovers.
There's no reason to watch without Pope Pius XIII and his personality.
If only Anakin would have known this
>The Leftovers.
Unless there's a bonus episode that actually tries to give some exposition of Kevin's ability to come back from the dead, then no.
nah, fuck that. they should've just ended with season 3 episode 7. still can't believe how big of a disappointment episode 8 was's currently airing?
>popularity is not the only thing to determine reddit factor
You'd know, wouldn't you, rebbitor
Yeah, fuck. During the 10th time Nora was riding her bike, I was ready to turn it off. The show runners bitched out.
Matt and the Murphy's whole motivation for being in Australia in the first place had to do with Kevin and his powers. I'm more interested in whether Kevin is fucking Jesus not his toxic relationship with Nora.
It's a KINO. Sup Forums please go back to rebbit
Have you even seen the original Twin Peaks?
The whole original show was practically comfy filler.
I don't think we know who will be playing new pope, maybe he'll be good too.
>is you know who is going to live
Things shouldn't just be about life and death.
Besides, we know nothing of Chuck or Kimmy's fate.
The leftovers will be completely forgotten next week
the last bit of traction it'll get is someone trying to start a LIVE WATCH thread before it's previous time slot.
the last two seasons have pulled bullshit supernatural contrivance in order to resolve otherwise irresolvable situations.
The first season as well, if you count malvo and lester suddenly not having brains in order to force them to go back to fargo as "supernatural."
It gets better as it goes user, these last few episodes have been worth the slow start
I literally haven't had time to watch Fargo season 3 but Imma start soon, shit I have to do is calming down a bit. Twin Peaks is an insta watch of course.
no it doesn't. Its nothing but a soulless, misunderstood reference-fest to good movies.
The extent of it's ability to come up with original material boils down to aliens, the white lodge bowling alley, and sudden temporary lobotomies
Twin Peaks is Lynch putting on a clinic. Fargo is Hawley ripping off one of Lynch's contemporaries.
I thought it went to shit in latest seasons?
Twin Peaks S3 isn't even in the same league desu.
Or Nacho's fate, which is arguably where the most tension is. We have no idea if the plot he's pulling on Hector is going to backfire on him
>bullshit supernatural contrivance
Like what? The UFO in season 2 could have been replaced by an animal and say a gas explosion caused by the shootout for it's two appearance, and the only thing supernatural that has happened in season 3 is Emmet's Ray moustache, and it's not like that changes the entire plot
>malvo and lester suddenly not having brains
Lester wouldn't have been able to leave the country without their passports, which they hadn't brought along with them on the trip to Vegas, and Malvo rightfully assumed that Lester still lives in the same town. How is that in any way some ass pull?
Of course Lester could have just gone somewhere else in the US, but he knew he now had a ruthless killer on his trail, do you expect him to think straight?
Twin Peaks S1 > Fargo S1 >>> Fargo S2 > Twin Peaks S2 > Fargo S3 >>>>>>>>>>>> Twin Peaks S3
Are Coen bros involved in Fargo show? Are they directing or writing some episodes?
Twin Peaks S3 > Twin Peaks S1 > First half of Twin Peaks S2 + Finale >>>>>>>>> Fargo S2 > Fargo S1 > Fargo S3 > Second half of Twin Peaks S2